
Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Thank you all for the very nice ideas you gave me about that Ikea shopping trip. I'm just back from it and I'm about to fall asleep: that's how tired I am. I took pictures, but there's no way I have enough energy to grab the camera, to find the cord to plug it to the computer or to edit anything!

Merci à tous ceux qui m'ont donné des conseils pour ma visite à Ikéa aujourd'hui. Je rentre juste et je suis à deux doigts de m'endormir tant c'était épuisant (mais j'ai le marche-pied, Babette). Pas besoin de vous dire que je n'ai pas le courage de chercher l'appareil photo, de trouver le câble et de charger les photos du jour...

So I thought I'll show you the very simple touch of autumn that are adorning the Little White House. I know I've fallen behind schedule and everyone is Christmas decorating. Would you forgive me if I tell you that I went Christmas decoration shopping after the Ikea marathon? - But didn't actually buy anything.

Du coup, avec retard car tous les magasins sortent déjà leur déco de Noël, voici les quelques touches d'automne qui ornent, bien simplement, le cottage.

My aim for the fall mantle was to have something very unfussy, but cosy. Shadow, the official cat, seems to think I managed that perfectly.

Je voulais quelque chose de simple mais qui invite à la détente et Shadow, le chat officiel, a l'air de trouver ça réussi. Ou alors il est épuisé de m'avoir aidé à confectionner la guirlande.

Shadow also helped with the making of the Autumn leaf banner... He thought leaves would look better if he rolled a little on them. He has such a good eye for decoration! 

A bouquet from the garden and little white pumpkins from the farmers' market (the white ones are very difficult to find in France) are lighted by tea lights in vintage jam jar.

J'ai eu un peu de mal à trouver les petites citrouilles car je les voulais blanches, bien sûr! Les pommes de pin sont juste recueillies dans le jardin d'un des collèges où je travaille et les feuilles d'érable dans l'autre!

Now, I had many things available to decorate the mantle, but actually liked it best with fewer items.

I hope I haven't fallen out of your good graces for being so late to join the fall decoration trend!

Now, who wants to guess what I bought at Ikea today?

Bon, alors qui joue à deviner ce que j'ai acheté aujourd'hui à Ikea? En dehors du marche-pied, évidemment!

Not bought, but happily passed on to you:  a ray of sunshine falling in the dining-room...

A bientôt,

See you soon,

Edit: I've received many nice comment about the banner and I was a bit ashamed because I couldn't remember where I got the idea. Somehow it suddenly popped in my mind! The original and much more elaborate banner can be found at Sweet Tea n' Salty Air (Lisa had me at her blog name!). Mine is really a very simplistic version of her gorgeous one.

I'm partying at:

                 Join the fun here each Wednesday! 


  1. Sounds like you had quite a day of it. Your right about everyone getting ready to decorate for Christmas and I will be doing that soon as I have a full schedule and need to get it finished the week before Thanksgiving. I have to decorate a hotel with 8 tress and two of them are 12 feet tall. Then my son, his girl friend (whom I haven't met yet) and granddaughter will be here until the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I really haven't enjoyed fall yet and didn't get all my post done.
    Hope you can enjoy some of your holiday having some fun. Your fall decorations are very nice and kitty looks so comfortable - glad that you had help.

  2. christmas decoration? It is still October in this part of the world =) Jul is not allowed over this door until the first of advent, the monglers may spruce up their stores as much as they want but tradtions are strong here. Spend saturday night cleaning and putting up lights (and christmas curtains if you belong to the curtain-generation) and then come sunday night and there is light in the dark.

    1. Just like you, I don't decorate for Christmas before the first Sunday od Advent!

  3. Ikea always left me feeling exhausted! And...the kitchen??

  4. Lindas decorações de Outono! Gostei...Manuela

  5. Beautiful roses. Cute cat and interesting pumpkin. Great!

  6. I love that Autumn leaf banner! Tristan and I are home all day today without a car and I have a few Halloween and fall crafts lined up for us. That is going onto the list, too. Gorgeous! Love your fall decorating. Better late than never. I love fall. And here, all my fall stuff sticks around until Thanksgiving (last Thursday in November) so I will still get a lot of use out of the banner!

  7. Looks fabulous as always. I am getting whiffs of winter in the air around here. I know that snow is not far away and once that arrives, well...I am in Christmas mode. Is that bad?

  8. Your mantle looks perfect to me -- I love simplicity, and you've managed to add the coziness that you desired. And I am drooling over that stone wall!

  9. Ta déco de cheminée est mignonne comme tout... mais je me demande si tu y serais arrivé sans l'aide de Shadow... Et j'adore tes petites soupières en terre vernissée marron...

  10. I love your mantle. It is just gorgeous. Maybe I will build a faux one just to decorate.

  11. Bonjour Magali , merci pour votre visite l'autre jour sur mon blog !
    Voici de bien jolis décors , et je vois de superbes roses , j'ai eu les mêmes en cadeau
    et j'ai préparé un article pour en garder le souvenir , à voir prochainement !
    Très bonne soirée , je vais aller me promener sur votre blog !

    1. Merci de cette visite. Je ne manquerai pas l'article sur les roses!

  12. I loved this post, Magali--your apricot-colored roses in the black vase are so lovely, and the mantel with the candles on top of the suitcase are gorgeous. I never saw white pumpkins until a few years ago when they became very popular on blogs and decorating magazines. Your cat is a very good helper :) We have American Thanksgiving, and after that is when I start putting out Christmas things. I like to enjoy the seasons as they come, but it's certainly true that merchants bring holiday items out very early before the various seasons.

  13. "Shadow" ressemble comme deux gouttes d'eau à mon chat "Morphine", même la couleur de son ventre.
    Peut-être as-tu trouvé tes meubles de cuisine chez "Ikéa"! Ou peut-être pas!
    Pour le marche pied, si tu le laisses nature pas de problème, mais si tu le début, je les montais entièrement & après je les peignais, puis je me suis mise à peindre chacun des éléments & après je les montes, c'est beaucoup plus facile pour avoir les angles bien faits.
    Je te mets un lien pour que tu vois ce que j'en ai fait, il y en as eu bien d'autres depuis & pour le prix, même après avoir travaillé dessus, ça reste un super cadeau à faire pour les amis.
    Passe une belle soirée. Bises. Babette

  14. Your fall decor looks so pretty and I love your mantel! Please tell Shadow he did an excellent job on the leaves!

  15. So behind in my visiting. I love what you did with your mantle and no, I am not ready to start decorating for Christmas. I barely got the fall things out. Can't wait to see what you got at Ikea. xo Laura

  16. i love your decorating and your helper! your house looks so cosy.

  17. Magali...I absolutely adore your mantel! It is perfect and I love the simplicity. Shadow is so adorable...he looks like a lovable cat! I am such a cat lover...:)

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  18. the mantle looks lovely and oh the sleeping cat omg what a beauty

  19. Such a pretty post Magali, I love your fireplace and mirror, the stone walls, the beams, the light fitting, your garland, your cat, (everything really !) the room looks gorgeous.

  20. People are decorating for Christmas already!? That's crazy - it's only a month into fall and not even Halloween or (American) Thanksgiving yet! I won't be pulling out Christmas decorations for 5-6 weeks. Your home looks very cozy...and aren't cats the best helpers? ;-)

  21. I adore your autumn decor, you have such an elegant eye and your house is so very charming, it has had a good effect on me, my house is become more elegant too....Autumn is my very favorite season, and it doesn't last long where I live. Summer goes on forever, then there is a brief fall and then we have winter (which I also love, but it lasts much longer). I believe in celebrating fall as much as possible! Also, I never decorate for Christmas till after Thanksgiving (end of November), so I don't think you are late at all!!!

    1. Dear Sara Marie,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. I never thought anyone would write this to me!
      We don't really have winters in Brittany, more like a long fall that becomes colder in January and February, but we rarely have snow. We do have long nights that I don't really like, though.

  22. What a charming decorations! I've just found your blog and I'm so in love with it's simplicity and joy! I will be a guest here if you approve.
    Your cat is so similar to mine! Well, all cats make a huge family!

    All the best.

    1. I do approve of you being a guest at The Little White House anytime you want! Shadow may prefer that you don't bring your cat, though.
      Thanks for your sweet words,

  23. Well, I have FALLEN for Shadow! How gorgeous that face is! Have a wonderful week. xx

  24. So much to choose from when decorating and your simplicity says it all! I love it-I will wait until december to put up everything this year-maybe:)

  25. It all looks just lovely. And don't worry, not everyone is on to Christmas yet. I still haven't decorated for fall! I'm still heavy into a cleaning and organizing binge here. What is that amazing bouquet with the branches with white berries? I've never seen anything quite like it! ~Angela~

  26. Kitty!!!!!! I love your mantle, and the roses are gorgeous. Red roses are beautiful, but I'm partial to roses that have a more interesting color (like yours)!


  27. I will keep on the IKEA kitchen design =) I do not know if you have decided on anything yet, but I was there the other night and took the time to do a more in-depth inspection of them. Did you notice the skirting board (or whatever it is called) is plastic? Hollow plastic at that. I would recommend using a would plank and paint that instead. Also, the cabinets are deeper than standard countertops for some reason. Also, since the cabinets are lowered there is less space for plumbing underneath, if your sink or dishwasher is far away it may cause some issues for your plumber to get the right slope on the sewer pipes.

    1. I haven't decided anything yet as the "new" kitchens won't be released in France before February and I'll need to see them before I make any decisions. The lowering of the cabinets is worrying me a little, but I guess we can find a solution there. I remember in my previous kitchen we had "carved" the back of the cabinets for the plumbing not to change. I'll check the new skirting boards. I'm a bit worried about the new higher cabinets, because there are less size available, so I'll have a gap that I'll need to fill in a creative way! Thanks for your comment. I'm working on the Swedish planner now.

    2. happy to help! people here are a bit upset everytime ikea changes something. It is a big deal=)

  28. Love your little mantle and the kitty!!!

  29. Magali,

    Your cozy and inviting mantel and the gorgeous stone-walled room it inhabits, is simple luxury! Your leafy cutouts, candlelit glasses and pretty petals and pumpkins whisper airy charm and warmth. I love the reflection of your whimsy chandelier! You know? It could easily be Greece!!

    Lovely images!

    PS: Shadow gets brownie points for being such a savvy stylist assistant!

  30. I think your mantel is perfect. Cat's are decoration in themselves. I really like the leave banner.. in fact I am probably going to copy it - so I will be sure to take a picture and give you the credit! I have to admit I have just started decorating for fall. I like to wring the last little bit out of the soft weather. Your pictures are wonderful, love the light. Isn't it funny how different light can be? I do not like the light here, just across the river from NYC as much as some other places I have lived, but am learning to cope. And on Ikea - I live near an Ikea now and it is an exhausting store to browse. I blame the cement floors and the size, and the lighting - never my lack of fitness or my age! Did you see the Ikea mice? they are one of my favorite things and I will post some pictures of my Ikea mice have been up too when I finally get around to Halloween! As always it is fun to see what it going on at the little white house by the seaside.

    1. I had no idea what the Ikea mice were, so I checked it on the Internet. Such a shame I didn't see them, the cats may have loved a gift!
      I used to do a ballet barre as exercise every day or every two days and I stopped in April after the cottage was flooded and life got crazy. But the day after my Ikea trip, I thought it wasn't good to be so tired by an Ikea day and I resumed my barres..
      Thanks for your comment on the banner.

  31. Dear Magali,
    OH WOW ! I absolutely love love LOVE your mantle ! :) And what a lovely cat awwww,I wish I could reach through my computer screen and cuddle it. :-D Love,Izabella.

    P.S. Wonderful bunch of roses ,such a fitting autumn colour.

  32. Hello Magali - lovely autumn decor - love the mantel and adore your cat! I am so Delighted that you shared with A Return to Loveliness,

  33. Love your autumn mantel - the simplicity is wonderful and I do still love your sweet kitty! I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,

  34. Ah yes! I remember this post. It's lovely. The mantel is fantastic! I still can't believe it was only 20 euros. Amazing. ~Angela~


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