
Monday, October 14, 2013


Parfois la vie vous réserve bien des surprises, heureuses ou malheureuses, comme vous avez parfois pu le lire sur ce blog. Et pour une fois, j'ai une bonne surprise à partager avec vous.

Life is full of surprises, some good and not some good, as you may have read on the blog this year.

Depuis longtemps, je ne manquerais pour rien au monde les retours de chine de Babette tous les dimanches sur le blog Poussière du Sud. Elle a le chic pour dénicher des trucs improbables et, j'avoue, je suis souvent jalouse.

For quite some time now, my favourite post to hit my inbox every Sunday is Babette's one. She blogs at Poussière du Sud and shows us what she finds at flea-markets and brocantes. Go check it because she always posts pictures, so you'll see what she founds even if you don't speak French and she has the knack for finding amazing items.

Il y a deux semaines, Babette avait trouvé des règles anciennes en provenance des Etats-Unis avec les gradations en "inches"... J'ai tout de suite pensé que cela serait bien pratique pour ma boutique, car pour l'instant j'utilise une règle faite maison grâce à un modèle trouvé sur Internet et imprimé...

Two weeks ago, she showed on her blog she had found vintage rulers with gradations in inches, which I thought would be so nice for me to use to measure all the items I have in the shop.

The "I'm hungry!" look.
La semaine dernière, alors que je rentrais un soir de l'école, je découvre dans ma boîte aux lettres un paquet carré. "Zut, ai-je pensé, j'ai reçu le paquet de quelqu'un d'autre." J'ouvre délicatement pour essayer de voir à qui renvoyer le colis, pendant que les chats piétinent pour avoir leur gamelle. Et là, surprise! le paquet est pour moi.

Fast forward to last Wednesday. I come home and find a square parcel in my mailbox. "Oops", I thought, "she made a mistake and sent me someone else's parcel". So I carefully open it to find a letter, trying to see who this is for. The cats were stumping because they were hungry, or rather Milo was hungry and Shadow was frolicing outside as usual. And I find out the parcel is for me and there's quite a surprise inside!

Babette a sûrement envie que je pense à elle chaque fois que je bois du thé... c'est-à-dire très, très souvent! Elle sait aussi combien j'aime tout ce qui vient d'Angleterre comme la tasse et le mug!

Babette wants me to think of her every time I drink tea, which is very, very often! And she knows how much I love anything coming from England, like the teacup and also the mug.

Après une recherche express sur mon site préféré qui recense les divers modèles Royal Albert, j'ai découvert que le mug fait partie d'une série de six dédiée aux soeurs Brontë. Donc, non seulement, je bois dans un mug absolument charmant, mais en plus, j'ai cinq nouveaux mugs à chiner, et ça, j'adore! 

I did a quick research on my favourite Royal Albert pattern website and found out this mug is part of a series of six (you know how much I love series, don't you?) about the Brontë sisters. This one is called Catherine, which made me re-read Wurthering Heights.

Avant de me replonger dans Les Hauts de Hurlevent, roman que j'ai donc ressorti (ce mug-là s'appelle Catherine), je voulais donc dire un grand merci à Babette, non seulement pour les objets, mais pour avoir pensé qu'ils me feraient plaisir et pour avoir pris le temps de les envelopper et de les envoyer jusqu'à mon petit cottage.

A huge thank you not only for the items, but taking the time to choose the ones I would love. Now, as I know Babette likes mysteries and finding out what's going on at the cottage, here's a sneak peek of that "new" chair I'm sitting in to drink my tea out of my cute mug.

Du coup, comme je sais que tu aimes mes mystères et que tu réussis toujours à découvrir mes secrets avant les autres, voici, en exclusivité pour toi Babette, un aperçu de la "nouvelle" chaise dans laquelle je m'installe pour boire mon thé devant la fenêtre...

A bientôt,

See you soon,

PS: Les chats ont finalement été nourris, ce n'est pas la peine de vous inquiéter.

PS: The cats got fed, don't yu worry about them!

PPS: J'ai corrigé les fautes d'orthographe des derniers articles. Merci à ceux qui m'ont gentiment prévenue: j'écris très tard en ce moment... et je modifie les phrases sans relire ensuite... Tout ce que je dis à mes élèves de ne jamais faire!!! Enfin, comme tout bon prof, je vais prétendre que c'est volontaire pour voir si vous suivez!

I'm sharing my surprise with:




  1. What a lovely surprise! I can imagine how excited you must have been to receive such a thoughtful package! I think it's funny that here we are (your blog friends) loving all things French and you love all things English!

  2. Super parcel!
    I can't believe that people correct you??

  3. Hi Magali,

    Just come from strolling around your seaside visit and those lovely crepes you enjoyed, then made myself at home touring your updated half-wall and found my way to your 'home' page, where I see you have received the loveliest of gifts from a dear and thoughtful friend! You lead a charmed life, my French friend!

    Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my guest post at Savvy Southern Style!


  4. What a lovely package and a very thoughtful gift. The mug is just gorgeous, the colours are stunning. Have a good week Magali.

  5. Elle est super gentille, Babette... et moi aussi j'aime beaucoup son blog. Bon, je sens que je vais me mettre, moi aussi, à chercher les autres mug pour te faire plaisir...

  6. Magali, que bonitas fotografias!! E que presente tão agradável.... Uma boa semana para si... Manuela

  7. What a wonderful surprise! It will make you enjoy your tea even more!

  8. So lovely. Beautiful mug with floral pattern. I love it.

  9. What a thoughtful friend, and such a beautiful gift!

    Wuthering Heights is such a great book. I read it again with my daughter a few months ago.

  10. What fun package to arrive for you Magali! I had never seen her blog before and paid a visit! Enjoy your treasures!

  11. What a wonderful surprise! I'm so pleased for you!!!

    Babette must be a lovely, thoughtful woman to think of sending you such a gift. Bloggers are the kindest people!


  12. Lovely surprise, and lovely to see you! Always enjoy your beautiful posts so much, and find your blog so inspiring! What a delightful surprise, they suit you perfectly! (speaking of surprises, can't wait to see the chair!!)

  13. PS-what a pretty blog she has!! Lovely pictures! I love the valise comme un cube (square shaped?)!!!

    1. Oh, yes, you understood French perfectly! Thanks for visiting Babette, it was nice of you.

  14. Je me sens toute rosée d'être l'héroïne de ton billet, en tout cas c'était avec beaucoup de plaisir que j'ai fait ce paquet. Bisous & excellente soirée. Babette
    La chaise??? L'assise ne serait-elle pas en paille???

  15. What a wonderful surprise Magali!!! I love the mug and the ruler, wonder what your gonna do with the ruler though... hmmm. Enjoy your reading.. and tea!:-)

  16. le mug est magnifique! tu ne m'avais jamais parlé de cette édition spéciale Brönte..... Et la règle.... Waouh ! je suis allée sur le blog de Babette, que de merveilles chinées.

  17. What charming gifts and what a thoughtful friend you have. I checked out her blog and you're right, she collects some amazing stuff.
    The corner of the chair that we can see, looks good !

  18. What a WONDERFUL gift from your friend Babette. I guess now your tea tastes even better ! :-D
    ...And I love your cat ! Awwwwww how cute ! :) Hahaha @The cats got fed, don't yu worry about them! --> now that made me laugh.
    Love to Magali from Izabella.

  19. It's me again (Iza). Even though I don't speak French ,I enjoyed my visit to Babette's blog. So lovely !


  20. Isn't it funny how you see something and the memories come flooding back? I saw the ruler and instantly could smell the musty varnish of these rulers that we used to use in the schools, before the shatterproof plastic ones. I'm off to take a look at Babette's blog to brush up on my french. Thanks for the memories xx

  21. Isn't it wonderful how a simple kind gesture from someone, can just make your day? I bet that your tea tastes extra good in that mug!

  22. Babette sounds like a sweetie to send you such a lovely gift.

    And there you go teasing again with just a peek at your chair.

  23. Oh, this was just pure delight-the mystery of what might be in the package, the chair and the joy and History of Tea Time!

  24. What a wonderful surprise! Love the gorgeous cup - perfect for sipping tea!

  25. I love surprises! What a lovely friend you have. She has certainly made sure that you will always think of her and the mug is beautiful!

  26. What a lovely gift!!! The mug is beautiful, and the vintage ruler! Love! So glad to come by and just soak up your amazing outlook on life. ~Angela~

  27. Isn't always nice to get parcels in the mail, even better when it is something unexpected Christmas in a way! Lovely treasures you got there, she knows you very well. Diane

  28. Hello Magali,
    Wow! That is a surprise! She picked two lovely cups for you, I love them both. And the mug being a part of that series is fab too!
    Unexpected delights like this from friends who know you and care are priceless : )
    Your "hungry" kitty is so sweet and beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing with us.


  29. What a neat surprise! The cups are beautiful, and I love the vintage ruler.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  30. What a lovely thoughtful thing to do! I am loving the mug! Really, you had me at Royal Albert but when you mentioned Bronte collection...cannot wait for the next instalment in this series!

  31. What a sweet gift! Picked especially for you.

  32. Surprise packages in the mail are so much fun. What a thoughtful friend!


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