Monday, November 16, 2015

A Candle In Brittany

A huge thank you to all of you who send me messages either here on the blog or by email. It means a lot to know that so many people all around the world feel for Paris. I really can't say more right now.

Un grand merci à tous ceux qui du bout du monde ou de tout près m'ont envoyé des messages sur le blog ou directement par mail. C'est très important de savoir que dans le monde entier les gens ont de l'empathie pour Paris.

See you soon,

A bientôt, 


  1. Beautiful post.
    Peace and prayers for Paris.


  2. The terrorists will not win. Love will always triumph in the end.

  3. Praying for you and France. My heart breaks for you all.

  4. There are no words.....only actions of humanity and goodness that are hard to express, being so far away. Peace to all.

  5. Salut Magali,
    je suis detruite:(
    Bisous d"Alsace.

  6. Quand j'ai ecouté de la tragedie le vendredi passé, j'étais complètement angoisée. Je vous souhaite paix, paix pour la France, et paix pour le monde.

  7. My Thoughts an Prayers are with you an yours everyone effected by the tragic senselessness that happened..hoping you find Peace in the coming days =..^(

  8. My heart goes out to the victims, the injured, families, and friends. France is letting the terrorists know how they feel, Lord, keep the military safe. Enjoying everyday freedom must prevail! Kathleen in Az

    1. It's been incredibly hard to see on Twitter people looking for loved ones. I really admire the work doctors, firemen, paramedics and policemen have done those past few days.

  9. I lived in France for three years as a child. My father was in the US Air Force stationed at Chambley Air Base in the Lorraine. We visited Paris at Christmas and I fell in love with the city of light. My heart breaks for Paris and France. As events unfolded on 13 November I was watching on tv, checking Facebook and conversing on Facebook with friends in France. Thank goodness my friends were all safe but all I could think about were families who would find out a loved one was gone. I've missed your blog posts but am so sad you returned because of such a tragedy. You and all of France are in my heart, thoughts and prayers.

    1. It's still a relief to know that all your friends are safe, it's also the first thing I checked, that all my Parisian friends were texting me back. It was selfish to do and I can't even imagine what people who lost someone must feel.

  10. My heart and thoughts go out to you and all the citizens of France, and to the families and loved ones of those lost to us forever because of senseless violence and hatred. I'll never understand what makes people so hateful.

  11. Replies
    1. The candle will be lit every night during the three days of mourning. And a lot longer in my mind...

  12. Thinking of you and everyone in France and Paris when this horrible event happened. So tragic. Praying for France………….

  13. A candle in the window here.
    My French friends have grown children in Paris. I'm still waiting to hear that all are safe.
    Meantime, you, our friend, are safe in your little house, for which we are thankful.
    Our hearts are with you.

  14. Such a sad world we live in. Prayers for France.... Maybe this will be the beginning of the end of such terrorism.

  15. My dear we are all there for France, and I am afraid we are going to see more of this all around the world. Why can't we all be united?AriadnefromGreece!

  16. Oui, il est bon de savoir que nous sommes soutenus dans une telle épreuve.
    Bises. Babette

  17. Je pense à vous.Prières pour Paris et la France.

  18. I'm so upset about what happened. It's such a tragic thing to happen. Living with 9/11 and my hubby being in the middle of it I know how horrifying it is for everyone. Thank God my hubby made it home safe. In my prayers for healing.


  19. Heartfelt prayers for you all--so horrible! Warm hugs...

  20. Beautiful post... Sending my prayers to Paris

  21. Horrible tragedy, no city or country is exempt. Praying for all.......

    1. I know that France was targeted this time, but it could be anywhere and that's why the solidarity between people is so important.

  22. My thoughts have been with you and your country since this happened. I pray that all of you continue to be safe. The situation leaves me speechless. Take care of yourself in this stressful time and know that there are many more people who love France than those who want to terrorize you.

    1. The reactions of people all around the world has been very important for French people. Thank you for your kind comment.

  23. Thinking of the people of France [Paris } Soo very sad that these terrorists have soo much HATE in their hearts; but love will prevail!!! Peace be with you! Sandee-Fairfax Va.

  24. It is heartbreaking to see such disregard for life. I was happy to learn that relatives who live there were safe.

  25. This little light of mine ~ I'm going to let it shine. My prayers to France, especially the ones carrying out missions against terror. Mickie

  26. Nous sommes très désolés, on pray par tous


  27. Prayer your way Magali and for the rest of France... I was so shocked when I heard what happened as I was driving my way home last Friday... take care

  28. Such a tragedy, and senseless. My grandaughter asked me why? I had no real answer other than some people want too inflict pain. Prayers for France, and really, everyone.

    1. A journalist interviewed a little five year old boy about what he understood of the event and he explained very wisely: "the mean people can be very, very mean".

  29. Sending prayers to the brave people of France. I am so sad....Sending love x Karen

  30. Yes I light my candles here..for peace.

  31. It's hard to watch the news coverage of the senseless violence against innocent people. I think we're all in shock and our thoughts are with you and your country during this difficult time.

  32. We are with you, and it was so hard to watch what has happened as we too often have experienced here. Prayers for your and all of France!

  33. My thoughts are with you, Magali. There are no words.

  34. I was heart broken when the new came over the TV. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all of France.

  35. Siento mucho lo que paso es muy triste y horrible, me acorde inmediatamente de ti amiga, estan en mis oraciones por tanta gente que han perdido a sus seres queridos de este modo...nelly

    1. Pensando en las familias de las víctimas es lo que es realmente desgarrador. Gracias por tus pensamientos.

  36. Tant de soutien et de sympathie apporte une belle lumière dans ces jours sombres. Voir tous ces rassemblements, ces illuminations de monuments aux couleurs de la France et ces marseillaises chantées est vraiment émouvant et réchauffe le cœur.

  37. Thinking of you Magali. This is just so tragic and senseless. My prayers are with you all in France.

  38. I immediately thought of you and my friend who lives in Po.

    My heart goes out to all of France.

  39. Dear, sweet Magali, I am so glad you are safe and sound! My heart truly aches for you and the precious people of your country. Please know you are in my heart and prayers. Love to you!

  40. My heart and prayers are with you and all of France. I remember al to well how it felt when we were attacked on 9/11 and what a feeling of helplessness it is. I pray for you, your country, and the people directly affected by this senseless tragedy. I simply do not understand the evil that pushes people to harm those they do not even know.

  41. Sending prayers for peace and healing to you, Magali, and all of France. We're all in this together, and I have to believe in my heart that good will triumph over evil.

  42. Dear Magali, our hearts break for France. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. We send you our love and compassion.

  43. des innocents ont été lâchement privés de vie, des familles sont détruites mais cette lumière à votre fenêtre est un vrai message de paix - merci - monique59

  44. You have been in my thoughts, Magali. It's all so sad. I am praying that somehow these senseless acts can be put to an end.

  45. Dear Magali,
    we must all try our best to end this cruel madness in the name of religion. End it in the name of humanity! At the moment all our thoughts are with the people in France and Paris, who have been attacked just because they are alive. Being a teacher must be very hard at the moment - all those questions, which are so difficult to answer.
    Cordially yours,

  46. Keep the light burning.
    Thoughts and prayers for Paris and the families.


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