Wandering Around

Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost...

But I Do Get Lost Quite Often!

Each month or so, I try to get my readers out of the cottage. Mostly, we visit places in Brittany, where the cottage is, but occasionally we go a little farther.

Here are the posts if you want to go on a little mental vacation.

Places in Brittany:






Around my childhood town:

  • Noisy-le-Roi 


Southern France:


  1. I've been roaming dreamily around your blog today. I was trying to figure out if you are native French or native British and how you came to make the decision to buy the house. You must have been familiar with the area. Your story sounds very interesting. I have an antique shop in Richmond, Illinois, USA and I'm always interested in fellow bloggers who lead lives that parallel mine in one little way or another. It is all so interesting! I'm sign up to follow your adventures. -Ginene

  2. I have very much enjoyed your blog today. Found it by wandering off "Carol at the Red Painted Cottage".
    I love your cottage since I am always intrigued with makeovers. Its lovely
    Your story sounds adventurous and I would love to know it. Hope you don't mind if I visit more often.
    Sincerely, Martha

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