Thursday, November 20, 2014

More Than Eight Glass Cabinets Today

The Kitchen Glass Cabinet Series - 1


I love glass cabinets in kitchens. Even when I had no idea what my kitchen would look like, I knew I wanted a glass cabinet somewhere. 

J'adore les éléments vitrés dans les cuisines. Même quand je ne savais pas du tout où j'allais avec la mienne, j'étais persuadée qu'il y aurait un élément vitré.

They can totally transform a kitchen from a room that looks claustrophobic to a room that feels bigger and less oppressive.
Quelques portes vitrées peuvent transformer une pièce : une cuisine qui me rendrait claustro-phobique avec trop de placards fermés devient ainsi un espace plus aéré et moins oppressant.

Cottage: "What am I hearing? There's at least something you're sure about! I'm so glad you took such a fast decision about the glass cabinet... For once, there won't be weeks of hesitations and discussions!"

Cottage: "Qu'est-ce que j'entends? Enfin un truc dont tu es sûre! Je n'en reviens pas, pour une fois, tu as pris la décision bien rapidement!"

Me: "Cottage! It's like you don't know me at all! Of course, I want a glass cabinet, but now I have to decide how I want it to look..."

Moi: "Cottage! J'ai l'impression que tu ne me connais pas! Je veux des portes vitrées, oui, mais il faut que je  décide quel style elles doivent avoir..."

Cottage: "No, not again!"

 Cottage: "Tu es impossible!"

Me: "Come on, it's so fun looking at inspiration pictures... I think my readers like it to..."

Moi: "Mais c'est tellement amusant de regarder des photos d'inspiration... Et puis, mes lecteurs aiment bien ça..."

Cottage: "If everybody is against me, then..."

Cottage: "Bon, si tout le monde est contre moi, alors..."

So, do you have a favourite?

Alors, vous avez une photo préférée?

I'll show you soon what I decided on... And that didn't go as planned!

See you soon,

Je vous montre la prochaine fois ce que j'avais décidé et qui n'a pas bien fonctionné...

A bientôt,

PS1: All sources for my inspiration pictures can be found on my Pinterest board. There might be other picures you'll love there.

Les sources de toutes ces photos d'inspiration se trouvent sur mon compte Pinterest ici. Il y a aussi là d'autres photos qui pourraient vous plaire.

PS2: I began wathching the season 4 of Revenge tonight... I know everybody who watches the show is excited about the return of a character we thought was dead for three seasons, but you know what made me scream in front of my screen? Emily painted her front door! I need to rewatch the whole episode to see what else has changed in the set!

PS3: I'm sharing my inspiration with:



  1. Picture no. 5, 11 and 13 look so interesting. I like it.

    1. I'm glad you found some inspiration there. I remember you wrote once you wanted to transform your kitchen.

  2. I love glass fronted cupboard, especially with a light inside.

  3. Tell Cottage that we definitely do love all the inspiration photos, because they're so inspirational !!!
    I love them all but especially the ones that are slightly more cottage-y like 1, 14 and 15 and I love those little catches on 14.

  4. I love them too! Wish I had some in my kitchen....


  5. I love glass front doors. We put in two in our kitchen reno when we did it a few years ago and I have never regretted that decision. Okay, Revenge. There are a few changes to the sets. I LOVE what Emily did to the main house when she moved in. The diningroom chandelier is FABULOUS. Well, everything is actually.

  6. You find the best pics! I can hardly wait......

  7. It would be too hard to pick a favorite because I love them all!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am going to have my cabinets remodeled to look like number 11. I love this look.

  9. I'm biased with #16 since that's what I have with my glass cabinets in the kitchen! good luck, can't wait to see what you came up with!

  10. La photo n°15 me plait beaucoup, juste la surcharge comme je l'aime, c'est vivant, c'est trop chouette.
    Caresses aux tigres. Plein de bises. Babette.

  11. I love all the glass cabinets, I have two but their have etched cuttings in the glass,so you can see dishes,but not really clearly. I went this way cause I don't like my dishes showing! Whatever you choose I know I'll like....the cottage is very insightful!

  12. I love number 14 & 15 glass cabinets & the kitchens too. I think having some glass cabinets will open up your cute cottage kitchen. Cottage will thank you:-) Kathleen in Az, USA

  13. 4, 5, 8. What a hard decision!! Your cottage would get very annoyed with me because it would not be a fast decision. Lol

  14. Oh my yes, I do have a favorite!! 2,5,11, and 14! Well that is more than 1 favorite but, they are all so pretty!! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!

    1. That's not exactly A favorite! Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment!

  15. Oh, they are all so beautiful, but if I had to choose, it would be a toss-up between #'s 14 and 15 <3 My dream is to have glass cabinets instead of open shelving so I don't have to dust! Can't wait to see what you decide! xo Karen

    1. Maybe you can find the top of an old hutch to use as glass cabinets? I considered that option very seriously for a while!

  16. They are all beautiful and I am sure you will pick a great one. Can't wait to see what one you and the Cottage decided on.

  17. Je les aime toutes ! Mais elles sont faites pour des cuisines immenses... et moi, avec ma cuisine couloir, je n'aurai pas le recul pour en profiter. J'ai hâte de découvrir tes nouvelles portes !

  18. Dear Magali,
    the ones I would like best are 4,5 and 6. But of course I enjoyed all of them. Cottage seems a bit tired of all those decisions? I am shure it will come round soon!
    Have a nice weekend!
    Yours Sarah

  19. I'll take them all. Love the look of glass cabinets. I have three of them...they force me to keep things looking all neat and pretty!!

  20. #5 is pure charm, for me, light and airy, bright and beautiful. Understated but with presence. Good luck!!


  21. My favourites are 10 and 14. Hope you'll work it out, it won't be easy... ! Good luck ! Marcy

  22. Wow! I can't wait to see yours. I forgot that you never showed us!!! :) I love all these inspirations! And it is a hard decision, because it has to look right with your cottage. I have not see that show, but the door, that's something I would do. xoox

  23. I also wanted a glass cabinet really bad, in the end I went for an off white painted dresser the top of which has glass doors. I love it and agree, it really adds something to the kitchen. Can't wait to see what you choose!

  24. I love glass cabinets but probably won't get because my husband says mine are messy. Maybe one but not all I say.
    I think my faves are #2 and #14 Can't wait to catch up and see what you chose.

  25. Thanks for sharing this post with us. All of these kitchen glass cabinets are looking wonderful.


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