A Little Update About My Empty Cottage
I'd like to thank each of my readers, those who wrote comforting comments, those who sent personal emails and those who thought of me lately.
Je voudrais ici remercier tous ceux qui m'ont envoyé de gentils commentaires compréhensifs, ceux qui ont envoyé un mail à propos de mon absence et ceux qui ont eu une pensée pour moi.
I'm not willingly giving up on the blog. But I had lost my writing inspiration.
Je n'ai pas décidé d'abandonner le blog. Mais j'avais perdu mon goût d'écrire.
I don't have a plan about my blog. Usually, an idea about how I'm going to write my next post is forming at some point in my head. I basically write it virtually while doing something else and when I have time I type it and publish it.
Je n'ai jamais planifié ce que je propose sur le blog. D'habitude, une idée germe dans mon esprit et petit à petit je transforme cette idée en article. Je pense tout ça dans ma tête en faisant autre chose et ensuite, j'écris quand tout est déjà organisé mentalement.
Nursing my sick cats this year took a lot of my time and a lot of cuddling. All the while, I was thinking how I would write how things had been difficult but how everything was well again... Unfortunately I could never write those posts.
Quand je soignais mes chats malades cette année, cela me prenait beaucoup de temps. Pendant que je les câlinais, j'imaginais tous les articles que j'écrirais ensuite pour vous dire combien les choses avaient été difficiles mais que, bien sûr, tout était rentré dans l'ordre. Mais je n'ai pas pu écrire ces articles.
After that, I just went dry. I mean, I went through the motions : I painted what had been planned for the summer, I visited the places I wanted to visit, I met friends as usual, I went back to school and made my pupils laugh... But the little light that made me write had just been turned off.
Après, mon cerveau était vide. Bien sûr, la vie a continué : j'ai peint ce qui devait être peint, j'ai visité les lieux que j'avais prévus, j'ai vu des amis comme d'habitude, j'ai repris l'école et fait rire mes élèves... Mais la petite lumière qui me faisait écrire s'était éteinte.
A few days ago, I had little sentences popping in my head... Just sentences for now... But hopefully, they'll grow into a full post in a week or so.
Il y a quelques jours, des bribes de phrases ont traversé mon cerveau... Pas un article encore, mais qui sait, d'ici une semaine... peut-être.
Thanks for your patience. To those who sent angry comments about my absence: I understand you, but I'm still going at my own pace.
Merci de votre patience. Et aux quelques lecteurs qui ont envoyé des messages irrités de mon absence : je vous comprends, mais je vais à mon rythme.
How could anyone be angry?? We all deal with grief in different ways, and I understand how you feel. It took me a long time to get over my lovely 18 year old cat.
ReplyDeleteHope the cottage is well, and that you might feel like a bit of writing soon.
I haven't written you until now, so I'm a newbie.. I have to say I'm shocked that some were so unfeeling about the loss of your family members. And they were family members. I have had numerous dogs and cats throughout the years and each loss is like your heart is being squeezed. I understand completely what you're going through.. You're dealing with your grief in the way you feel comfortable.
ReplyDeleteIt's been 20 years since some of my 'fur babies' have passed and I can still relate their little quirks and habits.
Thank you for letting your readers know that you are at least okay and nothing bad has happened to you..
We'll be here when you're ready!
Was so happy this morning to see your blog! Welcome back. Hope to hear more from you as you see fit.
ReplyDeleteSo very happy to see your post this morning. Your blog is such a bright spot! I do
ReplyDeletehope that you will be able to return to it when you are able, but your well-being is all that matters. Along with so many, I send my warmest wishes.
Vraiment contente de te lire et de ce voir ces jolies photos. C'est normal il faut faire son deuil certains en parle beaucoup d'autre moins. C'est déjà bien d'avoir le goût qui revient. Je mets rarement de commentaires mais je te lis depuis longtemps et j'apprécie beaucoup. Bises du Québec
ReplyDeleteTrès contente de vous lire à nouveau. Je suis profondément choquée que des personnes puissent laisser des messages "irrités" sur un blog !!(j'apprécie la pudeur de vos mots sur ce sujet)
Bon courage à vous et merci pour tous ces moments de partage
I'm so sorry for the angry emails., horrible. We all have real life going on. Real life takes priority. What you went through with your fur babies is very hard and when you love them as we do, it's family. Take your time. Do what's right for you. Followers that really care about your life will be here.
I was worried about you and miss the blog posts. I hope you return to writing when you are able. Take care of you first. Warmest wishes to you.
ReplyDeleteAngry people have no spot in your life, block or delete them, they are energy drainers! I totally understand what you emotionally and physically had to deal with. Our pets are precious and when sick our time and energy is with them (as it should be). Take care of yourself and if and when you choose to write, we will looking forward to your post. If that doesn’t happen, I wish you all the best in the future. 😘. Patty/NS Canada
ReplyDeleteI totally concur with Pier21cdn. You do not owe us anything; we truly appreciate all your posts, but these are your posts and you chose when and if you write. I look forward to hearing from you soon, but if not, I wish you all the best. Nancy, Ontario, Canada
ReplyDeleteOh you have had to take time to grieve and everyone understands that. Sometimes our souls and minds just need a rest. You will again feel inspired and will post. No doubt. You just need time to find your new normal after such loss. Happy To see your post
ReplyDeletetoday. I have missed you.
Coucou Magali
ReplyDeleteJe fais partie de ces personnes discrètes qui se sont demandées si tu reviendrais nous donner quelques nouvelles et je trouve que tu as bien fait de prendre ton temps, tu n'as rien à nous expliquer, rien à justifier, si des personnes se sont plaintes de ton absence c'est qu'elles n'étaient pas là pour te soutenir mais pour t'enfoncer un peu plus la tête sous l'eau, oublies les, elles n'ont que peu d'importance
Ton chagrin primait et tu avais parfaitement le droit de t'émanciper de ton blog pour affronter les difficultés imposées par la vie
Je suis contente de te retrouver quoi qu'il en soit et de redécouvrir tes écrits
Revient lorsque tu le sentiras
@ bientôt de te lire à nouveau
It takes time to heal and we understand. Shame on those who write not-nice comments. Take your time--we will be here patiently waiting and thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteYou must honor yourself and go at your pace. You have been missed, but there is no reason anyone
ReplyDeleteshould ever criticize you. Glad to see that you have paced yourself for friends and travel and of course, the students.
I am so happy to hear this - I have prayed for you from across the Ocean and world each day on my prayer walk!
ReplyDeleteIt's so hard to get over losing a beloved pet, especially if you have been nursing them through illness. I went through this with my dog Charlie and it took a LONG time to be able to feel normal again. Take your time. Your healing will come.
ReplyDeleteYou are back! Yayyyyy! Love your blog. Enjoy all the little bits and bobs. Wonderful that you are letting your light shine.
ReplyDeleteSo happy to see you post, been thinking about you …. Take your time, rest and be safe.... xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteBless you sweet friend. These days have been difficult and lonely for you.But we are all glad to see you have returned. Take your time. We are patient.
Sometimes we all need to take a good long break even from the things we usually love. It's necessary to recharge ourselves. You'll find your spark again when the time is right and for anyone who is angry (??!!) go give your head a shake people!! What this world needs most is kindness and understanding, not the hate that keeps being spewed out. Love you Magali! xox
ReplyDeleteHei kaikki online-katsojat, olen Annette Mentzek-Petander, olen kotoisin Vaasasta, täällä jakaakseni minulle tehtyä upeaa työtä. Kolmen vuoden avioliiton jälkeen aviomieheni kanssa 2kids kanssa, aviomieheni alkoi käyttäytyä omituisesti ja lähteä ulos muiden naisten kanssa ja osoittanut minulle kylmää rakkautta, useaan otteeseen hän uhkaa erottaa minut, jos uskallan kysyä häntä hänen suhteestaan muihin naisiin, olin täysin tuhoutunut ja hämmentynyt, kunnes vanha ystäväni kertoi minulle Internetin nimeltä Dr. Igbinovia, joka auttaa ihmisiä, joilla on suhde- ja avioliitto-ongelmia rakkausloitsujen voimalla, ensin epäilin siitä, onko sellaista koskaan olemassa, mutta minä päätti kokeilla sitä, kun otan yhteyttä häneen, hän auttoi minua heittämään rakkausloitsun ja 48 tunnin sisällä aviomieheni palasi luokseni ja alkoi pyytää anteeksi. Nyt hän on lopettanut lähtemisen muiden naisten kanssa ja hän on kanssani hyvästä ja tosielämästä . Ota yhteyttä tähän suureen rakkaudenloitsijaan, jotta suhdesi tai avioliitto-ongelmasi voidaan ratkaista tänään. Hän parantaa myös hiv / aidsia, hepatiittia, matala-asteista laskurinhoitoa, syöpätauteja, kuitumaisia sairauksia, Gonorrea, Fallopian putkia, raskautta, heppereitä. kaikki kiitokset tohtori Igbinovialle, hän voi myös auttaa sinua, ota suoraan yhteyttä häneen, jos tarvitset hänen apua hänen WhatsApp häntä kohtaan +2348144480786 tai sähköpostitse, doctorigbinovia93@gmail.com kiitos siitä, että vietit aikaa kanssani .....
ReplyDeleteI cannot imagine how anyone could send you an angry email, my sweet friend. Grieving is very personal and each of it goes through it in their own way. You have suffered loss and you need time to heal. I was just thinking of you yesterday and wondering how you are doing. I'm glad you felt able to update us. xo Laura
ReplyDeleteTe he recordado mucho mucho MI amiga deseando siempre saber de ti gracias por esta nota a pesar de tu dolor, te comprendo y cuando tengas fortaleza vuelve a nosotros ..
I don't understand how anyone can send angry comments. We all grieve in our own way and time. Take time to do what you need. I hope you continue writing. I enjoy your blog and check in from time to time to see if you've written anything. Take care, RoseMary
ReplyDeleteSo good to see you back, Magali. Some people sent you angry comments? That's terrible. I hope you are able to just ignore those people who obviously have nothing else better to do and have no compassion. Sending you a big hug.
ReplyDeleteWho in the world would be angry? Always be yourself and go at your own pace. We are all still out here whenever you feel like posting. Be well blog friend!
ReplyDeleteI become very irregular in blogs. So, I'm missing so many post from blogging friend. I understood that you are not going through a good time. Please dear do not give blogging. Even just one sentence is coming in your mind, please write. I'll be more than happy to read that.
ReplyDeleteLoads of love and hugs.
It feels good to see your head 'above water' again, and to see that you are recovering from your losses. PLease ignore the angry, as they are selfish people. Focus on the sweet friends among your readers (I am happy to see so many sweet and comforting comments) and with time, you will find your joie de vivre again! Hugs from Marie frm Belgium
ReplyDeleteI cannot understand how anyone could be angry. Loss is loss. Time is needed to mourn, to recall memories, to slowly ease out of the pain. Go at your own pace. Take what time you need. Bless you.
ReplyDeleteSending blessings and prayers:) Write when you feel like it - when you enjoy it again. I like to paint, but things can happen which cause a block or a need to rest. Take care. (There may be a little kitten out there that needs a home - not a replacement - just a little animal in need of a home. Being needed is a good healer.)
ReplyDeleteOh it's so lovely to read your posts once again. Perhaps you 'll be inspired to continue now and again. I visited your part of the world a few years ago and loved it, so your blog makes me happy. Mind yourself. Xx
ReplyDeleteIt takes time, sometimes a lot of time. Take as much as you need. You know you are missed!
ReplyDeleteI am not in the mood to write my blog either no one is to blame. Keep it up and write when you can. AriadnefromGreece!
ReplyDeletePeople actually sent angry comments? What the heck? We all grieve in our own ways, and your readers will be here when you are ready to write again.
ReplyDeleteThis is your blog, to write or not to write, as you feel like it. We all love your posts and benefit from you generously sharing your cottage with us. If, or when, you feel like sharing again, I know that I will be delighted to hear from you. And maybe someday, when you are ready, you will once again have a cat or two to love and to keep you company.
ReplyDeleteChère Magali,
ReplyDeleteLe plus important c'est que tu fasses ce qui te fais du bien, ce qui te remplis de joie et t'apporte la dose de soleil dont tu as besoin! Ecrire, pas écrire, peu importe, ton petit coeur d'abord. Et le moment venu quand tu en sentiras le besoin, si l'envie d'écrire n'est pas encore là, elle reviendra...Prends soin de toi, des tiens et de ce qui te fais du bien...
Bel automne à toi!
Just checking in to see how you are doing. I wish you all the best. When you feel like sharing your cottage adventures, I will still be here. RoseMary
ReplyDeleteFirst time I've read your blog,but just have to say my heart goes out to you. When you have loved an animal all its life and they pass away,it just breaks you. They are always there and depend on you for every thing. As for the ill mannered people who got angry,life has a way of teaching painful lessons. One day they will be on the recieving end. But for every one of those people there are hundreds of kind caring ones.
ReplyDeleteLet your soul heal, you have gone thru a lot in a short time. One day you'll be ready to open your heart to a lost furry soul in need of a protector. And that will be one lucky kitty.
I miss you! Please come back.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to ready about your dear cats. I know the pain of losing a furry family member, and my heart goes out to you, Magali. I hope the pain subsides in time. Hopefully, you'll find the spark to blog again, and if not, then I hope that you find something that fills your heart. Sending healing hugs across the ocean to you!
ReplyDeleteOh Magali I am so sorry! The pain is so sharp and overwhelming, isn't it? I have dogs rather than cats, but I have sometimes felt the pain of loosing one would actually do me in, they are such close and dear friends and family members. I have thought that loosing one, especially one you are very close with, is like loosing a child, a friend, and a part of yourself all at once. It would be so much harder with all the nursing and effort and time you've put in to take care of them when they were sick. I hope you find some relief as time goes on, the pain doesn't really depart, but it because, I don't know, something that you carry rather than something that crushes. I've been reading your blog for so long, I go away for a while and then return and read backwards through all the things I missed, I was so terriblly sorry to return and read this. Do you know, the first post I read of yours was the one where you were so happy and proud of yourself having done your kitchen window surround on your own, and I thought it was so pretty and was so amazed you had done that on your own. That was years ago, you have done so much since then. I dont' know why I bring this up, but somehow it seemed important. I tried to post yesterday, but it doesn't seem to have gone through, so I'm trying again today. All my love, dear Magali. xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteUm, this is Sarah here, that bought plates from you also years ago, and wanted one of those fine tureens. I don't know why it put me as unknown.
ReplyDeletethis is the start of a new year. I hope this finds you on the path to where ever you will go. Happy New Year from Maple Ridge, BC, Canada.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to find words when your heart is hurting. I'm so sorry and hope that knowing how loved your dear kitties were and how lucky they were for it, brings comfort and peace. It's so sad that our animal companions live such short little lives, but those lives are filled to the brim with so much unconditional love. I hope that time will soften the pain and you can begin to heal in this new year. x Karen
ReplyDeleteI miss you! Please come back.
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