Thursday, January 24, 2013

Blue in Good Company

The Sea Colour File - Part 5

Hi! I'm glad you're back!

So, I've established that I love pale blues that have a hint of green in them (want to know which blue is your favourite? Read part 2), that I'm considering this colour for my dining-room (want to see inspiring blue rooms? Click on part 3) and that I'd rather add touches of blue in the room (see how much blue you like in a room by reading part 4). Now my problem is if (emphasis on the "if") I go blue, what can I associate it with?

J'ai une préférence pour les bleus très clairs qui possèdent une pointe de vert (si vous voulez savoir vers quelle teinte va votre préférence, lisez la partie 2). J'y pense pour ma salle-à-manger (vous vous demandez dans quelle pièce mettre du bleu? Retournez à la partie 3). Je songe plutôt rajouter de petites touches (si vous ne savez pas quelle quantité de bleu vous semble la plus judicieuse, étudiez la partie 4). Mais avec quoi associer ce bleu?

1. With blue!

Via Southern Living

2. With orange!

Via Benjamin

3. With yellow!

Via Blushink

4. With brown!

Via Home Design Ideas

5. With black!

Via Houzz
 I'm surprised at how much I love that colour combination, since I would never have thought of it.

6. With red!

Via My Blessed Life

7. With pink!

Via Farrow & Ball
I have pink items that I love and want to keep, so I need a shade of blue that can be associated with pink.

8. With white!

Via an unknown facebook account, but I really like it...

If you have blue in your houses, what do you marry it with?
Athena, I remember you wrote you had  teal and yellow accents in your home. What about my other readers?

Si vous avez du bleu dans vos maisons, avec quoi l'associez-vous?

Because my house is undergoing major renovations and decoration is not on my to-do list for a while, I really had fun writing these posts that were not about plumbing or electricity! Thank you to all of you, from all over the world apparently (I love checking on the map where you come from), who read the series and joined in the comments!

Parce que ma maison est en rénovation et que l'on est encore loin de la phase décoration, j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à écrire ces articles sur les couleurs, cela change des placo et de la plomberie! Merci à tous ceux qui m'ont rejoint dans ce délire bleu, oui, oui, je vois sur la petite carte des provenances qu'il y a des lecteurs français, et merci à tous ceux qui ont ajouté leur avis dans les commentaires. 

See you soon for the last part!

A bientôt, pour la dernière partie!

You can find me at:
 The DedicatedHouse


  1. C'est vraiment une belle étude et qui a dû te prendre beaucoup de temps. Moi, c'est vraiment avec le blanc que je préfère.

  2. Blue is a color I never tire of. Depending on the shade, they almost act as a neutral because most colors looks great in combination with blue.
    Great inspirational pics.
    Happy to be a new follower,
    Mary Alice

  3. We have been working on ours since May. We did the plumbing and electrical first too, but when we got back to the kitchen again ran into another plumbing issue, but hopefully it is a little one this time. It is a 1944 cottage, but in the desert, so very different from Brittany.

    But these old homes look HIDEOUS in brown as is the fashion today in the desert. These old homes were originally white and pastels or natural brick. I discovered this one was originally mint green. I don't like mint green on a house so we went with blue.

    Blue actually looks really pretty in the desert. The jewelry of the Navajos and Zuni is turquoise.

  4. This has been such a fun series, Magali, and thank you for the mention! I love the idea of pale blue walls with your pink accessories as accents--that could be very beautiful together. We have a muted orange color on our walls upstairs, which has a very slanted ceiling with dormers, and I put a Vincent Van Gogh print of Irises up on the ceiling, and I love the deep blues and greens in that print against the orange.

  5. Love the inspiration! Thank you again for your sweet note

  6. such great options, love them all, great images too!

  7. I really love the blue and yellow. It's so cheery.

  8. Your eloquence is a gift that enriches the blogging landscape with wisdom and beauty. You have a remarkable ability to transform complex topics into easily digestible gems. tarpaulin heavy duty Your content radiates a genuine warmth that feels like a virtual hug to every reader.

  9. I like how many different color combinations are shown.


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