Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Christmas Taste

Homemade Mincemeat Recipe

Excellent news at the Cottage: I finally finished yesterday to grade the huge pile of pupil tests that I had to read and that kept me from away from blogs, yours and mine. Truth be told I wasn't sure I was going to make it this year. 

Super nouvelle au Cottage: j'ai enfin fini de corriger le million de copies qui s'empilaient sur mon bureau et qui m'ont empêchée d'être présente sur mon blog et sur les vôtres ces derniers temps. Sincèrement, je me demandais si j'en verrais le bout cette année.

So back I am here to share with a very easy and very English Christmas recipe.

Me voilà donc de retour avec une petite recette de Noël typiquement anglaise et ultra facile, comme d'habitude!

Truth be told, I hadn't done my own mincemeat as I used to since I met Cottage. The then kitchen was not really encouraging me. But with the lovely redone kitchen, I though I had no excuse this year.

Pour être honnête, je n'avais pas fait cette préparation moi-même depuis que j'habite Cottage. La cuisine peu pratique ne me donnait pas vraiment envie. Mais avec mon adorable cuisine toute refaite, je n'avais plus d'excuse cette année. 

Just mix all the ingredients together and then put in a jar for a few days before using... Easy peasy?

Mélangez tous les ingrédients, puis mettre dans des bocaux stérilisés, puis au frigo pour plusieurs jours avant d'utiliser dans des tartelettes... Facile, non? 

  • 1 apple, grated,
  • 3 cups of currants and sultanas (I guess you can use only one type, I like to mix both),
  • 1/2 cup of candied peel (again I like to mix orange and lemon),
  • 2 tablespoons of candied cherries, chopped,
  • grated zest and juice of one lemon,
  • grated zest and juice of one orange,
  • 1/3 cup of flaked almonds,
  • 2 teaspoons of spices (a tradional mix of cinnamom, nutmeg and clove is ok, I use something we call "four spices" in France,
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar,
  • 1/4 cup of whiskey,
  • 1/4 cup of melted butter.

  • une pomme, râpée,
  • 3 tasses (= 3 x 250 mL) de raisins secs (je mélange plusieurs variétés),
  •  1/2 tasse d'écorces d'orange et de citron confites,
  • 2 cuillerées à soupe de cerises confites, coupées en morceaux,
  • le zeste et le jus d'un citron,
  • le zeste et le jus d'une orange,
  • 1/3 de tasse d'amandes effilées, 
  • 2 cuillerées à café de quatre épices,
  • 1/2 tasse de sucre brun,
  • 1/4 tasse de whisky,
  • 1/4 tasse de beurre fondu.

The recipe makes 3 jars (if you're using traditional French jam jar, that is) and can be kept for weeks in the fridge (I do boil the jars before putting the mincemeat inside). Mine has been there for two weeks already, gently developping its flavor. If I have some of my energy back tomorrow, I'll make mince pies with it, because that is actually the point of the recipe, isn't it?

La recette fait trois pots si vous utilisez des pots de confiture traditionnels. La préparation se garde pendant des semaines au frigo (je stérilise les pots avant de les remplir). Ensuite, je m'en sers pour faire des petites tartelettes que je vous montre bientôt.

For now, I'll just enjoy some tea... Because pouring water in the teapot is the only exercise I feel like doing!

Pour l'instant, j'ai juste le courage de me verser une tasse de thé... Décembre a été difficile, j'ai besoin de souffler.

Happy Winter Solstice to everyone: the longest night is over, yeah!

First ray of sunshine in a not-ready-for-pictures kitchen.
Bon solstice d'hiver à tous: la nuit la plus longue est derrière nous, ouf!

See you soon,

A bientôt,

PS1: You may notice that the step by step pictures for the recipe stop when whiskey is to be added... I'll let you judge on that. In my defense, December has really be an awful month for me.

PS1: Vous avez peut-être remarqué que mes photos détaillées de la recette s'arrêtent au moment où il faut ajouter le whisky... Je n'en dirai pas plus... Mais, je le répète, le mois de décembre a été tout sauf facile pour moi: j'ai donc des circonstances atténuantes.

PS2: December has not been hard for every one though...

Cottage is a mess this month, but this is too adorable not to share!

Le mois de décembre n'a pas été difficile pour tout le monde, semble-t-il. Heureusement que je n'avais pas le temps de me poser dans le canapé...

PS3: I'm sharing the recipe here:
Christmas DIY party       Dwellings-the Heart of You Home          Linky Party  

Distressed Donna Down Home, link party, features                                          


  1. Dear Magali,
    I must confess that I envy your cats! I have been baking today, therefore I can look at your recipe with some sort of mild interest (Next year perhaps?) and without that bad conscience I would have had before. Your kitchen looks very nice with the sun shining in. Those are the only snowflakes around the cottage I assume? Well, I saw a butterfly on Friday.... As you have done the most pressing duties: Enjoy your holidays and have a very merry and bright christmas!
    Hugs from Sarah

  2. Your cottage looks very cozy with the tea all set and the cats snoozing peacefully. I think I'd have to have a nap there, too, on this lazy Sunday afternoon. I've never made mincemeat. My mother was quite a pie maker and made mincemeat pies at Christmas. It made the farmhouse smell wonderful. I can see why you'd feel inspired to cook in your new kitchen. It's perfect. Merry Christmas, dear Magali. ~ Nancy

  3. The recipe does not look too difficult (I am not a chef!) so I will give it a go one of these days! I also wish you a relaxing holiday in and around your adorable Cottage! Marcy

    1. I'm not a chef either, all my recipes are very easy! Have a nice and peaceful Christmas, Marcy! I love your visits and your sweet words!

  4. I only had homemade mincemeat pie when I was a little girl. My great Aunt made it. Thought it was a meat pie too. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family, kitties and cottage and please rest some from your school work. Kathleen

    1. Oh, yes, of course, I didn't even think of explaining that I made the sweet version of mincemeat... See, come Christmas, unlike everybody else, I loose my appetite and I only can eat sweet things! Have a nice time for Christmas!

  5. I have always wondered what mincemeat was (and why anyone would eat meat in a fruity pie), so thank you for clearing this up. Hope January is a better month for you.

    1. The origin of the name is beause there was meat in it, but there aren't any in the fruity Christmas version!

  6. Adorable kitties! That's going to be what I look like on Christmas day :)

    I've never made mincemeat - too easy to buy a jar of it. Love your recipe though. I just may try to make my own some day.

    Have a very happy Christmas dear Magali! xox

  7. I love your red teapot - and the sweet kitties! The recipe for the mincemeat sounds delicious. I think that my grandma's homemade and canned mincemeat had actual beef in it. It looked scary in the jar, but delicious in the pie. :-)

  8. Oh Magali! I love your sweet kitties! I bet you love cooking in your new kitchen too :)

    Happy Holidays to you!

  9. I am so sorry that this has been a had month for you, Magali. I hope things get better. I have always wondered what was in Mincemeat. Have a wonderful Christmas. xo Laura

    1. Things have been difficult both at school and for my health and that made the very short days of December really not fun... For once in my life, I'm looking forward to January ;) Have a nice Christmas, Laura.

  10. I've not made mincemeat before, but here in Kentucky, I would use some bourbon for sure :)

    1. I used Irish whiskey as someone in my family taught me when I was a young girl that two things are better when Irish: men and whiskey! But let me know how it tastes with Bourbon!

  11. I have had mincemeat pie and didn't care for it for some reason. It probably didn't have bourbon in it. Maybe that would have made it better. Merry Christmas!

  12. I love mincemeat pie, but for some reason a lot of people don't. Thank you for the recipe. So sorry that you have had such a terrible December. Are you off from school now? Get some rest and enjoy the Magic of Christmas. Kitties look like they are in for a long winter's nap.
    Wish you and your a most wonderful Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.

  13. Now that is so impressive! I am printing it out!

  14. I'm glad you've finally had a chance to sit down and relax, Magali. I hope some of the whiskey made it into your mincemeat jars. hehe Your kitchen looks lovely with the sun shining in and it looks like your kitties are enjoying a well-deserved rest, too. Merry Christmas!

  15. Looks great! Put one of those pies aside for me, won't you?! Have a wonderful Christmas.

  16. Magali! Bonjour et Joyeux Noël! Moi, je suis en vacances à partir d'aujourd'hui. DEUX semaines de paix, de lecture chez moi, d'écriture et de faisant le ménage/décor. Je suis institutrice et j'ai fini de corriger 50 interrogations vendredi. JE SUIS LIBRE et vous aussi!

    Votre cottage m'enchante. Une bonne tasse de thé, du gâteau, les chats dormants....quel jolie image et votre paysage? PARFAIT!


  17. Yay! You made it. Congratulations on finishing your grading. I am still not done

  18. Ta recette a l'air délicieuse... J'espère que tu me feras prochainement goûter une de ces tartelettes. Et quand je pense que tu rêves d'un nouveau canapé !!! Tu n'auras même pas la place de t'y asseoir ! Mais Shadow et Milo qui dorment ensemble, c'est une belle photo. A bientôt.

  19. I am so glad I stumbled across your blog. I'm trying to learn French, so the translation is wonderful for me to read. I also love your cottage and your beautiful photos. I'm sorry December was difficult for you. I'm a teacher, too and I wondered if I would make it through the end of the year! Now that I have a little break I'll look at some of your older posts. Have a merry holiday season and a wonderful New Year!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you'll make out some of the French on the blog and have fun at the same time. Season's greetings to you!

  20. Ta cuisine vue de cet angle est bien jolie, il ne me semble pas que tu en aies déjà fait une pareille.
    Tes chats sont à croquer & je vais venir faire disparaître cette belle tasse à thé.
    Caresses aux poilus griffus. Passe de très "Bonnes Fêtes". Bisous. Babette

  21. I've never made this dish before but it does sound so good and easy. Oh, I'd have to add the whiskey for sure, I mean I would just have to! So happy for you that the grading is over and your can finally relax. I always find December difficult, so much work for such a short season. But then I try to remember what it is all about! Happy Holidays!

  22. Your mincemeat looks yummy! We love pies and tarts made from mincemeat, I will have to try your recipe. We moved into the house last night! Only the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom are complete but it is a luxury compared to the trailer 😊. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas with your family and kitties. xo Patty

  23. What a gift this recipe is! Thank you. I had no idea how to make mincemeat. Merry Christmas to you and blessings.

  24. I'm glad the grading of papers is done! Big sigh of relief so you can enjoy your Christmas holiday. When I was younger, I always thought mincemeat pies had actual MEAT in them and was scared of them. I think sometimes they are made with suet....but seeing all the tasty things in your mincemeat recipe, I might just have to give it a try....with a generous whiskey hand. :)

  25. My mom always made mincemeat pies at Christmas. I was never a fan but I am always willing to try again. Oh how I would love to curl up with the possibly you would too. December is never easy for teachers, is it? :)

  26. Looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing your recipe. I like your tea pot and the cup too, so beautiful and classic.

  27. The life of a teacher! I hope you are all done and can enjoy the holiday now. I'm sure cooking is more fun in that gorgoeus new kitchen! Your kitties are adorable...:) Have a very Merry Christmas Magali.

    Hugs, Vicky

  28. So glad to hear someone is having an easy!! My mom used to make mincemeat and it is one thing I have never tried. I am pinning this one Magali. Thank you so much for sharing. BTW your kitchen is just so pretty! Merry Christmas to you and your family. xoxo

  29. Un million de copies ! Mais quels sont ces employeurs qui te font tant travailler ? Merci pour la recette,
    j'adore tous ces fruits donc, je note et m'empresse de la faire.... A non, pardon. je vais attendre que Noël soit passé mais après je m'y mets. Joyeux Noël à toi et tous tes proches.

  30. Aw! Cats know how to live, don't they? My grandmother always made mince pie - thank you for the recipe! Cottage looks sweet and cozy and hope you are, too. A Merry Christmas, Magali and a Happy New Year! xo Karen

  31. I hope you enjoy your break - sounds like you need it! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. :-)

  32. I love mince pies, but I don't think I've made any mincemeat since I was at school, a VERY long time ago. Your recipe looks pretty easy, I think I aught to try it.
    I'm sorry that work has been so busy for you. Work has not been so bad for me but I think I set myself too many tasks, still I get to relax a bit now till I go back to work on Saturday.

  33. Thank you for sharing the recipe.
    Your kitchen turned out beautifully !!!
    Hope next month/year will be better. Is there any whisky left ? If so, can I have it ? :D
    Hugs, Izabella.


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