Monday, February 18, 2019

Such A Mess

Living-Room Transformation - The Messy Phase

Cottage: I feel like my living-room is so clean and tidy with my blank freshly painted wall.

Cottage : Je trouve mon salon très propre et net avec mon mur vide et fraîchement peint.


Petite Blonde: And soon, you'll have a beautiful bookcase there. 

Cottage: Soon? Really? How soon?

Petite Blonde : Et bientôt, tu auras là une magnifique bibliothèque.

Cottage : Bientôt ? Vraiment ? 

Petite Blonde: Well, I found on the Internet someone who makes beautiful furniture in Southern France.

Cottage: What? Don't you think it would be easier to find someone closer?

Petite Blonde: I haven't found anyone nearby so far and I have a good feeling about this because the workshop is located in a town near the one I spent my summers as a kid (and as a teenager and as an adult).

Petite Blonde : Écoute, j'ai trouvé sur Internet quelqu'un qui fait de très beaux meubles dans le sud de la France.

Cottage: Quoi ? Tu ne pense pas que ce serait plus facile de trouver quelqu'un de plus proche ?

Petite Blonde : Je n'ai trouvé personne et puis j'ai un bon pressentiment parce que l'atelier est situé dans une ville toute proche du port dans lequel j'ai passé tous mes étés quand j'étais enfant... et adolescente... et jeune adulte.

Cottage: And he creates English looking furniture???

Petite Blonde: He does. And he can makes it to the measures I want so it'll fit your wall, while letting space against the stone wall. I also asked him to change the handles from what was shown on his website and he agreed. I think he was very understanding.

Cottage: Hey, hey? What's all that? I feel like I can't breathe anymore...

Petite Blonde: So sorry, Cottage. I hadn't anticipated that the four different parts of the bookcase would be delivered all wrapped up in cardbox, with the crown molding in a separate box and the shelves in two other boxes...

Cottage : Et il fait des meubles au look anglais ?

Petite Blonde : Mais oui. Et il peut les faire aux dimensions que je veux, cela rentrera juste sur ton mur avec un espace pour laisser le mur en pierre respirer. Et il accepte aussi de changer les poignées qui ne me plaisaient pas sur son site Internet. Je l'ai trouvé très arrangeant.

Cottage: Hé ! Mais que se passe-t-il ? J'ai l'impression d'étouffer.

Petite Blonde : Désolée, Cottage. Je n'avais pas prévu que la bibliothèque serait livrée en plusieurs parties toutes bien enveloppées de carton, avec la moulure du haut dans un autre immense carton et les étagères dans encore d'autres cartons...

Cottage: Great! I'm a mess again.

Petite Blonde: Yes, it looks like it's going to need a little work to look like my dream bookcase!

Cottage : Super ! Me voilà à nouveau en bazar.

Petite Blonde : C'est vrai... Il semble que j'ai un peu de boulot avant que cela ressemble à la bibliothèque de mes rêves.

 See you next time,

A la prochaine fois,

Hasta la proxima,

PS1: Apparently, I snapped that last picture as I was about to do some yoga... You can see the teacher I follow on the computer screen !

PS1 : Apparemment, j'ai pris cette dernière photo alors que j'allais commencer ma séance yoga car on voit le professeur que je suis sur l'écran de l'ordinateur.

PS2: Tomorrow, we're going (and by "we" I mean someone else than me) erase the computer and start it again as new... So maybe you'll never see the new bookcase.

PS2 : Demain, nous (et quand je dis "nous" comprenez que ce n'est pas moi en fait) allons remettre l'ordinateur à zéro dans l'espoir de prolonger sa vie... Il se peut que vous ne voyiez jamais la nouvelle bibliothèque.


  1. Oh dear, poor cottage is finding it all too much!

  2. Good Morning...I'm sure the mess will turn into a Beautiful room again. Cottage will Love it an breathe a sigh of relief, as I'm sure you will too. Here's to hoping we all get to see it in the end. I wondered what you where watching. Have a Great week ahead.!

  3. Holala, comme tu sais nous faire patienter en diffusant des petites nouvelles parsemées de jolies nouvelles pour Cottage
    Je n'ai qu'une chose à dire, vivement la suite (même si ton ordi est presque HS)
    belle semaine à toi et bonnes vacances

  4. glad you found someone to make your bookcases! now to get them all put together, looking forward to seeing your wall!

  5. Et bien encore une fois je reste sur ma faim, mais ne serais-tu pas la fille de Alfred Hitchcock???
    Que de suspens. Je suis sûre que ça va être superbe tellement tu y as réfléchi.
    Caresses aux griffus moustachus. Bises. Babette

  6. Oh, tous ces cartons ! Il t'en a fallu du courage... et des biscoteaux ! On attend le résultat final avec impatience !

  7. Oh these are going to be so awesome and Cottage will love them too!!!! I cannot wait to see them put together.
    Hugs and Happy New Week.

  8. Cottage will look pretty, love the sneak peek of the bookcase, it is all coming together so very nicely. Thank you and enjoy.

    1. Thanks, Marlene. The living-room is now beginning to look pretty again!

  9. Poor cottage feels like I do, will this work ever get finished! I know he will be please when it all comes together. I can't wait to see it as well.........Have a nice week.

  10. They are beautiful!!! I can't wait to see them in place! That is going to be a job!!! xoxo Su

  11. Those look like perfect bookcases, can't wait to see them installed and dressed up!!

  12. The little cottage will recover and I cannot wait to see the finished project. Yoga = awesomeness

  13. Your living room is getting cozier and cozier. Oops, I mean Cottage is. I saw that beautiful hutch next to the stove, by the way. Hopefully Cottage will show off his new adornment soon. Very exciting!

    1. This hutch was bought for Cottage, but it sooned appeared that they weren't meant for each others, so I painted it and sold it. I can still show it on a post.

  14. I am sure you will have things all tidied up soon and everything it its place.

  15. Beautiful bookcases for books and treasures:). Will they stay white or be painted a sea color? Any case, enjoy filling them! Kathleen in Az

  16. Oh my Cottage sorry I haven't responded but Cottage hang in there you will look beautiful with your new shelves

    Cottage we do the best we can at the time we do it and make the best decisions that may not be good right away.

    Cottage is loved

    1. That's well said…. I think it was a good decision in the end even if eriously doubted myself when they dropped the huge seven pieces of the bookcase in the middle of my small living-room!

  17. It will look lovely!! It's hard work but it pays off for all those books will be happy to have a place of their own.

  18. Aww!! what cute conversation. Love it.

  19. I can't wait to see the book case installed and styled.

  20. Mi querida Magali me encanta la comedia que tienes con Cottage me alegras ese momento jajaja !! ah y ya quiero ver como quedara tu sala de hermosa :):) Hasta la Proxima .... nelly


    1. ¡Trataré de publicar una actualización en el estante para fin de semana!

  21. Don't worry, Cottage - it will all look so beautiful when it's done and then you can breathe again!

  22. How exciting Magali! They are going to look so good.

  23. allez l'ordi, un peu de courage pour poursuivre ta tâche... je veux vraiment voir la nouvelle bibliothèque ! elle semble vraiment trop jolie, fraîche et d'une graaande contenance... bonne fin de semaine ! monique59

  24. How are you doing.? I read your blog and just thought I'd say, hang in there.

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