Thursday, May 02, 2019

Cottage Is Still Standing

A Little Update... And I'm coming back soon... Hopefully

I've received a few messages about my absence and I thought that was really sweet.

J'ai reçu plusieurs messages de lecteurs s'interrogeant sur mon absence et j'ai trouvé cela très gentil.

Things are just a little tough lately at Cottage. Nothing too serious, but just enough to keep me away from blogging.

Les choses sont juste un peu difficiles ces derniers temps au Cottage. Rien de grave, mais assez pour m'éloigner du blog.

I'm leaving you with a picture I took with my new phone and a promise I'll be back, I just can't say when exactly.

Je vous laisse sur cette photo prise avec mon nouveau téléphone et la promesse que je reviendrai dès que possible.

See you next time,

A la prochaine fois,

Hasta la proxima,


  1. Good to see you looking in. Take care of yourself.

  2. Warmest wishes that all will be well with you and yours.
    This blog is one of my favourites!

  3. Je t'envoie plein d'énergie et de rayons de soleil
    Je continue à te suivre et j'attends de tes nouvelles dès que tu le sentiras
    A bientôt de te lire

  4. Rassurée dans un sens mais j'espère que tout ira pour le mieux. J'aime lire vos articles et ca manque mais il faut prendre le temps pour les choses importantes sur le moment.

  5. Hope all is well. Happy Thursday. Big hugs.

  6. Good to hear from you. I understand how sometimes life demands a pause in blogging. That's how it's been with me for quite awhile. Hope you'll be back to share with us soon. Hugs, Nancy

  7. well look forward to a post from you when you can, I too was wondering what had happened to you and cottage!

  8. Hope all will be well with you really soon. I so enjoy reading your blog, and love what youve been doing to your lovely cottage.

  9. I had been missing you but, we all get busy at times,take care and i will hear from you when possible.

  10. Thanks for letting us know that you're ok. Miss reading your blog. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.

  11. Hope things get easier and any problems solved. Glad to hear from you and cottage.

  12. So good to hear from you❤ I was thinking about sending you a "thinking of you" message.

  13. Magali espero que no sea nada muy serio y que pronto pueda saber que estas bien.( I miss you)

  14. Hope things get sorted out and all goes smoothly. Glad to hear you will be back soon. x Karen

  15. Life has a way of getting in the way of blogging....stay well and we'll see you when we see you.

  16. Cottage est déjà tellement beau, il peut pardonner un léger retard de publication. Que votre santé soit bonne, prenez bien soin de vous. A plus tard, mais toujours avec bonheur.

  17. Look forward to see your new post!!Take care!

  18. Vous avez franchi des étapes, surmonté des difficultés et partagé des petites et grandes joies, nous pensons bien à vous et vous retrouverons avec grand plaisir lorsque la vie sera apaisée à Cottage - bien cordialement, monique59

  19. I have missed you.

    We leave for Paris in 23 days - yes, I'm counting. We will be in France for 10 days- mostly all in Paris, but we have an excursion to Giverny, a bike ride tour of Versailles and a quick overnight flight to Pau to visit a high school chum.

  20. I hope all is well with you and cottage, and look forward to your next post!

  21. Nice to hear that you are doing great. Hope you will find time for blogging soon :)

  22. There are times when life can be challenging, it is true. Hope your difficulties will be sorted out so you can return to us. Bless you.

  23. Just a note, you are still missed. I hope you are better and well and safe from Covid..............

  24. Let me share this on your lovely blog, A neighbor of mine developed dementia & diabetes, then her husband died, no children or family nearby. I am thankful our closest neighbor, an African American woman, introduced Dr Itua Herbal Medicine, A traditional herbal doctor in which we purchased a herbal product for her through his Dr Itua online herbs store. A former social worker stepped in and led the way to place the widow in a care facility. We visit nearly every week until she finishes drinking Dr Itua herbal medicines, if possible. The two of us take simple games, puzzles, and matching cards to do with her, staying about 2 hours. Jenga, Trouble, puzzles 100pcs or less, 20 cards to match (total-not 40!). The fishing game where the fish open and shut their mouths as they go around is lots of fun! We sit and chat with her until she gets well again, then we pull out a game and the three of us laugh together as we play. We take a variety of things to do so that we won't get bored. She finished Dr Itua herbal medicines and she's fine now and doing better with the help of Dr Itua herbal medicines, Dr Itua cures different illnesses with his herbal medicines. Anyone having a sick person should reach Dr Itua email Dr Itua Cure Alzheimer's,Cancer,Parkinson,Hiv,Herpes,Hpv,Kidney disease,Diabetes,Hepatitis, We hug and hold hands a lot. Having two of us go together really helps. But I can go alone, my neighbor cannot, as she saw so much of this during her years as a social worker. I hope this specific list helps others in this situation.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.


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