The Sea Colour File - part 6
The Little White House needs major renovation before decoration can even begin, so there's no painting of any wall blue for now, nor any sewing of any blue curtains that would be doomed to be dusty in a few days...
La Petite Maison a besoin de beaucoup de gros travaux de rénovation avant que la décoration proprement dite puisse commencer. Du coup, nul coup de peinture, bleue ou autre, ne peut être passé sur les murs, ce qui est parfois un peu frustrant.
But as January is my birth month, I thought I could show some blue items that are on my wishlist, just in case someone who is supposed to be looking for a gift is reading my blog (you never know!).
Mais comme janvier est mon mois anniversaire, j'ai pensé que je pouvais mettre ici quelques objets bleus qui m'ont attiré l'oeil pour cloturer cette série... Si jamais quelqu'un censé m'offrir un cadeau passait par là.... Ben, quoi, on peut bien rêver!
I love Le Creuset. I already have a red casserole, but since I accidently burnt something in it, it's in a pitiful state... I was planning on buying a black one... But preparing the blue file, look what I found!
Speaking of Le Creuset, I love those mugs!
Le Creuset, j'adore! Mais je déteste que pour une raison que j'ignore les coloris disponibles en France soient limités. Regardez ce qu'ils proposent aux Anglais. Allez, cette envie de traverser la Manche me reprend.
Tiens, tant qu'on est dans la cuisine, quelques appareils ménagers peuvent être une façon d'apporter une touche de couleur... Encore une fois tous les coloris KicthenAid ne sont pas disponibles en France... Mais ils nous en veulent ou quoi?
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Via Eva Designs |
Since lots of people are complaining about my phone whose sound isn't really good, I think this one would look perfect in the dining-room.
J'imagine parfaitement ce téléphone sur la sellette de la salle-à-manger.
I have an obsession lately for opaline. What do you think of this one?
Je suis un peu accro à l'opaline et à sa façon de capter la lumière en ce moment. Que dites-vous de celle-là?
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Via Brocanplus |
I like everything Royal Albert and I adore their "100 Years" series, especially the Polka Rose tea set.
J'adore la vaisselle Royal Albert et je suis folle de leur nouvelle série de rééditions, surtout ce motif-là, ré-interprétation d'un modèle des années 30.
Ok, ok, this might be a little too much. Maybe the mug would be enough.
How nice would it be to sip my English coffee (translate my very weak coffee) I usually have when I mark papers from this mug?
Did you notice how the colour seem to change from one picture to an other? If any one has a piece of this series, would you be so kind as to tell me what the colour looks like in reality?Those blue items that could be used to add a pop of blue in any home were the finale from this series. It was so much fun to research, to write and then to read your comments about it!
You can find the previous parts here: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5.
Je me suis bien amusée à faire des recherches pour écrire cette série et j'ai adoré lire vos idées dans les commentaires.
Vous pouvez retrouver les épisodes précédents ici: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
I heard through the grapevine that there might be a post idea about the blue items that are in The Little White House, patiently waiting for the decoration to begin... But we've had mostly gloomy days lately, with sun only when I was at work, so pictures are not ready!
Mon petit doigt m'a dit qu'il y avait un article en préparation sur les objets bleus de la Petite Maison, mais le manque de luminosité rend impossible les photos ces derniers jours.
Thanks for stopping by. Did you see any item that will join your wishlist? Do you have one you think I should add to mine?
I know how that goes with the plumbing and electrical repairs. We did that first as well, and it has been 9 months without a kitchen! It is finally becoming a reality. It is so hard to wait! Isn't it?
ReplyDeleteWell, I love all those choices. I love that color creuset, but it is not available in that shade in the U.S.. There is an outlet store that sells it for a bit less, and its possible they could have that shade, but I haven't gone to look. But I think it is not for me because I burn things, and I would hate to spoil it. I love that shade of mixer, someday....
IKEA is not to far from me, and they have blue accessories that are more in my price range now.
Wow, there are so many items on your list. Probably the list can go on and on ha ha.
ReplyDeleteRoyal Albert's polka dot is always a good choice. I dont own one set of those so I cant tell you about the color. Have you ever thought that the mug is in blue and tea cups are in aqua blue? I think there is too much light for mug photo so it might turn out blue but in fact they are in aqua blue with a hint of mint green.
Happy birthday!
Décidément, tu es vraiment dans le bleu... il y a quelques années, tu étais dans le fushia, le rose, le parme... Je me demande si ce n'est pas pour avoir le plaisir de tout changer... des draps aux torchons en passant par la vaisselle...
ReplyDeleteMoi, j'aime bien le bleu, le rose, le blanc, le vert pâle... et même le jaune qui fait soleil !!
It is all gorgeous!!
ReplyDeleteLove the Blue!!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite was the Royal Albert teapot set. Blue is such a great color!!
From the palest to the darkest blue you'll find your favorite. I hope you
pick them all:)
Ah, ah, if you love pink, you've got to love that Royal Albert teapot and its delicate pink rose! I guess that's one of the reasons I love it as well. Drop me a line when you start posting... I'm curious to see what your house looks like!
I love those pots. I don't have one of that particular brand, but I do love to add pops of color that way in my kitchen.
ReplyDeleteAnd that phone takes me back. My grandparents had one JUST like that (color and all) in the bedroom I stayed in when I lived with them for a few years. Thanks for the memory.
PS.... I hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday!
DeleteKudos for your impeccable research – your dedication shines through your well-informed posts. Your words possess the magic to turn the ordinary into something extraordinary. tarpaulin large Your authenticity is a shining example that encourages others to be true to themselves