Sunday, February 10, 2013

House, Castle & Co

Houses in Brittany - part 3 - types of houses

I'm glad you're back for part 3 of this month series.

Je suis ravie de vous retrouver pour la troisième partie de cette série.

After a very busy week at The Little White House, I thought we could just relax with a cup of tea (go, pour yourself a cup and I'll wait for you right here) and admire some more houses from Brittany, France.

Après une semaine ultra chargée à la Petite Maison, j'ai pensé que cela nous ferait du bien de prendre une tasse de thé (allez vous servir,  je vous attends) et de rêver devant de belles maisons bretonnes.

I live in a small fisherman's cottage, because that is what is in my budget, and anyway I wouldn't like to live in too big a house as I think I'd be afraid at night.

J'habite une petite maison de pêcheur, parce que c'est ce qui est dans mon budget... Et puis, j'aurai peur le soir dans une grande maison!

 Mais peut-être préféreriez-vous vivre dans une longère typiquement bretonne?

But maybe you'd rather live in a "longère" (long house) that are really typical around here. As it says on the tin, it's a long house shaped like an I.

I love that even the dormer windows are made of stone. When I was looking for a house, I visited one that had that kind of window. I was really sure it was "the one" when I saw it in picture... But when I visited the house, the only thing you could see from those windows was the neighbour's wall!

Ou alors, que diriez-vous de vivre dans un ancien moulin? La région en regorge!

Maybe you'd prefer living in a mill? There are lots of them around here, since we have lots of streams in Brittany. 

I also visited a small mill when looking for the house. I thought it would be so fun to live in a former mill... But it was way too close to a road! I guess it explained a mill was in my budget!

Quand je cherchais ma maison, j'avais trouvé sur une annonce pour un petit moulin, j'étais immédiatement tombée amoureuse... Jusqu'au moment où je suis arrivée devant le moulin, juste en bord d'une route passante!

Who wouldn't fancy living in a "maison bourgeoise"? They are those big, very chic, family houses.

Et que diriez-vous d'une belle maison bourgeoise? Celle-là est située à Dinard. Souvent, ces maisons étaient en fait construites par de riches Parisiens quand il est devenu à la mode de venir en vacances ici.

This is one is located in my parents' town, where there are lots of big houses. My parents don't live in one of those, though. 
Most of them weren't built by locals, but by rich Parisians at the beginning of the 19th century when it became fashionable to have a house there for the holidays. The houses had to show their owners' wealth. That's why they are usually full of architectural details.

Les riches Bretons avaient plutôt des maisons de maître à l'allure plus carrée et très rassurante.

Rich locals had more modest houses that we call "maison de maître". They have a sturdy look that I love.

Well, since we're dreaming, why not have a look at some manors and castles? There are many of them in the area and every now and then, one is to buy.

Puisqu'on fantasme, pourquoi ne pas s'imaginer habiter un château classique?

Ou alors un beaucoup plus ancien?

The one above is from the Classical area, but you could also find older ones, like this one:

If I had enough money, I would love to save one of those old buildings that are sometimes in a pitiful state!

I hope you enjoyed day-dreaming with me about houses. If you want a little more dreaming, you can read part 1 and part 2 of the series.

 J'espère que vous avez apprécié de vous imaginer dans chacune des ces demeures. Si vous souhaitez rêver un peu plus, vous pouvez lire la première et la deuxième parties de cette série.

See you soon!

I'm linking with:

Frenchy Party at Le Chateau des Fleurs
Tuesday's Treasure at My Uncommon Slice of Suburubia
Cottage Style Party at Lavender Garden Cottage
Welcome Home Wednesday at Vintage On A Dime
Time Travel Thursday at The Brambleberry Cottage
Weekend Bloggy Reading at Serenity Now
Anything goes linky at Bacon Time


  1. amazing old buildings! i prefer your small cottage. i think i'd be scared at night in a big house too.

  2. So, I have now been searching for my Brittany get away cottage and I think you are partially to blame for this-haha!!
    Your photos and blogs make me want to find a little place in France to escape to!
    Keep them coming

  3. Ah, il y en a de bien belles, de bien grandes et de bien vieilles aussi... et certes, habiter une malouinière ne m'aurait pas déplu... Mais finalement, ta petite maison de pêcheur est bien celle que je préfère.

  4. Out of all these homes you've shared with us, I really like your Fisherman's Cottage the best, Magali! I love charming homes that are small and cozy. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. I enjoyed this series, because I love to look at houses.

    I've had larger homes in the past, but I prefer small ones. I like to feel cozy.

  6. Hi Magali!!!!!

    Thank you for the series!! I love these old homes. Today's homes just don't cut it.
    They have no character in them. I love your house and where it's situated!!!

    Have a great week!!


  7. I have nominated you for a Liebster Award. Visit my blog to see what you do now!

  8. Such a beautiful houses. First one little but so nice. This rose tree also so beautiful.

  9. Love visiting old house, grand houses, cottages too:) Guess i love architecture:) Nice post! Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. Happy Valentine's Day! Visiting from Time Travel Thursday. The pictures are beautiful. I have always wanted to restore an old home, but you are correct. It takes loads of $ I am sharing vintage Valentine's Day cards at Still woods Farmhouse. Hope you can stop by for a visit!
    Blessings from Still Woods

  11. Love it! Nothing like a French house :)

  12. Hello Magali!!!

    Country estates or manors are beautiful. I'm like you, I would love
    to save a neglected old manor. The novels/books I read take place
    before the 1900s. She writes in detail about the country estates and
    manors and what they were wearing in that time frame.

    My mom says I was born in the wrong time frame. Oh well, I can just
    imagine all the same.

    Thank you for this journey!!


  13. Did I mention I just LOVE this series you are doing? Love it!! I dream of living in an older home. My husband had other ideas and bought a new home (before I met him) and that is where we live now. Although I do see his point, there is just something about the quirkiness of older homes. I grew up in an old farm house and it was fantastic. I just love your home. It's so cute. Some days I dream of living in a large home, but then I come back to reality when I remember I would also have to clean it.

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