Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Summer At Cottage

I had planned to write a little post about the beginning of my holidays right after July 15th, as it was the day I got the results for my next school year job. I prepared the pictures that I took the previous days and then with the recent events, it seemed inapropriate.

J'avais prévu d'écrire un petit article sur le début des vacances juste après le 15 juillet, date à laquelle j'avais les résultats de mes affectations pour l'an prochain.  J'avais préparé les photos, prises les jours précédents et puis, au lendemain des événements, cela me paraissait indécent et j'ai annulé l'article.

But maybe also remembering that every little thing, every little triffle is actually a sign of life is very important just now.

Mais se souvenir que la vie est faite de toutes petites choses que l'on apprécie est peut-être aussi très importante en ce moment.

At Cottage, Shadow celebrates life by sleeping in the sun, preferably on one of my flip-flops (according to him, it's the best pillow ever).  I prefer having tea on the stone bench.

Au Cottage, Shadow profite de la vie en dormant au soleil, de préférence la tête sur une de mes tongs. Moi, j'aime autant une tasse de thé sur le banc en pierre.

We (and by "we", I mean "I alone") tend to a very neglected garden during the exam period. There's an after picture, I swear, I did mow and I did take care of my roses, but I can't find the picture, so you'll have to believe me.

On (et par "on", j'entends moi et mes parents qui me viennent en aide) s'occupe du jardin, bien négligé pendant le mois de juin où pluie et préparation du brevet n'ont pas facilité l'entretien. Je jure, c'est tondu et les rosiers ont vu le sécateur, mais je ne retrouve pas la photo "après" !

I also spent a lot of time on my kitchen garden and strawberries and raspeberries have been enjoyed.

J'ai passé un temps fou dans le deuxième jardin consacré au "comestible" et les fraises et framboises m'ont bien récompensée !

I began working on my next year's lessons... But I relocated the home office outside. The picture was taken from the second floor, from one of the new window. Maybe you can spot the chocolate in the middle of the books... It does help!

J'ai commencé à réfléchir au cours de l'an prochain (sur différents niveaux après plusieurs fausses annonces de postes vacants). Mais j'ai relocalisé le bureau dehors. J'ai pris cette photo en contre-plongée depuis les nouvelles fenêtres de l'étage. Qui a repéré de là une plaquette de chocolat ? Ben, oui, ça aide !

Of course, as summer is here, the projects have begun again. Some of you may remember that my gate broke in pieces last winter. I had big projects about Cottage's entrance. But, in my mind, it wouldn't happen before a few years. I don't have the money to do these projects right now and it doesn't make sense to spend so much on the gate that I can't see from anywhere in the house, when most of the rooms in Cottage are still unfinished.

Bien sûr, l'été est aussi la saison des projets de la maison. Certains se souviennent peut-être que mon portail s'est brisé en mille morceaux cet hiver. J'avais de grandes idées pour l'entrée de Cottage. Mais le portail a rendu l'âme trop vite. Ce n'est pas le moment de dépenser sur une entrée de toute beauté quand la plupart des pièces de Cottage sont inachevées.   

So I chose to have two basic pillars done and to paint them myself to save a little. A wooden gate should be added later in the year. As I was working on this area, I changed the rusted letter box: it's now a white one, in front of the kitchen window.

J'ai donc opté pour deux piliers très simples que j'ai peint moi-même pour économiser. Un portail devrait être installé plus tard dans l'année. Pendant que j'y étais, j'ai changé la boîte aux lettres rouillée. Elle est maintenant toute blanche.

Those are just snippets of my summer so far. Just every day life that keeps going on...

Voilà des petits instantanés de mon été. Juste la vie quotidienne qui continue...

What are the little things you enjoy in summer?

Et vous ? Quels sont vos petits plaisirs de l'été ?


  1. Replies
    1. I'm fortunate to live in a part of the world where berries come easily.

  2. Summer is wonderful, so many sights, smells and flavors gives us joy :-) and work in the garden, your office :-)
    If only the political situation was calmer ...
    Cats know what is good :-)

  3. And you have it right dear Magali....little snippets. I think that by taking these "small bites" out of each day, I am actually getting MORE out of my summer. My husband has this funny little habit that I finally UNDERSTAND: he eats EVERYTHING, I mean, everything, with a very small spoon. His reasoning is that he wants to savor each bite (of my fabulous cuisine!) so that is why he always uses the tiny spoons. VOILÀ! So, now that I think of it, all summer long, I have been stopping more often throughout the day to THINK about my projects, stand back and examine them, celebrate my learning process, savor the garden, etc. This has not stopped the sun from moving from east to west or slowing it down, but I've SLOWED DOWN, and as I look at the calender, it's only 20 July. I have a meeting to attend at school on 17 August, then from there, things get serious. But I can walk away from this summer and say I really did taste it.

    I wish you delicious, small bites of your summer. Anita

  4. Your Shadow reminds me of my Maggie that I used to have. Nothing shows contentment like a cat, don't you think? Your berries look delicious and your new pillars look very substantial. I hope you have a wonderful summer. I think of the people who suffered there.

  5. I forgot to say what I enjoy in summer. Tomatoes and corn and potatoes from the farmers' markets. And peaches and berries, oh my. And my few pots of flowers on my little porch. I try to grow food for the hummingbirds and they do come visit. It thrills me every time. I love summer storms, too.

    1. Oh, I love going to the farmers' market as well in summer, though I don't buy as much now that I have a kitchen garden. But I'm afraid of summer storms.

  6. Ohh your raspberries look fabulous! We've had such a cool summer this year, mine are tiny. (but I'm not complaining, sleeping at night is a much bigger bonus than huge raspberries!!) :)

  7. Les projets de l'été ? tailler les roses fanées, désherber, arroser un peu, cueillir mes haricots verts qui commencent à bien donner et aussi les courgettes... et quand il fera moins chaud, faire de la gelée framboises/groseilles avant que les oiseaux aient tout picoré ! et aussi ne rien faire... regarder voler les oiseaux et les nuages dans le ciel. Bonnes vacances, tu les as amplement méritées. Bises.

  8. little by little your cottage will be done, and it does all cost money. so many of us need to do these remodeling chores one by one as we can save the money for them. Love the look of your raspberries :) and your quite area you set up your desk/table outside - lovely. My gardens are very hard to keep up with and get very wild looking.

  9. Glad you are taking time to enjoy the summer days and your break from teaching. The cottage is beautiful with all its character now. You will get to those rooms but enjoying your break and the summer months is important too. Shadow is right on with taking a nice summer's day nap. Love your outdoor office.

  10. Shadow has the right idea. If only humans could be more like our four legged friends.

  11. Shadow looks very content snuggling with your flip flops:). Gee, fresh berries, tastes delicious I'm sure. At my mom's I ate fresh picked tomatoes, so different from the store. I'm happy that you're teaching this coming school year and preparing for the gate with the pillars.
    Enjoy the moments of life Magali,
    Kathleen in Az

    1. Fresh berries are really a treat. I love eating them while picking them from the bush... Not many make it to the bowl actually!

  12. Glad you have some to enjoy some things. Your pillars look great, so progress is being made. I think Shadow does have the right idea! The berries look lovely.

  13. Your pillars look very the view from the new window looks very work sunday a man was looking at our pastry case an in conversation he mentioned it was his wife's birthday..i mentioned he said she doesn't like chocolate..i grabbed my chest an said..say it isn't so how can that possible be..he laughed an said..i have NO! shadow..isn't it amazing how no matter where a cat decides to lay it's head..they always look comfortable..hope the rest of your summer is full of chocolate goodness...

  14. Plein de caresses pour les poilus. Les entrées les plus simples sont très jolies en général et je pense que la tienne en fera partie.
    Ici il fait si chaud que je sors pour l'ouverture des magasins quand j'ai des courses à faire, sinon je bricole à l'ombre de la maison.
    Alors...........où vas-tu enseigner cette année?
    Bises. Babette

  15. Shadow has the right idea. Just take your time, you will get all your projects completed. Love your outdoor office. Isn't it nice to sit outside and get your work completed?

    I am sending my deepest sympathy for the terrible events that have been happening in France. So take care my dear and be careful.


  16. Le mois de juin il est vrai aura bouleversé la donne, je crois que personne n'a été épargné où alors si le sud mais partiellement...
    Ton chocolat, c'est du bio étiquable ?? me trompe-je ? ;-)
    Ici mon occupation va être de réussir à déchiffrer un patron de couture puis à tailler les pièces et enfin à coudre, je crois que je vais attendre maman qui coud toujours merveilleusement malgré ses 80 étés...
    Je te souhaite un joli mois de juillet, un ou des postes intéressants pour la rentrée et puis des nouvelles de cottage aussi parce que maintenant tu vas avoir du temps libre ;-) mais si allons
    @ bientôt

    1. Le chocolat est du bio de la filière biocoop, un des seuls du marché qui ne contienne ni lait ni vanille... J'ai mis plusieurs semaines avant de le dénicher!

  17. Dear Magali, My heart goes out to all of my friends in France. I was shocked and sad hearing the news. I thought of you, happy you weren't in the south.
    Your cottage is looking great, love the white pillars and mailbox and what a great place to set up your desk to work, and a little chocolate never hurts:) Shadow looks very relaxed, you are home and he sleeps………
    Take care Magali.

  18. I planted lavender in pots and containers and hung them in several places in my garden : the bees and butterflies love them and I love the smell !!

    1. I love how lavender both smell good and "sounds" good thanks to all the bees buzzing!

  19. In these days of tragedy after tragedy, the little things mean so much more, don't they? I like the white pillars, the raspberries look amazing, and work has got to be more enjoyable when the office is outdoors!

  20. If we stop going about our regular living the terrorists will have won. You poor country has been so terribly hurt. It is people like you, working in their gardens, planning for the future and living in the light who inspire the rest of us.

  21. quelle dure vie que celle de Shadow à Cottage !!!
    en ville, nos seuls compagnons sont les oiseaux que je nourris tout l'hiver et qui, l'été, se nourrissent des fruits rouges... une fois repu, le merle se repose sur le toit de l'abri de jardin (une photo suivra)
    si l'été se poursuit sans trop de chaleur et sans pluie, je pourrai chauler le mur de briques du jardin (il en a bien besoin) et décaper la grille en fonte de l'ancienne porte d'entrée (elle ne sert à rien mais je la trouve jolie)
    pour attendre septembre et nos vacances, nous avons fait un grand saut dans le Pas-de-Calais pour voir la mer à Hardelot et nous prévoyons un petit tour à Zuydcoote, une plage tranquille du Nord
    la jardinière/numéro de maison est très originale !
    belles vacances actives, studieuses et oisives à vous !!

    1. oups, j'ai oublié de signer !!! monique59

  22. The thought of being outside is not something i want to do...its so hot and humid. But Shadow does seem to love it, is it cooler there? Enjoy you break and pamper yourself which is something we rarely do. I wouldn't worry about a gate I couldn't see either and spend you money more wisely inside.

  23. Yes - everyday life is full of one thing - w o r k - I am a testimony of that. This week a man is redoing our small entry front porch. WE are having it redesigned with brick. It is almost 100 degrees everyday now. I dash out to water the flowers, etc and come back in. Your cottage is a work in progress but really you have accomplished so much and it is darling!

  24. Sometimes it is the little things that matter the most... taking time to enjoy a summer day and not always work, work, work. Your plans for the gate are very sensible and the posts are very nice and will be is time to smell the roses. xx Karen

    1. I waiting for the gate to be ready, fingers crossed later this summer... And smelling the roses while waiting ;)

  25. It sounds like even though you are on holiday you aren't. Make sure you take some much needed time for yourself. Sending hugs your way, Jo

  26. Shadow looks so sweet curled up on your shoe! I hope you're staying cooler there than we are here. Phil has been building a deck and it's a bazillion degrees here!


  27. Your kitty is adorable sleeping on your flip flop! Love the start to the new gate - it looks so fresh and clean. And yes, of course chocolate makes EVERYTHING better!!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I like how your pillars turned out.

    The raspberries remind of a yard I used to mow. There was a very tiny raspberry sprig in the back. When I mowed the lawn, I would stop and pick the few ripe raspberries that were there and eat them right away. I would get a few treats over a few weeks in the summer. That was special.

  30. So sweet. That is how they make walls in our area. It came out really nice and adds interest.

  31. Yay! The school year finally ended. Of course, that was a while ago now. Good luck with your summer projects. Hopefully they are going better than mine.


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