Thursday, March 02, 2017

The Cottage

February Outtakes

   As was January, February has been a very busy month... So as last month, I didn't always have the time or energy to write as many posts as I could have, because I had many, many things to share... So here are the outtakes of a month that was mostly dedicated to Cottage...

   Tout comme janvier, février a été un mois bien occupé... Alors, comme le mois dernier, je n'ai pas eu le temps, ou pas le courage, d'écrire tous les articles que j'aurais pu écrire, car j'avais beaucoup de choses à vous montrer... Alors voilà les photos non publiées de ce mois essentiellement consacré à Cottage...

1. Spring is making an early appearance in Brittany. It's been a delight to check the garden every day and see bulbs sprouting out and even blooming. 

 1. Le printemps a fait une apparition remarquée en Bretagne. C'était mon petit plaisir d'aller tous les jours voir l'avancée de la nature dans le jardin... Les premiers bulbes sortent de terre et même fleurissent. 

The cats enjoyed the sunny days and Milo even decided to do some stretching: yes, stretching his front paws is considered as exercise for him...

Les chats ont eux aussi apprécié le retour du soleil et Milo a même pris la bonne résolution de faire un peu d'exercice. Oui, oui, là, en étirant ses pattes avant, il est à son max !

2. We had some guests over at Cottage and as always when it happens, I'm not perfectly ready when they arrive (the picture was snapped in a hurry when the bell rang)... And as I finished preparing dinner while we were chatting, I once again thought what a good idea it had been to open the wall between the kitchen and the dining-room.

2. Nous avons eu des invités au Cottage et comme d'habitude, tout n'était pas prêt quand ils sont arrivés (la photo a été prise en vitesse alors que la sonnette avait déjà retenti). Alors que je finissais le dîner tout en papotant avec mes invités attablés, je me suis dit pour la n-ième fois qu'ouvrir le mur entre la cuisine et la salle-à-manger avait vraiment été une bonne idée.

3. I worked a lot on Cottage during my first week of Winter Break from school... But most of it doesn't show on any picture, because it was a lot of caulking and sanding in order to be able to prim and paint later. As most people, there are few things I dread more than sanding. So I did that while listening to reruns of Gossip Girl... Of course, that had me dreaming of high heel shoes, beautiful designer dresses and mostly headbands... while I was wearing my dirty paint sweatpants and had as much plaster dust in my hair as possible...

Of course, I couldn't snap a picture with dusty hands, but here's one of a well-deserved tea break...

3. J'ai passé beaucoup de temps pendant ces vacances de février à enduire et à poncer. Comme beaucoup, le ponçage est ce que je redoute le plus. Pour me donner du courage, j'ai fait cela en allumant la télé sur des rediffusions de Gossip Girl... Du coup, je rêvais d'escarpins à hauts talons, de robes de couturiers et surtout de bandeaux dans les cheveux... alors que j'étais dans mon vieux jogging couvert de peinture avec plus de poussière de plâtre dans les cheveux qu'il est possible d'imaginer !

Il va de soi que je n'ai pas pu prendre de photo avec les doigts poussiéreux, mais ci-dessus, vous avez une pause goûter amplement méritée !

4. When you work on a renovation project, there are months when nothing happens, either because you need a break, because the money isn't there anymore, because you are preparing the next project or because you've hit a bump in the road... And there are months when everything happens at the same time.

February was a month when it seems all the things I needed for Cottage popped up on ads on my favourite second-hand website. I couldn't buy everything, of course, but I did bring back a few items to Cottage. You're not allowed to see them yet, but it's my pleasure to tease you with a few sneak peeks...

4. Quand on est en pleine rénovation, il y a des mois où rien n'avance, soit parce qu'on a besoin d'une sérieuse pause, soit parce que l'on a besoin de refaire des économies, soit parce que l'on prépare le prochain projet, soit parce que l'on rencontre un problème en route... Et il y a des mois où tout se précipite en même temps.

Février a été un de ces mois... Tout ce dont j'avais besoin pour Cottage semblait apparaître magiquement sur Le Bon Coin. Je n'ai pas pu tout acheter bien sûr, mais quelques meubles ont quand même élu domicile au Cottage. Je ne peux rien vous montrer pour l'instant, mais je ne résiste pas à l'envie de vous faire saliver sur quelques photos de détails...

5. Caught by the whirlwind of change, I decided to tackle a project that has been on my mind for as long as I bought Cottage... Such a joy to go back to my routine of asking for quotes, realising that most construction people think I'm just a dumb blonde and finally immersing myself in brochures to find the solution by myself as usual... 

5. Happée par le tourbillon du changement, j'ai décidé de m'attaquer à un projet qui me tient à cœur... Ah, retrouver la joie de demander des devis, de se faire prendre pour une blonde par les artisans et les commerciaux et décider, comme d'habitude, de se plonger seule dans les catalogues pour trouver la bonne solution... C'est comme le vélo, cela ne s'oublie pas !

6. I might have overdone it a little in the first week of the Winter break... With the second week arrived an inflammatory crisis, so I had to slow down a little. As the weather was also a lot stormier, the cats thought that slowing down was a great idea!

6. J'en ai peut-être un peu trop fait la première semaine des vacances et une petite crise inflammatoire s'est donc invitée pour la deuxième semaine, m'obligeant à ralentir. Comme la météo était aussi bien plus orageuse, les chats ont trouvé que le repos était une excellente idée !

See you next time,

A la prochaine fois,

Hasta la proxima,

PS1: I have two new contractors coming to Cottage later this week to give me a quote on that next project. I really hope one of them is "the one"... I will tell you all about it as soon as I have chosen the person I'll work with.

PS1 : Je rencontre deux autres artisans cette semaine pour obtenir des devis pour ce nouveau projet. Dès que j'ai choisi avec qui je travaille et signé, je vous raconte tout.

PS2: I'm sharing this post at the following parties:


  1. You've been busy, Magali! Lovely flowers.

  2. Dearest Magali, me too...I have been so busy that I can't seem to get any other creative activities going! Today after school I have to stay for parent teacher conferences and I also stayed late last night. Spring can't come soon enough for me! But your projects continue and Cottage is blooming into such a beauty.

  3. good luck on your projects - I wish I could get a contractor but my husband insist on doing all projects himself which means it is years before things get done.

  4. It's refreshing to see those pretty daffodils :). Cottage is coming along nicely it seems. Stay well!


  5. I am enjoying the downtime of winter although I cannot wait for spring! Have a happy weekend!!

  6. Je suis très curieuse du nouveau projet!
    Oh, et puis toutes ces fleurs - ici nous sommes encore trèèèès loin de ce stade... :/
    Et j'adore la photo où Milo prend sa pose de yoga! :))
    Belle soirée!

  7. Aurais-tu trouvé une tête de lit et des chevets?
    Le temps se met au beau un peu partout et je suis très occupée à visiter des petites maisons de village avec une amie qui a été quittée par son mari du jour au lendemain suivi de divorce. Elle cherche à se reloger et donc plein de visites. C'est fabuleux les petits et charmants intérieurs que j'ai pu voir ces derniers jours.
    Juste pour dire qu'une multitude d'idées est venu titiller mon stock d'idées à réaliser.
    Caresses aux minous et je croise les doigts pour ton projet.
    Bises. Babette

  8. Good luck with the contractors. We know from experience how hard it is to find a good one. I know how it feels when they look at you like you're crazy when they can't see your vision. Your table, all set for company, looks so pretty - love the dishes. I think our cat enjoys the same exercise routine as Milo! : )

  9. Hello Magali,
    Two things;
    One, you're a independent woman with a intelligent mind. Sometimes men can be so ignorant!
    Two, love the pictures of the kitties, so relaxed and very much at home with you:).
    Hmm, perhaps you are working on a project for the living room?
    Carry on Magali!
    Kathleen in Az

    1. Oh, yes, the kitties feel at home at Cottage... They basically rule the place! And yes, the new project is for the living-room, I'm both very excited and a little worried to go back to renovating after nearly a year break!

  10. Your blue and white table dressed for guests looks so pretty. Milo is smart to get his exercise in; staying fit is important. :) I'm intrigued by your purchases and the upcoming project. It'll be fun to see more. Your daffodils are lovely. Mine are just sprouting. A welcome sight. xo

  11. des jonquilles déjà en fleurs !!! que c'est beau... ici, dans le Nord, elles ne sont pas encore en bouton
    ooooohh... quel joli tissu à rayures !!! (j'adore les rayures) pour un canapé, un fauteuil ?? je suis impatiente de le découvrir !
    à bientôt ! monique59

  12. I'm always surprised when I see the similarities--your flowers blooming outside look just like mine as I look out my window on the Coast of Oregon, USA. Can't wait to see what you have planned and what your new projects and purchases are.

    1. I think Brittany has roughly the same climate as the North West Coast of the USA... from what I've read, as I've never been there.

  13. I am excited to see you have a lovely garden come along and you have camellias too! How wonderful. Your cottage is looking darling.

  14. Hi...don't ya love when cats are so content..and they always have the best ideas for taking it easy..hope you're better now..maybe when the warm is really here..getting some sun everyday will help you feel better..looking forward to your next big project..hope you find a contractor that fits your budget..always a last one..took me broke before he was finished..not pleasant..the dinner table looked very inviting..i bet your friends love coming over for a meal..hope your weather holds through the weekend..ours is supposed to get cold again..*sigh*..can not wait for warm to be here day an night.!!

  15. I always love to see these little peeks into your life in Cottage - and I can't believe your garden is blooming already! It truly is springtime in Brittany, isn't it? Looking forward to seeing more updates on your lovely home.

  16. So many wonderful things happening, Magali. Isn't it wonderful that things are blooming early. We are a full month ahead with our blooms. xo Laura

    1. For us, it's usual to have our first blooms at the end of February. The climate is very mild in Brittany.

  17. le printemps est précoce en Bretagne , quel bonheur de voir les premières fleurs pointer leur nez , vivement en Touraine !!

  18. There's nothing worse than dealing with contractors...I know.. Even car repair men can be the same too. Can't wait to see what you project is! Sending positive vibes it does well...

  19. We have started on a renovation project so I am, like you, immersed in conversations with a contractor and visiting showrooms. Good luck!

  20. What pretty red petals blossoming in your garden, Magali! Good luck with the contractors!


  21. Oh, plaster dust and I are the best of friends these days, Magali, so I feel your pain! The tedious job of caulking and sanding will pay off in beautiful finishes when you're all done, and I can't wait to see what you've done.....even if it takes months or years. When you work, you have to find time to just do nothing, too. I'm sorry you didn't feel well for the last half of your vacation time and I hope you're feeling better now. You're teasing us with those sneak peeks of what you bought!

    Happy weekend!

  22. Oh you are such a tease! Can't wait to see what you have found. You are about a month ahead of us and I can't wait to have blooms on my daffodils and flowering quince. It certainly does the soul good. Kitty has my idea of exercise down pat. lol! Hope you are feeling better! I have been crazy busy hosting these estate sales at my home. I have a big project I want to accomplish as well. Hoping to get to it!!

  23. Amazing that you have all those flowers blooming already. Love the photo with the roses! I have never seen Gossip Girl, should check it out :) I have also never done any priming, painting or the such in furniture or other wood work, you have my complete admiration! Your cats are adorable! Have a great week!

  24. Sounds like you have been a very busy lady. Can hardly wait to see all the changes.
    Kitty's look so cute sleeping and stretching.

    I think everyone's Spring is coming early this year. We had 80 degree temps for three day this past week. Now it is chilly and a rain is coming down from the north.

    Have a wonderful week.

  25. Looking forward to your next project. Hiring the right "one" is always a tricky situation. Hope you get it right on the first try. Jo @ Let's Face the Music

    1. Oh, it's a nightmare to hire the right one, the one that seems to know his job and still have a quote I can pay!

  26. I love these outakes from your regular life! So inspiring! I'm sorry you had a health crisis, but I'm glad you got a week of doing things before it hit, and I hope you felt better again before you had to go back to work.

  27. Que de projets en perspective, vite, dit nous tout ??
    Belle semaine (sous le soleil j'espère)

  28. Love your beautiful garden!!! It's blooming so nicely!!! Good luck on your projects:) Keep sharing!

    1. Thanks, Jessi! I'll share the projects as soon as they are advanced enough!

  29. Oh Magali, your cottage is coming together so nicely Love you pretty garden. You are such a tease-we can't wait to see what you got. Hope you are feeling better. Good luck with the contractors.

  30. Magali, I sure enjoyed reading about your month. Now don't work too hard on your have to stay well. ;)

  31. Great to catch up with you, Magali! It's so nice to see spring flowers blooming! Can't wait to see all of the things you've purchased, and to see what your next project is! Take care of yourself! Thanks so much for sharing at Best of the Weekend!

  32. Very upbeat update, Magali. Mysterious and flirty. Please don't call your self a dumb blonde or people thinking that. It is a stereotype that needs to go away. You are brilliant. My daughter is brilliant. and so many more... xoxo Su

  33. I always enjoy visiting your blog and seeing your photo's.
    I hope you are feeling much better now ...
    Take care

    All the best Jan

  34. The kitties are adorable, especially the picture of Milo stretching. It's awesome that you're getting so much done. Keep it up!

  35. Looking good, Magali. I agree with your comment about projects; I've often thought it must be rather like being at war - though with hopefully fewer casualties - huge periods of apparent inaction, then everything happens all at once...

  36. Hope you're feeling better now. I am jealous of all your blooms! Spring is starting to show her face over here, but mostly that means everything is still brown. Guess what!?! I was in France a month ago. Well, mostly. CDG airport. Does that count? I'm counting it. I ate yummy macaroon. Spoke atrocious French to the poor sales-ladies, enjoyed a café au lait and a pan au chocolate. I've been to France.


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