Sunday, October 08, 2017

Don't Rain On My Paint

September Outtakes

Here are a few of the things that happened at Cottage last month...

Voilà un petit aperçu de ce qui s'est passé en septembre au Cottage....

It rained a lot in September.

Il a beaucoup plu en septembre. 

It meant a lot of sleeping on the bed for Shadow and a lot of Latin studying for me.

Cela s'est traduit par de longues heures sur le lit pour Shadow et de longues heures à étudier le latin pour moi.

All this rain seemed to agree with all the slugs of the neighbourhood. They all decided to meet in my kitchen garden for an "all-you-can-eat" party among my salads and my cabbage leaves...

Toute cette pluie a bien plu aux limaces du quartier. Elles se sont toutes donné rendez-vous dans mon potager pour se faire un petit buffet à volonté au milieu de mes salades et de mes plants de chou-fleur.

The last week of the month was slightly better, which gave the occasion to admire the last roses and to pick up the pears from my garden.

La dernière semaine a été un peu plus clémente, juste l'occasion d'admirer les dernières roses et de ramasser les poires du jardin.

My project this month was small as I was very busy with school. But I decided to paint a mirror I had bought years ago to go next to the door for a quick "check of my face" before going out. I painted it in a beautiful blue... But I tought this beautiful blue was wrong for the space. So I painted it again with a custom made blue that was perfect... I was very happy... Until I tried to hang the mirror above my little sideboard... The sideboard is a little tall and the mirror has a shelf at the bottom and some wood frame... And I'm a little short... And all I could check before going to school was my forehead. 

Je n'avais qu'un petit projet déco ce mois-ci car j'étais très prise par l'école. J'avais quand même décidé de peindre un miroir que je voulais mettre près de la porte d'entrée pour pouvoir jeter un petit coup d'oeil avant de sortir. Je l'ai peint dans un bleu magnifique... Mais qui finalement ne convenait pas pour cet espace. Je l'ai donc repeint avec un bleu fait maison. Parfait !  Là, j'ai essayé de le mettre sur le mur, au dessus de mon petit buffet. Mais mon buffet a un petit dosseret un peu haut, le miroir a une tablette et un cadre assez important... Et moi, je ne suis pas très grande... Tout ce que je pouvais voir, c'était mon front... en me mettant sur la pointe des pieds !

So I'm on the look for a new mirror... And I guess there'll be a blue mirror on the market soon...

Donc, je cherche un nouveau miroir... Et un miroir bleu va sûrement bientôt se retrouver sur Le Bon Coin...

I hope the beginning of October was a sweet one for you. If you're living under the threat of hurricanes right now, I hope you're safe.

J'espère que le début du mois d'Octobre a été doux pour vous.

See you next time,

A la prochaine fois,

Hasta la proxima,


  1. We had so much rain the beginning of summer and then nothing the last three weeks. We do need the rain today from tropical storm Nate. This one is nothing compared to Irma who ripped up our trees. Those started getting cut and cleaned up yesterday, but will take several weekends to finish. Yes, just checking your forehead isn't going to work. :)

  2. we have had a very dry September and October so far and went from too much summer rain to not enough fall rain. Trees and grass are drying up more than they should be for us at this time of year. Hope you find a mirror that will work for you - no place to move it to a lower place? How about a hall way?

  3. We've had virtually no rain here for the past 3 months. But the slugs don't care!!! lol Happy October Magali!

  4. We've had a lot of rain the past week. The leaves of my plants on the patio are pretty eate up too.

  5. Being short myself, and getting shorter, my forehead is often all I see in mirrors.

  6. c'est joli la pluie sur les carreaux mais pour faire de la route c'est bien moins agréable - il fait encore bien humide dans le Nord et il y a des familles entières d'escargots dans notre jardin de ville... mais ils ont, pour une fois, épargné l'oseille que je me suis empressée de cueillir et d'ajouter à la soupe de courgettes - bonne semaine ! monique59

  7. Oh Magali!! Sweet post! I like your humor about the slugs in the garden :) The blue you have for the mirror is so pretty. Looks like you combined some white to it? I am short so looking at mirrors is a problem often encountered by me. Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. The hurricane is sending us some rain, but all is well. Put out a saucer of beer and it will attract the slugs....and they will be gone....

  9. Hoping to get a full glance of the blue mirror before it goes. What's showing is lovely.

    1. Even if I decide to sell it, I'll have to take pictures, so I'll share them here if you'd like me to.

  10. No fear of hurricanes in our area - in fact I wish it would rain.

    And I totally get the mirror issue - I was 5'2", but now I'm 5' and I can't reach anything.

  11. Tes dernières roses sont bien belles et tes poires ont l'air délicieuses... Mais tes choux sont mal partis... Ah, les limaces bretonnes ! Dommage pour ton miroir ! Mais cela te donnera l'occasion d'en chercher un nouveau. Bises

  12. Too bad about the mirror. Hope you can find another one to hang in this space. We are getting rain this week too.
    Happy New Week.

  13. Hi..just so happens it's raining here right now..leftovers from hurricane nate..the others didn't come my way..we haven't had rain in so long i can't even remember when the last time was..i want to say probably 6 - 7 weeks..sorry the mirror didn't work my cousin always says..there's something better waiting down the is a beautiful blue..i've been on a furniture painting frenzy of late..waiting on some now to come in the mail..i'm hooked on milk finishing it with dark antique wax..hope you have a nice week and a Fabulous oct.!!

  14. Thanks Magali for posting when you are flat out with work and projects. We appreciate it! Sam

  15. Ça fait râler quand un projet se trouve reléguer faute de place idéale. Il se peut qu'il aille ailleurs ce joli miroir bleu.
    Caresses aux griffus. Bises. Babette

  16. We've had a lot of rail all summer and been dodging hurricanes now. We were lucky. I hate when I see something has been feasting on my herbs and plants. Looks like you had a tasty garden. Maybe you can find a new space for your newly painted mirror. Sounds like you did a lot last month, projects and work. Enjoy your week.........hugs.

  17. Keep the mirror. I'm sure you look beautiful and don't need to check yourself out anyway ;).


  18. We've had little rain here since June, so the bit we had on Friday was welcome. Of course, we know that the rains will soon come steadily and with monotony!
    Good luck with the mirror search.

  19. Hi Magali, we have had a lot of rain as well and it's been cold. I'm not ready for winter yet. Yikes! I'm sure that you will find the perfect mirror to hang our finds always seem to come when we need them. Have a lovely week.
    xoxo Jo

  20. Cozy time to rest with your kitties with all rain. Yes, maybe the mirror can go upstairs in your bedroom and find a plain mirror for your last look before venturing out. The pears look delicious! Kathleen in Az l

    1. The bedroom is still a mess, but I'd love some blue in it, so maybe?

  21. Foreheads are important, so your Latin is really good now?Haha! Our gardens are pretty alike, i pulled it up.Have a great day.

    1. My Latin is slowly coming back after being stored somewhere in my brain for a very long time...

  22. So sorry about the mirror, but I am sure one will be found.

    Have a wonderful week.

  23. We have had a lot of rain this year. And we were in the path of Irma until she made a slight easterly shift. Large limbs fell in our back yard, one nicking the roof, but thankfully it did not penetrate the wood, only the shingle. We are still trying to return our yard to it's former self but the birds and butterfly's did not seem to be concerned. They returned and are feasting on the feeders.

  24. We will be having more rain and less sunshine soon, too. I do not mind the rain so much as can dance in it, but hard to take photos in it.

  25. Hello, Magali, rainy days seem perfect for studying, sleeping and painting! Love the photo of the view out your window and that shade of blue is very pretty. Too bad the mirror didn't work out, but hope you find the perfect one soon. Slugs are hungry here, too. xx Karen

    1. I'm still on the look out for the perfect mirror for this space.

  26. I can't wait for the rain to arrive, will there be no end to this endless summer? Sorry the mirror fell short of expectations :-)

  27. It was a very dry month here in the Midwest...and lost many annuals because I couldn't keep up with watering while out traveling with our vintage trailer Minnie...We had some really hard rains the other day and helped, Sorry to be missing in action but we've been trying to finish our remodel that went to wrong last year.

  28. This one is nothing compared to Irma who ripped up our trees. Those started getting cut and cleaned up yesterday, but will take several weekends to finish. Yes, just checking your forehead isn't going to work.

    doctor strange (2016)


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