Saturday, December 30, 2017

The End

Cottage, the cats, the computer and I are joining forces to send you our best wishes for the end of the year and the year to come.

Cottage, les chats, l'ordinateur et moi joignons nos forces pour vous souhaiter une belle fin d'année et une belle année à venir.

Frankly, I've never understood all the fuss about the new year, since I tend to see time as continuous.

Honnêtement, je n'ai jamais compris toute cette agitation à propos de la nouvelle année, car je vois le temps comme quelque chose de continu.

But this year, I have the feeling that 2017 was rather trying for me and my family... So I'm ready to turn a new leaf. Not that I believe that things will magically become perfect in 2018, but somehow, for the first time, I understand the idea that changing a little number might help the mind grasping the fact that things are evolving.

Mais cette année, j'ai l'impression que 2017 n'a été facile ni pour moi ni pour ma famille... Et je suis prête à tourner une page. Ce n'est pas que je crois que  tout sera magiquement parfait en 2018, mais d'une certaine manière, pour la première fois, je comprends l'idée que changer un petit nombre peut aider l'esprit à intégrer le fait que les choses évoluent.

I do not believe in resolution or in radical change. But there may be some reorientations, some slight curves done in 2018... Again, still thinking that time is continuous, those reorientations have been prepared in the previous year, maybe even years... Symbolically, I postponed all decisions to 2018, thinking 2017 being so difficult, I may decide on an impulse I'd later regret.

Je ne crois ni aux résolutions, ni aux changements radicaux. Mais, il peut y avoir des réorientations, des fléchissements pour 2018... Bien sûr, le temps est toujours continu et ces réorientations ont été préparées par l'année passée, peut-être même par les années passées.... Symboliquement, j'ai remis toutes les décisions à 2018, pensant qu'au milieu d'une année difficile, je prendrais des décisions non rationnelles que je regretterais peut-être ensuite. 

For now, I wish you all an as-worry-free-as possible end of the year. Have you already made up you mind to change something for the coming year?

Pour le moment, je vous souhaite une fin d'année avec aussi peu de soucis que possible. Avez-vous déjà prévu des changements pour l'année à venir ?

See you next time,

A la prochaine fois, 

Hasta la proxima,


  1. Beautiful post, Magali. Happy new year to you and all good wishes for a kinder 2018.

    1. Thank you so much, Sue! I hope 2018 had a gentle start for you!

  2. Tes photos de mouettes sont magnifiques et pleines de sérénité. La sérénité, c'est ce que je te souhaite pour cette nouvelle année. Je t'embrasse.

  3. Like you, I see time as a continuous experience, not having a specific moment in time when things magically and drastically change. Maybe there was a time when I actually DID make a drastic change, but that is very rare for anyone. True change has to evolve from within, so with that said, I wish you a continued adventure through life Magali, an adventure of courage and joy, purpose and power, to not just survive and strive, but to thrive in 2018.

  4. même perception que toi , du temps comme un fil continu sur lequel on s'amuse à mettre des chiffres . Notre vie est rythmée par une succession de chiffres !!!
    alors donc, je vous souhaite , à toi, Cottage et les chats , de beaux moments et de belles choses pour la suite des jours à venir

  5. Happy new year Magali!! May 2018 bring much happiness xoxo

  6. I feel the same way. No resolutions for me.

    Happy New Year Magali!

  7. Coucou Magali
    Je ne crois pas qu'il faille se poser la question que les décisions qui sont prises dans l'instant seront bénéfiques ou négatives, je vois cela comme une façon de gérer l'instant présent, les décisions n'étant que la résultante d'actes ou de situations particulières, bonnes ou mauvaises il faut les prendre à un instant donné, qu'elles aient ou non un impact sur le futur, je n'y crois pas personnellement car cela voudrait dire que chaque être humain ne vit qu'en fonction des décisions prises à un instant donné, ça laisse peut de marge pour le naturel tout ça... Je te souhaite une merveilleuse année 2018 remplie de bonnes surprises, d'amour à en pleuvoir et des sourires à en revendre...
    Grosses bises

  8. like you time just continues I don't think anything magical happens when it switches to 2018. I have no plans for changes but to just continue on! Have a great new year and hope your life flows smoothly!

  9. ☺Mille Voeux de Bonheur pour cette Nouvelle Année qui va commencer dans quelques heures😻
    Pour ma part la seule résolution que je prendrai pour cette Année, essayer coûte que coûte d'être heureuse.
    Je te souhaite la même chose.
    Bisous et grosses caresses aux gros matous. Babette

  10. Lindas e serenas imagens.Feliz Ano Novo.

  11. Et bisous à ta maman qui est une fidèle. Babette

  12. Happy New Year...I hope the new year brings someone that can fix my laptop without losing everything...I'm not one to use my phone as a computer...I's just time moving on...what I like the most is having a clean slate after Christmas is packed I make ready for spring with a fresh new look...mixing it up using what I have...I hope the new year brings nothing but fond memories to reflect on when you welcome in 2019.

  13. I am right there with you. I do not believe in resolutions but I do believe things can have new beginnings and change can happen at any time. I am already working on some changes in my cottage living room for the start of the new year. After all the Christmas has come down I feel like I need some small changes for the space to feel new again.
    Happy New Year to you, the Cottage and kitties. I hope you find 2018 to be a better year. Wishing you lots of good health, joy each day and lots of happiness.

  14. 2017 I became a Grandma:). 2018 I'm planning to visit longer when I see my mom out of state next summer. Time marches on and we're given the opportunity to use it wisely. See you next month in the new year Magali and your sweet and feisty cats:) I'm sure Mr. Cottage will get a new improvement too!
    Kathleen in Az

    1. Oh, this is such wonderful news... I'm sure you're fond of that little one. 2018 will be a great year, checking on his/her progess... Babies change a lot in one year!

  15. I plan to enjoy life more and have wonderful experiences in the new year! And dream of trump going down and being ejected from office of president!

  16. I wish you the best for the New Year,you have achieved a number of things and house is looking pretty spiffy. I tend to at my age,69, to look at what i have achieved makes me much happier and look to achieving more in 2018.

    1. I hope 2018 had a nice start for you! Thank you for being a reader of my little blog and for commenting so often... It's always a pleasure to read your comments.

  17. I hope you have a better year in 2018. I hope we do too. 2017 has been a rough time for many but I expect big changes that will make the New Year a wonderful one!

  18. Lo mejor para ti y tu familia Magali en 2018 y gracias por tu Blog.:) Hasta la proxima

  19. I hope your new year is better and things flow smoothly for you. xx

  20. Merci pour ce beau post ! Les photos sont superbes ! Je suis d’accord avec vous : pas de changement radical entre le 31 décembre et le premier janvier… C’est comme le jour de notre anniversaire ! Rien de bien différent par rapport à la veille… Mais c’est l’occasion de faire le point sur les projets et les rêves… Mes meilleurs vœux pour cette année 2018 ! ml

  21. Dear Magali, I think much like you do and really enjoyed your honest post. I just work on my day to day goals and don't really stress much about the future and cherish the good memories of the past and hold them dear to my heart. I guess getting older has taught me to not stress as much and enjoy the moments at hand. Wishing a very happy and successful New Year!
    xoxo Jo

  22. merci pour ces images pleines de sérénité ! que la nouvelle année vous apporte, ainsi qu'à vos proches, paix et santé - que la tempête épargne Cottage - bien à vous - monique59

  23. Wishing you a beautiful peaceful, happy and heatlhy New Year!

  24. Wishing you, Cottage and kitties a Very Happy New Year.


  25. My thoughts on the New Year are much like yours...just another day, but yet I definitely have some intentions and goals in mind. Happy New Year to you and your kitties!

  26. Good wishes to you, kitties and Mr. Cottage:). Continue on with your updates on Cottage, garden and relax with the kitties.
    Kathleen in Az

  27. Lovely thoughts and's to a wonderful new year.

  28. Wishing YOU and KITTIES a great start to the new year....and, my ponderings think January 1st gives me a point to stop something bad or displeasing, and start something good or pleasing. It helps me from procrastations I've used all year. You know, like a cut off date. So it goes, "December 31st will be the last time and hopefully January 1st will be the first time I try to turn things around". Other than that, for me, around here, its just the start of a welcome change in temps, winter food, and days indoors (well, maybe a few days) by the fire and not the pool. Where did this whole "resolution" mania come from, anyway? I've lately imagined the expections one gets for a "new year". And frankly girls, if its anything like the last one, I need to run out and get a whole lot more prosecco. I say we all hug our cats, our dogs, put on a really good movie and empty the bottle! ....I'm just saying. My very best to you, and kitties. They're all so adorable! The Cottage is really looking grand. "My hat is off to you, Monsieur Cottage. You are looking quite charming these days. Au revoir!

  29. Beautiful photos for a nod to the new year. Wishing you and your family, cottage and kitties a very Happy New Year!

  30. "...but somehow, for the first time, I understand the idea that changing a little number might help the mind grasping the fact that things are evolving." Well said. That's how I'm feeling this year. Thank you for this post. Lovely photos. I wish you the happiest and healthiest of all new years. xo


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