Friday, December 20, 2013

Resting Around The Christmas Tree

A Little White House Christmas - 6 -

First of all, Shadow and I would like to thank all of you for the well wishes he received. I read them to him, as he's not so good with reading and it helped him a lot! 

Tout d'abord, un grand merci pour tous vos voeux de bonne santé pour Shadow, je lui les ai transmis et il a été très touché.

But let's rewind to the beginning of the week. On Monday evening, after school, I rushed back home to pick up Shadow and we went to the vet. Albert (that's his name) is a good vet and a really nice person. But it was late, we were the last appointment of the day and he forgot that Shadow is slightly epileptic and gave him a shot of a medicine against vomiting (that had been the problem on Sunday) that no epileptic cat is allowed to have.

Mais commençons par un petit retour en arrière. Lundi, après les cours, j'ai emmené Shadow chez Albert, mon vétérinaire. Il était tard, j'étais le dernier rendez-vous et Albert semble avoir oublié que Shadow est légèrement épileptique : il lui a injecté un anti-vomitif (c'était ça le problème, dimanche) qui ne fait pas bon ménage avec l'épilepsie.

Unaware of it of course, I came back home and a few minutes later, Shadow began acting very weirdly, crying, afraid of everything, a moment violent and the next collapsing on the floor. I understood it was a reaction to the injection, but there wasn't much I could do until the medicine stopped working, except staying next to Shadow so he wouldn't be alone in this... It was a very long night.

Evidemment, je ne me suis aperçue de rien, mais quelques minutes après le retour à la maison, Shadow a commencé à être tout bizarre: il tournait en rond, n'arrivait pas à sauter sur le canapé ou le lit, était tour à tour violent et apathique. J'ai bien compris qu'il allait falloir attendre que le produit cesse d'agir, mais j'aime autant vous dire que la nuit a été très longue!

Shadow resting in bed (bedroom still with previous owner's wall paper...)

But now he's back to his full cheery and cheeky self! And after he rested all Tuesday and Wednesday, he helped me decorate the tree, converting baubles into balls!

Il est maintenant de nouveau lui-même: joyeux et pénible! Et après l'avoir laissé se reposer mardi et mercredi, je l'ai embauché pour faire le sapin. Son rôle consiste à transformer les décors en balles!

Two angels...

While you were reading Shadow's health report, you may have noticed the tree  is a small real tree, so it's always slightly crooked and it's difficult to have the lights and ornaments evenly displayed, but as usual, the Little White House is not about perfection! Below is the gorgeous ornament Donna sent me.

Tout en lisant le bulletin de santé de Shadow, vous avez dû voir qu'au cottage, nous avons un petit arbre de Noël naturel et donc toujours biscornu avec des trous dans la verdure et des endroits où les branches sont très serrées... Pour moi, cela fait partie de son charme, même si je râle un peu quand il faut le décorer.

I made a few ornaments with seashells that were found on the nearest beach, just because I thought it made more sense than to have something from the mountains in my tree! I couldn't find glass baubles, though, so I used plastic ones, but it's not as pretty!

J'ai créé (enfin, c'est un bien grand mot) quelques décorations avec des coquillages ramassés sur la plage la plus proche, histoire de ne pas oublier que je suis au bord de la mer, même si en ce moment, je n'ai pas une seconde pour me promener sur la plage!

Now, who can guess what's inside that last ornament?

Et qui peut deviner ce que j'ai mis de chatoyant dans cette dernière boule?

I'm pretty sure you've noticed that cat #2 is on nearly every picture and as he's more popular than my decor, here's a little close up of him, working hard on his beauty sleep.

Vous avez peut-être vu que chat n°2 s'est arrangé pour être sur presque toutes les photos, alors qu'il travaillait dur à se reposer!

All pictures were taken at night since I spent the afternoon signing papers for the kitchen... Yes, I have made a decision and no, I won't tell you more today!

Les photos ont été prises de nuit car j'ai passé l'après-midi à prendre des décisions pour la cuisine: oui, j'ai signé quelque chose et non, vous ne saurez encore rien!!!

Have a blessed Chritmas everyone!

Passez un bon Noël!

I'm sharing the cat's health report and my Christmas tree at:

The DedicatedHouse        Rooted In Thyme                Lavender Garden Cottage                                 


  1. So glad your kitty is okay now. You feel so helpless when they get sick because they can't tell you wants bothering them.
    Your tree is very pretty and look really nice with your ornaments. I like the ones with the shells inside.
    Yea, you signed your papers for the kitchen, congratulations! Will be looking forward to seeing the progress.
    Have a blessed Christmas - I'll be off for San Jose, CA to see my family.

  2. Poor Shadow! I'm happy he is feeling better. He looks so comfortable as he mends. It's so odd, but your two cats look similar to two of our cats. Shadow looks like Clara. (Don't tell him.) Albert looks like Claude, but we lost Claude when we moved. We went to look for him many times at home and at online shelters; our neighbors looked too:( They were actually brother and sister even though they did not look alike.

    I love your tree. I love the stars and the turquoise colors. I don't know what could be in the ornament? Pieces of the old kitchen?

    Congratulations on your kitchen progress!!!! XOXO

  3. Eh bien, si tu n'es pas superwoman pour réussir à faire tout ça !!! Ton arbre est mignon comme tout et j'adore les boules avec des compositions personnelles. A bientôt.

  4. I'm so glad Shadow is feeling better Magali! I know part of your Christmas wish would be to see him fully recovered. Hugs to you my friend!

    As for the tree! I LOVE IT! Actually, the tree being crooked is what makes it so pretty and the little ornaments you added just makes it perfect for your home!

  5. I love your little tree and go glad your baby is better. I used to have cats and now just miss Bailey.

  6. très joyeux Noël à toi , Magali

    1. Joyeux Noël à toi; as-tu créé une tenue spéciale pour ce jour-là? Bisous.

  7. So happy to hear your baby is okay and your tree is very pretty. Merry Christmas Magali. Looking forward to another wonderful year of reading your blog! Cheers.

  8. Shadow is beautiful! Looks so pretty resting near the tree! Joyeux Noel to you and I love your tree and ornaments!

  9. oh my how scary so happy your kitty is now feeling much better the decor looks lovely you both did a great job of putting it up

  10. Poor kitty! I'm glad he's feeling better. :)

    Are those candy wrappers I spy in that ornament??

    Merry Christmas Magali!!


  11. So glad to hear that Shadow is feeling better--I'm sure it helped to snuggle up in the covers on the bed! Your other kitty is beautiful as well, and I'm sure they were a big help as you decorated. From Washington State, I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Magali! I think the Internet and blogging is so cool, because I likely never would have had a chance to meet you otherwise, and I'm very glad that I did :)

  12. Je l'aime bien ton petit arbre de Noël.
    Shadow va-t-il mieux?
    Je n'arrive pas à voir ce qui scintille dans la boule de Noël, dommage.
    Bises & la suite au prochain numéro. Babette

  13. There you go again ending your post with a teaser.

    I am so sorry your cat was ill. We have had to keep Lulu quiet since she came home from the vet on Monday. She was "fixed" so we won't have puppies. Today she is finally stealing things again which tells us she is better.

    I love your tree - who needs perfection.

  14. I'm so glad that Shadow is better now, it must have been a very trying time.
    Your tree is very pretty with all the white decorations and touches of blue - looks like papillote papers to me, in that bauble ?!?
    And your kitchen, well I guess we'll just have to wait till 2014 !

  15. Magali,
    I rarely every comment, but I love your blog and read every single post. I love your cottage and your cat and your priorities. That ornament your friend Donna sent you is so wonderful, one of a kind. (ornament envy :-) I wish you a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Thank you for your blog posts.

  16. Dear Magali,
    I am very glad to hear that Shadow is doing better ! :)))
    Love your cats,your Christmas tree(we also put up a small real tree),your seashell Christmas ornaments(every one is simply gorgeous, unique).
    'What is inside that last ornament ? ' - the colours look like papillotes wraps...
    Merry Christmas to you and yours(including the fur family of course). LOVE and warm hugs,Izabella.

  17. I'm so glad Shadow is back to himself! Your little tree is lovely, especially with the ornaments that you made yourself. I am trying to figure out what is in that last ornament -- papillotes? I seem to remember those colors from your previous post. By the way, I thought of you last weekend because my local paper did a huge article about Brittany...the aerial photos gave me a much better sense about where you live -- it's beautiful! I kept wondering if one of the houses in the photos was the Little White House on The Seaside! Have a wonderful Christmas, Magali!

  18. Oh my goodness, poor Shadow! That is really scary. I'm glad he's doing much better. Love your little Christmas tree!

  19. Merci Magali pour ces décors si inspirants et pour vos chats si proches des sapins de Noël..on les comprend, c'est tellement tentant tout ça ! Mymi

  20. J'adore ton sapin de Noël, il est superbe! Chez moi aussi le chat joue avec les boules!
    Je te souhaite de belles fêtes de fin d'année . Bisous et plein de calins aux deux minets.Tinou

    1. Il n'y a pas de raison que seuls les humains fassent joujou avec les décors, les chats y ont droit aussi!!! Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année à toi et aux tiens!

  21. Cat #2 is adorable! As well as the glass balls. I like christmas trees decored with light colors, yours is lovely.

  22. The kitty is so cute! Your little tree is adorable, so chubby and cheerful. And of course I love your kitchen, even now -- your light fixture is much like mine! -- and your dining room looks lovely. Happy Holidays, Magali! ~Angela~

  23. Have a wonderful holiday Magali!!
    I am so glad that your cat is feeling better! :)

  24. Oh Shadow!! Oh gosh!!! Oh Magali!! Oh my!!! I am so glad Shadow made it through ok, what a horrifying experience for him and exhausting for you! He still looks a bit tired….. Best wishes to all three of you, I hope everyone is well and happy now and stays that way!!
    Love your Christmas tree and your lovely ornaments that you made. Happy Holidays to everyone!!!

    1. Thank you so much for your regular visits and sweet comments all year round. Merry Christmas to you!

  25. OH!! and the KITCHEN!!! Can't wait!! Plus, when are you going to show us ALL of that chair? :)

  26. Joyeux Noël à toi et à tes terreurs de compagnie...

    1. Mes petites terreurs passent le réveillon à ronfler chacun de son côté! Bon Noël!

  27. I came by to wish you a Merry Christmas, and I can't believe what happened to your poop fur baby! I'm soooooo glad he's ok, but how scary was that?!

    Have a wonderful holiday!

  28. Glad Shadow is better. Love your little tree! What a cute ornament Donna made :) Glad you were safe in the storm too!

  29. Happy to hear Shadow is better.
    Your tree is perfect. We had two this year, one floor tree about 6-7 feet tall, and a table top. I tend to like the small ones better. Love your ornaments, and I am BEYOND HAPPY to read that the Little White House is not about perfection. It's actually one of the things that drew me to your blog from day's REAL.
    Well, it's been fun catching up today, Magali.
    I wish you a beautiful weekend.

  30. Glad to hear Shadow is doing better.
    I love that little tree. The imperfect makes it perfect.

  31. So glad Shadow made a speedy recovery, poor thing! Your lovely little tree is just perfect in your lovely little white house!


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