Wednesday, August 02, 2017


July Outtakes

July has been the hell of a month. I tried to explain with words what I was feeling. I'm not that bad with words, actually, but every time I re-read what I had written as an intro, it felt too personal, almost like a diary and this is not what I want this blog to be, so I found this gif that just sums up my month perfectly: every time I thought I was going to make it, something new took me to the ground.

Juillet a été un mois sans un moment de répit. J'ai d'abord essayé d'écrire un article  où je vous expliquais tout. Mais cela ressemblait trop à un journal intime. Du coup, je vous ai plutôt choisi cette image pour vous faire comprendre ce mois : chaque fois que je croyais me relever, je m'écroulais à nouveau.

I'm not going to bore you with all the details - and some things are just too personal - but I broke down a few of the events of this month in a few "meetings" or "missed meetings"...

Je ne vais pas tout vous raconter - cela prendrait des pages et des pages et certaines choses sont trop personnelles  - mais je vous ai résumé le mois en "rencontres" et "rencontres ratées".

1. This month has seen countless meetings with our vet as just when he was recovering from his big urgery from the previous month, Shadow hurt his eye pretty badly. I had to apply drops to it very regularly and so I had to drive back home on every lunch break. That was tiring as it was the end of the school year, which is always busy... Who couldn't keep her eyes opened in any end-of-the-year staff meeting ?

1. Ce mois a vu un nombre incalculable de rencontres avec le vétérinaire. Juste quand il commençait à se remettre de son opération du dernier jour de mai, Shadow s'est méchamment blessé à l’œil. Il fallait lui mettre des gouttes toutes les six heures. Qui a passé toutes ses  pauses déjeuner sur la route pour rentrer à la maison mettre des gouttes ? Qui a fini l'année tellement fatiguée qu'elle ne tenait plus les yeux ouverts dans aucune réunion ?

2. One missed meeting with a school inspector. The meetings of a few teachers and our inpector was on a Monday morning and I got the letter on Monday afternoon... A huge thank you to the school secretary who "forgot" to tell me, as it put me in a very uncomfortable position.

2. Une rencontre ratée avec l'inspectrice. J'étais convoquée un lundi matin pour une réunion avec l'inspectrice dans une ville à deux heures de chez moi... Mais la lettre m'a été transmise le lundi après-midi. Merci à la secrétaire super efficace de ce collège de m'avoir mise dans cette position extrêmement inconfortable.

3. One meeting with a policeofficer who made me pull over because I was driving a bit too fast... But I told him I had to be back home as soon as possible to call the inspector to explain I wasn't at the meeting.. He let me go... I was wearing a tank top by the same brand as the dress mentionned in a previous post... I'm thinking maybe I should only wear this brand... It seems to help me a lot!

3. Une rencontre avec un policier qui m'a arrêtée parce que je roulais un poil trop vite... Je lui ai expliqué qu'il fallait que je rentre à la maison pour appeler l'inspectrice pour m'excuser de mon absence du matin... Et il m'a laissé repartir !

4. One meeting with many, many teachers as I was asked last minute to substitute for a teacher who was supposed to be head of a "grading center" for one of our end-of-the-year national exams... It wasn't too bad of a job, but it meant very long hours and two of those teachers really didn't help me as they wanted to stay very late to grade all their papers in one day instead of three...

4. Une rencontre avec plein de professeurs quand il a fallu que je remplace au pied levé les deux coordonnatrices nommées avant moi (mais qui se sont fait porter pâles) pour la correction du brevet 2017. Dans l'ensemble, je n'ai rencontré que des gens charmants à l'exception de deux professeurs qui ont tenu absolument à corriger leurs copies en une journée et ont donc fini très tard... Je devais rester sur place tant que des professeurs avaient des copies en main et je tombais de sommeil. Pourtant, j'avais été une coordo plutôt cool, ne donnant qu'une seule consigne - me rendre les copies à 18h30 !

5. One meeting with a little seaside town in Western Brittany. Shadow and I spent a week away from Cottage and I just adored everything about the area we stayed. I'll tell you more in the next  post. Shadow met a new friend there two... I'll show him next time!

5. Une rencontre avec une adorable petite ville du bord de mer de l'ouest breton. Avec Shadow, on est parti une petite semaine loin de Cottage, de mes pinceaux et de mes problèmes de boulot. J'ai adoré cette escapade et je vous en dirai plus dans le prochain article. En plus, Shadow a rencontré un petit copain là-bas !

6. One missed meeting with the guy in charge of my file at the National Education Ministry. He sent me an email that made me really furious on a Thursday at 6:52pm. The next day, at 9am, I was phoning him to tell him what I thought and to request a meeting. His secretary answered. He was in holidays from that morning to August 25th. Who is this coward who can ruin one year of my life but doesn't want to face me so he emails me bad news right before leaving???

6. Une rencontre ratée avec la personne responsable de mon dossier au rectorat. Il m'a écrit un email un jeudi soir à 18h52 qui m'a rendue furieuse. Le vendredi matin à 9h, je l'appelle pour exiger un rendez-vous et sa secrétaire me répond qu'il est parti en vacances depuis la veille au soir et ne rentrera que le 25 août. Je veux absolument rencontrer ce lâche qui part en vacances sans régler le problème et qui met en difficulté non seulement moi, mais les collèges dans lesquels je suis censée travailler et aussi les élèves.

That's it for that crazy month... Now, I need to go back studying Latin as on top of working in two schools more than three quarters of an hour apart next year, I'll have to teach two subjects, one of them is Latin, which is not really my forte... So far I'm really good at saying "Wingardium LeviOsa", I hope that'll be useful!

Et voilà, c'est "tout" pour ce mois délirant... Je vais retourner étudier mon latin car en plus de devoir travailler sur deux collèges séparés de plus de trois quarts d'heure de petites routes l'année prochaine, j'ai découvert dans mon emploi du temps qu'il y avait des heures de latin, ce qui n'est vraiment pas mon point fort... Je m'entraîne donc et pour l'instant, je maîtrise vraiment bien "Wingardium LeviOsa", j'espère que cela sera utile !

See you next time,

A la prochain fois,

Hasta la proxima,

PS: The song that gave this post its title is here:


  1. Oh my, what a month and all ruined due to people's thoughtlessness. It must only get better...

  2. GOod morning Magali,

    Anything with school matters can turn into such a stressful situation. I'm surprised to hear that you had still been in school for so long, since I've been off since early June. I don't go back until 24 August for my first meeting. The anxiety is starting to build since I have no idea what my classes will be and a new curriculum is underway.

    I am SO sorry to hear you had such a bad month. I do hope you enjoy your holiday.

  3. Your July sounds like my spring that was so bad. I sure hope your kitty is okay.

  4. tu n'avais vraiment pas besoin de ça, dur dur pour un juillet qui s'avère plus inconfortable que bienfaiteur
    J'espère que tu gardes le moral malgré tout, je pense que je ne serais pas seule à t'envoyer des tas de bonnes ondes
    Courage, ça va s'arranger

  5. Good Morning an..Holy cow.!!!..first off..i'd be wearing that brand every time i put anything on..sounds like you really needed that week shadow made a friend..that's not something you hear much about a grown cat..i hope this month is off to a Great you must be an exceptional teacher to take on teaching latin..i'll be rooting for ya..and i hope the kids in these schools are better then the last..maybe you should wear that brand the first month of school.?!

    1. P.S. just noticed you changed your header..very nice.!

  6. Oh my goodness, Magali! Well, things can only go up from here, right? Hopefully?!! Life really shouldn't be this difficult. Whatever happened to plain old common sense. So sorry it was such a difficult month. I hope Shadow is doing better. On a brighter note, I was catching up on your last post and I'm in love with your new stove. It's perfect for Cottage and I'm so happy for you that you found just the right one.

  7. They say bad things happen in threes, but I'm pretty sure right about now you'd welcome that number!

    So sorry about your kitty and all the inconsiderate people who seem to make life difficult

  8. Pah! It sounds as though you are surrounded by idiots. Nil illegitimus carborandum, as my dad used to say! When people get you down, just remember that they use the toilet too. Loved that number; very atmospheric.

  9. Hope Shadow will be on the mend and doing better in the days to come. You have had a rough time of it. I am hoping that the school administrator will see you as a real person that gives so much of herself to teach and will reconsider being such a bully and heartless person. Hoping and wishing you better days ahead. Hang in there there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is not another train coming at you!!!!!

  10. Oh My...Work Nonsense...we can all relate...but July is behind us and there is no turning back...Hello August, you Hot Beautiful Month. Happy Holiday Month for You, Magali...Shoot..we've already gone back to school here (a Year Round School in New Mexico)'s all good. :)

  11. Bon allez, il n'y a plus qu'à croiser les doigts, faire brûler un cierge à Ste Thérèse, jeter du sel par dessus ton épaule, poser le pied gauche dans une merde de chien... et tout rentrera dans l'ordre ! Tiens, je parie (pas grand chose tout de même) que ta rentrée sera plus cool que tu ne le redoutes ! Bon courage !

  12. What I don't miss about teaching EVERYTHING except the teaching. I have serious doubts about those in charge of education, clueless and self-important.
    Good luck with the Latin.

  13. Hello Magali, coming from a state that has the worse schools in the U. S., I know for a fact there is wonderful teachers trying so hard to educate and help our children. What a month for you and I'm happy to hear that you and Shadow had a much needed vacation.
    Take care of yourself and your well being,
    Kathleen in Az

  14. There seem to be so many rude people on Power Trips nowadays. I hope things settle down and get better.

    1. The previous guy in the administration in charge of French substitute teachers in Brittany was so nice and the new one is a nightmare!

  15. It has got to get better from here on out, right? Right?? I sure hope so.

  16. en fait, un prof en vacances n'est jamais en vacances !!! il faut espérer que vos futures classes seront sympathiques et travailleuses afin de vous faire oublier cette situation invraisemblable ! mention passable à certains personnels administratifs mais mention TB au policier compréhensif... le mug puffin est trop mimi !!! à bientôt pour découvrir un petit coin de la Bretagne ouest - monique59

  17. I to got out of ticket before wearing tank top! We ladies do what we have to do to survive on our budgets. So very sorry your month has been so disappointing. That administrator sounds like a real jerk to send that email before leaving. I hope you have a chance to meet with him. Poor you and poor Shadow. Am glad he is better now. Our pets always pick the worse time to get hurt or ill. Latin I am very impressed! Glad you at least had a week away from stress. Enjoy your last days before school.

    1. I'm trying to rest a little between Latin studies and landing painting!!! Shadow is better, but got into a fight again yesterday!

  18. When down, look at your super new stove !! Cottage is looking like a million bucks <3 love it, Marie from Belguim

    1. Thanks! It does help a little to think I'll be coming back home to Cottage every evening!

  19. Oh Mags! I'm so sorry for your horrible MONTH....a day or two would have been bad enough! I got into a confrontation in a store this week....I felt badly about it, and was telling my daughter what happened. She said, "Oh Mom...when people are like that just hit them on the back of the head and RUN!" heheheheh can't do that, even tho you'd like to. Make yourself a good drink, put on some music, and DANCE!!!!

  20. The good news is, you survived! Hopefully, August is a better month.

  21. You've had quite an ordeal. Let Cottage and road trips soothe your spirit this month. Hic manebimus optime. Jo @ Let's Face the Music

    1. And you now what I'll tell the administration guy when I see him? Hoc est bellum.

  22. Bless your heart! Honestly, when it rains it pours, sometimes, as the saying goes. Sounds like you have has one of those months. I can feel your fulustration as some ot the situations go and I hope all the school problems are resolved. Hope sweet Shadow is better and you are a good mom to your fur baby to make that trip at lunch to make sure he gets his drops. i do hope you are all caught up and will soon be relaxing a little. Sending hugs. PS buy a closet full of those labels. All help helps us through the day:)

  23. Oh dear, you did have more than your share of troubles in July. Hopefully it's now all behind you and this next month will be much better. The good news is you didn't get a ticket. Looking forward to your next post and seeing Shadow's new friend. xo

  24. I hope you can enjoy your August vacation while reviewing Latin. Hope Shadow is recovering. Thank you for following my kitchen renovation.

  25. Magali espero que este nuevo mes sea mucho mejor y mas tranquilo, creo que la marca de ropa no haria nada si no fueras Hermosa y atractiva ademas de inteligente y gracias que a pesar de todo te has dado tiempo para tu alegro que Shadow este mejor Hasta la Proxima amiga :)

    1. Gracias Nelly. Shadow está mejorando cada día y está casi de vuelta como antes.


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