Saturday, August 26, 2017

Semper Eadem

Watching TV with Magali, a hot bottle and a cat...

Lady And The Tramp Edition

It seems Cottage can't keep a secret and so now you all know about my huge summer project - painting the staircase walls and ceiling. It was a long and exhausting job, so I'm taking it easy for the last few days before school starts again.

Cottage semble incapable de garder un secret et vous connaissez donc tous mon énorme projet de l'été - peindre les murs et le plafond de la cage d'escalier.  C'était un boulot difficile et épuisant et j'essaie donc de me reposer pendant les quelques jours qui me restent avant la rentrée. 

Taking it easy means studying latin, cleaning Cottage a little (I'm not good at house keeping, but I had the stupid idea to begin school with a clean house this year, forgetting that cats live here too), reading and falling asleep on the sofa in front of the TV.

Se reposer, c'est tout de même étudier un peu de latin, faire du ménage (je ne suis vraiment pas douée pour ça et puis j'ai eu l'idée idiote de reprendre l'école avec une maison toute propre, oubliant que les chats vivaient ici), lire et s'endormir devant la télé.

But whatever I watch on TV, I'm always my little self and I can't help noticing the set behind the actors. I mean even when they blow up a door in Blindspot, I'm more worried about the damage to the door casing than about the characters...

Mais quel que soit le programme que je regarde, je reste toujours la même : je ne peux m'empêcher de remarquer le décor en arrière plan. Même quand je suis devant un épisode explosif de Blindspot, s'ils enfoncent une porte, je m'inquiète plus des dommages faits aux moulures que des personnages...

I need to confess that this little habit of mine doesn't stop at movies or TVshows, it spreads to pretty much everything... even animated movies. Much to my cats' dismay, I recently rewatched Lady and The Tramp... The dogs are cute, but the background is just to die for. I couldn't believe how detailed every little thing was.

Je dois vous avouer que cette petite habitude ne s'arrête même pas aux films ou aux séries, je fais de même quand je regarde un dessin animé. Au grand désespoir de mes chats, j'ai récemment revu La Belle et le Clochard... Les chiens sont mignons, mais l'arrière-plan est à tomber. Je suis restée scotchée par l'attention portée aux détails.

The movie was created to show a dog's point of vue, so apart from the view times when they look up, we see the rooms through dogs' eyes, which draws the attention to details like plinths, plinth blocks, chair legs, table legs, all things I find fascinating.

Le film a été créé pour donner le point de vue des chiens, donc, à part pour les quelques fois où ils lèvent la tête, les pièces sont vues à travers leurs yeux, ce qui attire l'attention sur des détails comme les plinthes, les sabots de porte, les pieds de chaises et de table, bref, tous ces petits trucs que  je trouve fascinants.

 Of course, I couldn't not admire the tea set and the beautiful back of the chairs. Though, I keep wondering what this human drinks for breakfast... Does it look like wine in his glass?

Bien sûr, le service à thé a attiré mon regard, tout comme le dossier de chaise travaillé. Je me demande tout de même ce que boit cet humain au petit déjeuner... Cela ne ressemble pas à du vin dans son verre ?

The plinths and all the moulding that appear in the house is gorgeous... And seeing is almost gave me the motivation to paint my plinths... I said "almost"!

Les plinthes et toutes les moulures qui apparaissent dans la maison sont superbes... Les voir m'a presque donné la motivation pour peindre mes plinthes... J'ai dit "presque" !

I don't think I have already confessed it here but I have a pathological thing for chairs... If they have a nice back or sexy legs (or both), I need to have them in Cottage. I litterally drooled over the rocking chair on the porch or the ones besides the fireplace.

Je ne sais pas si je l'ai déjà confessé sur le blog, mais j'ai un truc pathologique pour les chaises. Si elles ont un beau dossier ou des pieds  travaillés (ou les deux), j'ai un besoin incontrôlable de les ramener au Cottage. Les rocking-chairs du porche et du salon m'ont donc fait rêver. 

The arrival of the siamese cats in the house gives the opportunity to see  some really nice pieces of furniture. Look at the crown molding on this secretary!

L'arrivée des siamois dans la maison donne l'occasion de voir de jolis meubles, comme ce secrétaire dont les moulures sont à tomber ou une table aux pieds joliment galbés.

Now, if you ever had a dog, you must remember the very first night s/he spent under your roof. I think the movie depicts that in the perfect and cutest way possible... Enjoy!

Si vous avez ou avez eu un chien, vous ne pouvez pas avoir oublié la première nuit qu'il a passé sous votre toit. Je trouve que ce film capture ce moment de façon à la fois exacte et adorable. Je vous défie de ne pas sourire !


Many of my readers told me that they now watch TV shows with always an eye on the set, I hope from now on you'll always keep an eye on the background in animated movies!

Beaucoup de mes lecteurs m'écrivent que maintenant ils gardent toujours un œil sur les décors quand ils regardent une série, j'espère que dès aujourd'hui vous ferez de même avec les dessins animés ! 

I have one last question for you. French TV just doesn't seem to be able to air TV shows in a way that make sense... The websites I used for streaming keep having viruses... I've been considering joining Netflix. If you use it, is it worth it? Or could you tell me about an other site that I could use? Thanks in advance for your help.

J'ai une question à vous poser. L'organisation délirante de la diffusion des séries sur la télé française m'épuise (à la fois nerveusement et physiquement car, sérieusement, qui a pensé à TF1 que diffuser quatre épisodes à la suite entrecoupés de pub un soir de semaine était une bonne idée - un stagiaire, j'espère). Les deux sites que j'utilisais pour regarder des séries en streaming ne cessent d'être infectés de virus. Je pensais rejoindre Netflix, mais j'ai l'impression que la version française n'offre pas grand chose... Qui l'utilise et peut me renseigner ? Merci d'avance.

See you next time,

A la prochaine fois,

Hasta la proxima,


PS: I "stole" the screencaps for this website:


  1. what an interesting post today. I hardly ever pay attention to such background and as you point out it is so interesting - all that molded wood work is beautiful and I love the old fashioned rocking chairs and they look so comfy - well not the wood one to me - I need tons of cushions for that kind of chair as I have a bony spine and not a lot of padding on my hips lol -- Netflix is so worth it in my opinion - we have that and we have Amazon Prime Membership which includes the video - it is all I watch - we have do get news stations too but even though we pay for Direct TV we can't find a package small enough for us which is so frustrating. All we want from Direct TV is the news stations and the network show but we have to have a whole package which we do not like. Sometimes we barely watch tv and then other times I do almost every evening while I sew -

  2. Such a cute movie and the details in the house really are amazing. We have Netflix and love it. I almost never watch regular tv. The only problem is that it's very easy to spend (waste) a lot of time watching! Painting is hard work so you definitely need some time to rest and relax before returning to school!

  3. We have Amazon Prime and Acorn for most of our viewing.

  4. I, too, suffer from a Chair Addiction! It seems there is always one calling to me. So many little time. We have Netflix and use it daily and are very happy with it. I recommend it.

  5. Watched the video and one of my pups heard Lady and was looking around:). We have Netflix and I agree with Karen about Direct TV, I kinda miss the olden days when I didn't have to pay for tv privileges. A pretty Victorian home and yes, I do enjoy looking at the background of movies and TV series. Enjoy the quiet and rest until you go back to school:). Kathleen in Az

  6. Great post. Love Lady and the Tramp.

    Rest up and have a wonderful school year with great kids.


  7. I always notice the background, furniture, window treatments, antiques, table settings..........

    I just have regular cable tv, all else is too expensive.....

    1. It's nice to know I'm not the only watching what's behind the actors!

  8. YES, Netflix is amazing! We have been able to "travel" to places we'll probably never see through Netflix shows. We have been hooked and have binge-watched so many British TV series through Netflix! And, like you, we always notice the setting and homes and gardens in these shows, so you are NOT alone!

    We recently rewatched "Escape to the Country", a British show showing prospective home buyers who want to escape the noise and crowds of city life and are looking for properties in the British countryside. Talk about COTTAGES, Magali; if you get Netflix, watch this show. You will get some pretty fantastic ideas or confirm your already-made renovations. LOVE IT!

  9. There isn't an artistic bone in my body. I hardly ever notice details like this...but of course I shall in future. Can't answer you're streaming question - I'm still struggling to get coal for our TV anyway...

  10. Oh good for you getting a little down time before school begins again. I love the movie, well acquainted with this one and most Disney movies. Yes, I always pay attention to the set. I love seeing what props are used in home scenes. I get a real rush when I spy something I have in my home. I am so surprised at how popular Quimper was in backgrounds of old movies! We have Netflix Magali. We only watch television when we find a good series. Recently I discovered the remake of Anne of Green Gables. I watched a couple of episodes and I'm hooked!

  11. Just read Anita's comment and I'd forgotten we watched all the series "Escape to the Country," all about cottages! You would love that. Binge watching is a wonderful thing! Go for it, Netflix! Oh another we enjoyed, Doc Martin. Britts have wonderful comedy programs.......

  12. Have you considered ROKU? It's now available in France, here's a link :

    You can subscribe to different services, and also see independent channels regarding home topics, retro tv shows and so many others.. I subscribe to Hulu (don't know if it's available there) but MHZ is, I believe, and it carries many European programs.. Actually one I am watching now is The French Village.. Of course we get it later than it was first out, but I'm enjoying it ( of course, I need the sub-titles, my French is horrible)

    Good luck in your search for decent programming! I enjoy your blog immensely. Looking forward to seeing more changes in your home..

  13. I always pay attention to the set. We've had Netflix for 5 years now. We like it, although I don't think there are as many movies as there used to be. Seems they concentrate heavily on TV shows. That being said, we do enjoy the British shows so it's not all bad. I loved to watch Lady and the Tramp when I was a child, except I did not like the creepy siamese cats. xo

  14. Hi..i never seen lady an the tramp..not sure why?!!.. you i see all the wonderment of the set..since i was a child i've been fascinated with architecture..what 5 yr old looks at a thinks..boy would i love to see the inside of that dormer windows..fabulous..i find i've missed the dialog in a show because i was focused on the set decor.. friend loves having there's hulu too..i used hulu some yrs was free then..but i don't know about these days..seems nothing is free anymore..can you get the amazon fire stick..i hear it's good too..
    have a nice's been so absolutely gorgeous here..hope it's been the same there!

  15. LOL Magali I am like you when I watch a movie I always love seeing the period pieces in the movie or how peeps are dressed etc. Happy new week.

  16. I love the Victorian era and even when watching my fave videos of Sherlock Holmes with Jeremy Brett, I spend more time looking at the decor of the set when I should be paying attention to the plot and the actors. I do the same with my fave cooking videos. I love playing in the kitchen with my 'toys' and sometimes the kitchens are more exciting than the cooking. ;)

    1. While I began sending the living-room walls, I put the TV on and there were old episodes of Midsommer Murders that I watched without the sound (sanding is loud enough) just to check on the cottages and the tea sets!!!

  17. Pour ma part, ce qui m'interpelle en regardant une série TV c'est l'aménagement des cuisines (à la recherche d'une cuisinière en fonte) et les accompagnements du thé... Lady montant l'escalier vertigineux est une très jolie image. Très bonne fin de vacances et bonne reprise ! monique59

  18. You're a girl after my own heart. It's nice to know I'm not alone ;).


  19. It's always fun to watch tv with you, Magali! The set designers would be thrilled to know that you're paying so much attention to the details they work so hard to create! As for Netflix, I do enjoy it (I feel like a traitor saying that since I worked for HBO for 30+ years, and they are fierce competitors). I hardly ever watch the movies, since they don't get new releases, but I think their original programming is great (The Crown, House of Cards, Grace and Frankie, Making A Murderer, to name a few), and I like that I can catch up on series I missed when they were on, such as Mad Men.

  20. I love this are spot on about the backgrounds in these movies...And as for TV watching, I love Netflix...The Crown I have already re-watched 3 commercials is just the best and the show is outstanding...gotta love the Queen. :)

  21. Netflix is constantly on, whenever I am home I watch all sorts of shows. It was worth it to purchase. Right now I am watching When calls from heart. I am obsessed with it. Early 1900, about a school teacher living in the pioneer countryside plus a love story and outlaws in it. I watched 4 hours so far while cross stitching all day today.

  22. I've been following your blog for a while. I love the renovations that you are doing, I'm also a teacher! I would love more details about your school life.

    Netflix is awesome as everyone else has already told you.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to write a comment. I will try to add details about my teacher's life in France in posts. Feel free to email me with any question you have.

  23. An interesting movie. I still remember how excited I was when I was still young.

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