Monday, September 16, 2013

Chicken Pie A La Magali

Maybe some of you ar worried after seeing the state my kitchen is in about what might be eaten at The Little White House...

Peut-être qu'après avoir vu l'état de la cuisine, certains s'inquiètent de ce que l'on mange au cottage.

Well, besides lots of cat food tins, you'll always find some home made human food here.

Bon, en plus de tonnes de boîtes pour les chats, vous trouverez toujours quelque chose de fait-maison pour les humains dans ma cuisine!

I realised I had only shared sweet recipes with you until now, so after a Sunday morning thrifting, I made one of my favourite savoury pie for you and because it was probably one of the last warm day of the year, I decided that lunch would be had in the garden.

Je me suis aperçue que je n'avais partagé que des recettes sucrées jusqu'ici avec vous, alors un dimanche, après ma chine matinale, je vous ai préparé ma recette de pie au poulet et j'ai décidé de profiter des derniers jours de beau temps pour servir le déjeuner dans le jardin.

This pie smells of fall and English pub when you cut it. It's delicious, so here the recipe if you'd like to try it.

C'est une recette qui sent bon l'automne et le pub anglais!

Ingredients you'll need:
  • butter / beurre
  • 1 onion / 1 oignon
  • 2 cups of fresh sliced mushrooms / 125 g de champignons émincés
  • 1 leek / 1 poireau
  • 1 carrot / 1 carotte
  • 4 chicken breasts / 4 blancs de poulet
  • 1/4 cup of flour / 2 grosses cuillerées à soupe de farine
  • 1 cup of water / 1 tasse d'eau
  • 1 pinch of dried herbs / 1 pincée d'herbes de Provence
  • 1/2 cup of cream / 2 grosses cuillerées à soupe de crème fraîche
  • salt and pepper / sel et poivre
  • puff pastry (home made or not!) / pâte feuilletée (maison ou toute prête - mais au beurre!)

On my amazing cooking range (!), I put in my cocotte the butter, onion, mushrooms, sliced leek, sliced carrot and sliced chicken and let it cook for a little while. Then I add the flour and mix well before adding the water, the herbs and the cream. I let it cook for a little while again and then add salt and pepper.

Dans une cocotte à feu doux, mélanger le beurre, l'oignon, le poireau et la carotte coupés en petits morceaux. Ajouter le poulet coupé en morceaux et laisser mijoter un moment. Ensuite, verser la farine, bien mélanger avant d'ajouter l'eau, les herbes et la crème. Laisser mijoter à nouveau, puis saler et poivrer.

I pour all the ingredients in a pie mould and cover with pastry before letting the pastry "tan" in the oven for about half an hour (350°F).

Verser le contenu de la casserole dans un plat à pie (ou un moule à manqué) et couvrir de pâte feuilletée. Faire bronzer au four pendant une trentaine de minutes (180°C).

Of course, you're supposed to serve it with two different vegetables... I was just way out of time after my morning flea-marketing!

Evidemment, on est censé servir ça avec deux légumes différents, mais après une matinée de chine, j'étais vraiment trop à la bourre!!!

Tell me if you try the recipe and feel free to add your personal touch!

Dites-moi si vous essayer la recette et n'hésitez pas à y ajouter votre touche personnelle.

Do you have a favourite fall recipe?

Et vous, votre recette fétiche de l'automne, c'est quoi?

See you soon,

A bientôt,

I'm sharing my recipe with:

 Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home        Lavender Garden Cottage                            


  1. Oh Magali, I make very much the same recipe except I add white wine instead of the water and a French grainy mustard (a couple of teaspoons) and fresh parsley. Your chicken pie looks delicious!!! I love your tablecloth, plates and teapot. Have a lovely day. It is pouring with rain here! So much for Spring. Ann

  2. Magali, when it get cooler here in So CA I always like a good turkey chili, but not to spicy. I also love pumpkin cake or anything that is pumpkin baked and I adore home made apple butter for biscuits or toast in the morning with a good cup of French Roast coffee.

    Your table looks so inviting and pretty. I wold love to be setting out there having lunch with you. Will try your recipe when I am having company.
    Have a happy happy week.

  3. Zut, mais on n'a pas mangé ce délicieux chicken pie, nous samedi... c'était un tout aussi délicieux poulet au vin... Quand as-tu eu le temps de cuisiner une autre recette ? Je vais tester ton chicken pie à la première occasion. Ta table est bien jolie et elle donne envie de manger !

  4. Je trouve que ça ressemble un peu à une grosse bouchée à la reine pour la garniture, en tout cas, c'est très appétissant.
    Belle semaine à toi. Bises. Babette

    1. Oui, c'est assez vrai, comme une énorme bouchée à la reine! Une bouchée de roi, quoi!

  5. This sounds delicious, Magali. Perfect for the cool days ahead. xo Laura

  6. Looks delicious. I make something similar to this but I have to say...yours is a feast for the eyes!

  7. Now that`s a good looking pie Magali! I suspect it tasted as good as it looked :)

  8. My savory taste buds are salivating! That looks delicious, and I bet it tastes even better eaten in your garden!

  9. Mmmm!

    Similar to one I do from Nigel Slater's book. But I add a bit of Creme fraiche.

  10. I'm a huge chicken pie fan! I have a similar recipe, but I confess, I don't use mushrooms. I really don't like them! Although my husband loves them. I'm not nice enough to put them in my recipes though. =D Yours looks I'm wanting to go make one!


  11. Mmmmm, look so yummy!!! Thanks for sharing Magali!

  12. Your posting this recipe is so timely! My husband and I were just discussing chicken pot pies the other day and how we had not eaten one lately. Yes, I will try this one - it looks wonderful!

  13. Chicken pot-pie is one of my favorite hardy dishes. I am going to try this one for sure!

    Thank you for sharing,

  14. This sounds so tasty! I will have to give it a try sometime soon. I make one similar but not with the puff pastry. That sounds so good...:) Your table looks lovely!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  15. It looks scrummy !
    I haven't made chicken pie for years but this looks so delicious I might just have to make one, I do lurve pastry.

  16. Oh my, I know I'll be making this soon !

  17. Mmm, your chicken pie looks and sounds perfect for a cool, fall day. I love making different comfort foods in the fall, especially homemade soups.

  18. That pie looks amazing and delicious! I will pin that, if you don't mind.
    Hugs, Cindy

  19. How did I miss this post - I am going upstairs to print it out right now!!!! Fantastic looking.

  20. What a beautiful chicken pie! And it looks just as tasty. I'll have to give this a try. I love the M you decorated the top with. And those plates..... I AM IN LOVE!

  21. I love how you describe it as smelling like fall and English pub. I love that! I can smell it as if it were right in front of me!

  22. Mmm, I can smell your delicious pie from here! This is the stuff that precious memories are made of :)

  23. So very delicious , I can tell from the photo. My family will love this. I am planning on making this very soon. Thank you for sharing Lisa @ Sweet Tea N' Salty Air

    1. Tell me how they like it. I keep visiting your blog, but I can't write you any comment since I'm not on Google +!

  24. Yummy! Your recipe sounds very good! Mine is like it except that it doesn't have mushrooms or leeks in it. I want to try it this way. I have frozen puff pastry so it will be similar to yours! Thanks for the recipe. :)


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