Sunday, September 14, 2014

Wedding Bells

At the end of August, I went to a high school friend's wedding, as you all already know. The wedding was taking place in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, the town where my high school was. 

Fin août, je me suis rendue, comme vous le savez déjà, au mariage d'une de mes amies de lycée. Le mariage avait lieu à Saint-Germain-en-Laye où était mon lycée.

Picture from Wikipedia.

In this town is one of the former French royal castles. Louis XIV was born there.

Saint-Germain-en-Laye est une ancienne ville royale puisque Louis XIV est né dans le château qui se situe en centre ville. Ce n'est pas loin de Paris.

It's not far from Paris... or from an other town you might have heard of and that is on the map below.

The wedding took place in an other castle that is just off the town and that is also a former Royal castle... The place was just amazing for a wedding. I'm going to share some pictures I took of the place and of the newly weds as I tell you a little about that day. 

The chiurch were the vows were exhanged.

Le mariage avait lieu dans un château, royal lui aussi, mais situé juste à l'écart du centre ville. C'était un lieu magique et je vais partager quelques photos avec vous. Ne soyez pas trop déçus, mais j'ai fait une sélection sévère parmi mes photos... Tout le monde n'est pas une star souhaitant afficher publiquement chaque instant de son mariage....

I understand that some of you will be disappointed as I'll keep most of my pictures of that day private... Not everybody is a famous star and wants to share that special day with everyone... 

As I don't live near Saint-Germain-en-Laye anymore, the day before the wedding I left Shadow, my cat, at my parents'. They were very worried to cat-sit him, but everything went well. They also lent me the keys to their apartment in the small village not far from Saint-Germain-en-Laye where I grew up and where they still spend the winter months. 

Comme je n'habite plus en région parisienne, la veille du mariage, j'ai laissé, avec un pincement au cœur, Shadow chez mes parents et j'ai enchaîné trois trains différents pour arriver dans l'appartement de la région parisienne où mes parents passent l'hiver et dont ils m'avaient gentiment prêté les clefs.

Three different trains later, I arrived at the apartment, exhausted. I thought I'd be all better after a good night sleep.

Actually, I couldn't sleep very well that night... Don't judge, but I think that was because my cat wasn't tucked against me as usual... So, as I laid in the dark, I made a mental list of all I had to do in the morning: sleep late so I would be able to be up all night for the wedding, clean my mom's car, iron my dress, sew the neckline the way I wanted, paint my finger nails, put some make up on, do something with my hair, eat lunch (as I'm always hungry and I know dinner is served late at weddings).

J'étais épuisée en arrivant en pleine chaleur étouffante typiquement parisienne...  Une bonne nuit de sommeil m'aurait remise sur pied... Mais cette nuit-là, je ne parvenais pas à m'endormir, soit parce que mon chat n'était pas contre moi (ne vous moquez pas de moi, s'il vous plaît), soit parce que je n'arrêtais pas de refaire dans ma tête la liste des choses que je devais faire avant le mariage: laver la voiture, repasser la robe, faire une retouche sur l'encolure, faire mes ongles, me maquiller un peu, trouver une façon d'attacher mes cheveux, manger (oui, oui, Maman, sois fière de moi, je l'avais mis sur la liste)...

The castle where the wedding recpetion was.

I don't remember when I fell asleep, but the night wasn't dark anymore... Suddenly an alarm woke me up... 7:15 am on the clock on the bedside table... Gosh! I was alone at my parents and an alarm was ringing. My mind raced in all directions. Should I save something? what? Should I got out in my underwear and night tee (it seems to happen to me a lot)? Shoud I at least take my beautiful silver wedding shoes?

En m'endormant alors que le jour pointait déjà, je me suis dit que j'allais m'accorder une grasse matinée... Soudain, une alarme me réveille. Je jette un œil à ma montre. 7h15. Zut! Je suis seule chez mes parents pour un weekend et une alarme sonne... Qu'est-ce que je dois sauver? Des papiers officiels dont j'ignore où ils sont rangés ou mes chaussures argentées pour le mariage? Je me dirige vers le bruit strident... uniquement pour découvrir que c'est le nouvel interphone de l'appartement!

I walked toward the high pitched sound... only to discover it was coming from the new intercom... I asked in a still spleepy voice "who is it?"

Tossing the bouquet... Couldn't catch it... was taking picture!
"Qu'est-ce que c'est?" J'espère que ma voix est sexy, mais évidemment elle est juste endormie. "J'ai un colis pour Mme Maman-de-Magali." "A cette heure-là? Un samedi? Bon, deuxième étage." Je suis assez contente que mes parents n'habitent pas au rez-de-chaussée, cela me laisse le temps d'enfiler mon jogging!

"I have a parcel for Mrs. Magali's mom." "No way, on a Saturday at 7:15 am? You've got to be kidding me!"

Anyway, I took the parcel, signed where I was asked to sign... and looked at the clock... 7:20 am... There was no way I was going back to sleep and even if I had a very long list of things to do, it was a little early to get ready for the wedding.

Après ce réveil en fanfare, aucune chance que je ne me rendorme... Je n'allais tout de même pas enfiler ma robe si tôt! Comment ai-je occupé mon temps? Vous le saurez dans le prochain article.

What was I to do with that free time? I considered a few options, but I knew what YOU would have wanted me to do. Can you guess? It'll be all in my next post.

All I can say today is that what I did was amazing, but took a lot more time than I had expected and I ended up with exactly 12 minutes to get ready for the wedding (good-bye make up and beautiful hair-do) and feet that were so swollen that they couldn't fit in my silver slippers...

Tout ce que je peux vous dire c'est que les conséquences ont été les suivantes: je n'ai eu que douze minutes pour me préparer pour le mariage (adieu belle coiffure et maquillage de pro) et que mes pieds étaient trop gonflés pour espérer porter les escarpins argentés (heureusement les sandales blanches étaient dans la valise). 

You know what? I don't regret a thing! The wedding was beautiful, I made it on time and nobody was there for me anyway... We all had our eyes on the bride!

Vous savez quoi? Je ne regrette rien. Je ne pense pas que ma journée aurait été meilleure si j'avais eu une couche de fond de teint. De toute façon, tout le monde venait voir la mariée!

Still curious about my dress? I had a very simple blue dress that I hoped looked great with my eyes...

Ma robe était à mon image... Toute simple et bleue pour rappeler la mer...

Picture taken by my mom.

I like simple... But according to me the neckline was a little too simple... And my breast just aren't big enough to fill it in...

Mais le col de la robe était un peu trop simple, même pour moi, et ma poitrine raplapla ne pouvait pas le remplir...

So I did a little improvement...

Une petite fronce a bien amélioré les choses...

Isn't it better?

Has anyone guessed where I was in the morning and where I'm taking you in my next post?

Alors, une idée de l'endroit où je vous emmène la prochaine fois?

See you soon,

A bientôt,

PS: The last two pictures were taken in my bedroom mirror... It's a very old mirror, which is why they look a little blurry.

PS2: I'm too tired to remember what I wanted to write, even though I remember very well that I had several PSs in mind...

PS3: I'm partying!

Linky Party        Lavender Garden Cottage             Ivy and Elephants



  1. You look lovely in that blue dress!AriadnefromGreece!

  2. And I guess you went to Versailles!That's where I would go anyway if I were there!AriadnefromGreece!

  3. Pretty dress, Magali. I think you went walking...a long way!

  4. Such a nice place! About your neckline... a good idea!

  5. Wedding in a castle? Beautifully!
    I also yesterday I was at my cousin's wedding. Took place in the hotel. Beautiful old trees were incredibly integrated into the hotel building.
    You looked great. Good idea with the neckline.
    Best wishes!

  6. Oh la la, j'ai trouvé une copine de grains de beauté. Je la trouve ravissante ta robe & la poitrine qui est dedans est bien suffisante. J'ai dû m'en faire enlever moi, parce que je ne savais pas quoi en faire à devoir prendre des vêtements plus grand pour pouvoir l'y caser. Maintenant c'est top.
    La prochaine fois, tu ne nous emmènerais pas visiter la chambre nuptiale ?????????????????
    Je crois pas non non non. Ce sera la surprise.
    Peut être aux puces de Saint Ouen !!!
    Bisous bisous. Babette

  7. hello Magali,
    beau reportage
    mais le plus beau a été de te découvrir ... et bien je suis très surprise car je ne t'imaginais pas du tout comme cela !!!!! c'est bizarre, n'est ce pas ? et en y réfléchissant, je ne t'imaginais pas vraiment !!
    tu es ravissante dans ta très jolie robe bleue
    à bientôt

    1. Je suis contente que tu aies apprécié le château... et j'espère que tu n'es pas trop déçue pour moi!

  8. Parfaite cette petite robe bleue et le mariage de ton amie était dans un endroit magnifique... et puis j'adore le château de Saint-Germain et le parc autour. Chaque fois je me dis que j'ai de la chance de traverser le jardin pour aller prendre le RER... même si après c'est la cohue parisienne.

  9. Love your dress and that church is spectacular! Such a gorgeous place for a wedding reception too... xoxox

  10. Looks like a beautiful wedding in a to die for location. Hmmmm...... did you hop a train to Versailles? I love what you did to your dress, very sweet neckline and it looks beautiful on you. Patty

  11. What a beautiful site for a wedding. I like what you did with the neckline, it adding a little more femininity to your already lovely dress. I'm happy that you had a good time and were able to get away for the wedding and revisit your home town and family :)

  12. You look beautiful in your dress, Magali and that wedding site was just gorgeous. Can't wait to see what you did in the morning. xo Laura

  13. I am sure you visited a castle, or as the French call them, chateau. I took the Loire valley chateau tour once and was awed by the several we saw!

  14. I cannot begin to imagine what you did or where you went!! Love the dress, simple yet elegant!

  15. I have no idea where you are taking me, but I am up for anything.

    That blue is a beautiful color and you look lovely in it.

  16. I think you took a tour of a nearby castle? You look pretty Magali, glad you had fun!

  17. Beautiful dress looked lovely! I love the wedding photos and look forward to reading about the adventure you had before the wedding. Have a fantastic week!

    Blessings, VIcky

  18. What a beautiful venue for the wedding and the brides dress is gorgeous. Love your blue dress and yes, you rocked that neckline. Looks so much better than just a straight line.

  19. Yes, I think the simple neckline change was perfect -- I love what you did. Wow, a wedding in a castle - how fantastic! I'm guessing you went to Versailles?

  20. Okay, so I have a few things to say. 1: You are a hottie. Great job on the neckline. My bosom's runneth over, I'll share. 2: You need to get an app on your phone for white noise. It'll help you sleep. 3: Why don't your parents have a winter house in the south? I am thinking a winter house in the north doesn't really get them away from the cold. I think you should suggest it, and then I'll come visit. Heck, who am I kidding, I'll come visit wherever you parents have a winter house. 4: Can't wait to see what you got up to that morning.

  21. Weddings can be so fun. I am glad you had a good time, and I love the change you made to the dress.

  22. Stopped by earlier but was rushing right out and could not comment. Thank you for sharing a little peek of the wedding with us, Magali. I love them. Add a castle to the mix and it's a real life fairy tale. You look lovely in your blue dress, perfect choice.

    1. My friend wanted a "fairy tale" wedding and I think she got it!

  23. Such lovely and romantic images you have captured here, Magali - the perfect essence of a beautiful day! I have savored every one and also had a bit of a giggle at your description of your sudden morning wake up. I love your thought - 'should I at least take my beautiful silver wedding shoes?' A girl after my own heart..... Your simple blue dress is perfect and you look lovely. The setting for the wedding is absolutely wonderful. The bride is just beautiful. xo Karen

    1. She was both beautiful and radiant... It was so nice to see her so happy!

  24. The dress is perfect for you, Magali. I love the style and the shade of blue. Periwinkle, is it? You enhanced the neckline beautifully. So clever. The wedding was elegant, and what a fabulous location. I'm wondering if you went to Versailles. Well, I'll found out soon. Hugs, Nancy

    1. It was a very elegant wedding and the bride and groom had organised things in a very beautiful way.

  25. I can't image being married is such a beautiful castle. I love your dress and is a very beautiful shade of blue. I like how you enhanced the neckline and your "boobies" what we call them in USA look perkier. A new bra? I wish I was invited I sure would of gone, perky boobies or not!

  26. It's like a fairy tale wedding! Beautiful dress, both yours and the brides!

  27. Well my, I already know that you went to Versailles. What a gorgeous wedding and you looked perfect in your little blue dress! Can't even imagine getting married in a castle. Fabulous! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  28. We finally get to see some pictures of Magali!! Beautiful! And the wedding looked lovely, too. :)


  29. I am in awe at your pictures! the wedding must have been beautiful. I Love the wedding dress. And your blue dress is lovely.

    Jocelyn @

  30. Thank you Magali for this beautiful article, it goes directly to my heart. Friends like you are very precious. And your dress was beautiful and suited you perfectly. As you may have guessed I am the bride in the article. Thank you everyone for your kind comments, it was indeed like a fairy tale, if only we could do it again !

  31. Very clever little adjustment to the dress.


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