Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sinking Into Inspiration

The Kitchen Sink Mini-Series - 2 -

I'd like to thank all of you who are stopping by my little blog. I'm really sorry I've been late replying to comments and visiting your blogs this month.

Un grand merci à tous ceux qui s'arrêtent ces derniers temps sur ce petit blog. Je suis extrêmement en retard pour répondre à vos gentils commentaires et pour lire vos blogs ce mois-ci.

I thought maybe while I explain, you'd like to drool over my inspiration pictures for the kitchen sink. 

Pendant que je vous explique un peu, je vais vous laisser vous rincer l'oeil sur les jolis éviers dont j'avais mis de côté les photos pour m'inspirer.

I couldn't find a job in only one school this year, so I work part-time in one school and part-time in an other. and somehow it's more tiring.

Je n'ai pas trouvé de poste dans une seule école cette année, je travaille donc sur deux établissements et les semaines semblent passer à toute vitesse quand on n'est jamais fixé sur un lieu.

 I'd been asking to change the subject I teach for three years with no luck, though I have the necessary diploma and a few days after I started the Etsy shop in July, I got a letter saying that I would be teaching that new subject for a year. It means I have to redo all my lessons! It's interesting, but time consuming.

Je demandais depuis trois ans à changer la matière que j'enseigne, sans que cela me soit accordé. En juillet, finalement, quelques jours après avoir lancé la boutique en ligne, j'ai reçu un courrier m'indiquant que j'enseignerais cette nouvelle matière pour l'année. Je m'amuse beaucoup, mais il faut créer tous les cours et cela prend du temps.

In France, teachers have to hand back all their students' grades to the school three times a year, usually in December, March and June. This year, for some reasons, both schools decided we needed to give our grades back in February, so I have been in a hurry to create tests and mark them, which took many of my evenings.

Cette année, les deux écoles dans lesquelles je travaille ont avancé la remise des notes du deuxième trimestre, qui a généralement lieu en mars, au mois de février. Du coup, branle-bas de combat pour créer les évaluations plus vite que prévu et surtout pour corriger les centaines de copies, ce qui a pris beaucoup de mes soirées!

Last, the "Snowy White" collection in my Etsy shop was very successful. I'm not complaining at all, but the only free time I had was used to pack and send my little goodies all over the world. This section of the shop is nearly empty and I'll try to list new things there during the weekend.

 Enfin, la collection "Blanc Neige" de la boutique en ligne a eu beaucoup de succès. Je ne m'en plains pas du tout, mais mon peu de temps libre a été occupé à envoyer ma vaisselle dans le monde entier. Cette collection est presque épuisée et je vais essayer de la réapprovisionner ce weekend.

So what was that post about again? Sinks? Have you found your dream sink above? Which is your favourite? As Babette, one of my readers, already knows, I didn't choose any of those! Come back soon to see where I wash all the shop's china now!

Euh, de quoi était censé parler cet article au fait? D'éviers? Alors, lequel a votre préférence? Comme Babette l'a déjà remarqué, je n'ai choisi aucun de ceux-là! Revenez vite pour voir où je nettoie maintenant toute ma vaisselle ancienne destinée à la boutique!

See you soon,

A bientôt,

PS1: You can find all the sources for the pictures by visiting my Pinterest board on kitchen sinks.

PS2: I'm sharing my inspiration with:


  1. In a bath tub maybe ? I would be great fun, and so utterly French... :-)

  2. I'm sorry you are so tired. I think it would be hard, because you have to fit into two different workplaces.

    I love all your inspirations! I especially like the Swedish looking one. I think there might be two views in your inspirations: one in the summer and one in the winter. I also love its faucet!

    I also LOVE the blue and white sink, because it is adorable with the roosters and the chess board pattern.

    I love the brass faucet. (Then I noticed it is like mine: a bridge with cross handles, except in brushed platinum.)


  3. All of the sinks are lovely. I like the one with the blue tile, but I am afraid that I would get tired of that one, as I love to change colors in the kitchen. I really like all of the white one with the white counter tops, but that's just my taste as I am always changing things. I can't go wrong with white.
    I am sure whatever you select will be lovely. Don't work to hard and have a great weekend.

  4. As usual, you are a total tease!

    Beautiful inspiration photos.

  5. Okay, my favorites are 5 and 8. Sounds like you've been very busy. Good luck with your Etsy Shop. They're fun and time-consuming. :-)

  6. It was a toss up between the first and second sink for my favorite. It's funny because they are so different. I can't wait to see what you chose.

    1. I like the first one very much as well, which is funny because I usually like white...

  7. I've been looking at sinks out the wazoo lately on pinterest! I would love to have a sink as in #12!! Vintage grabs my heart~!! Roxie

  8. What a difficult choice... I love the one with the red plates and the geranium, and the one with the star and the christmas-tree, but the one with the open shelves, displaying china, paintings,silver ware, candle holders and so on, with the wooden counter tops is my favourite. Absolutely. I have to make my choice tomorrow, because my husband wants to got to Ikea right after visiting the house and finishing the plans. So everything about the kitchen ought to be settled tomorrow, I won´t be able to sleep tonight. Your post was an excellent help, showing all those sinks and kitchen styles.

    I sincerely hope, that you will enjoy your weekend and washing up in your new sink - sounds like fun! Perhaps after having done all this testing and marking you will have a sink-warming party?



  9. Number 4 and number 10 are my favourites, the most dificult to clean and keep , I know. But I like them

  10. Love number 2, but I would spend all my time jut looking at it...not washing up!

  11. the white ones are cute but never again will I have a sink that is not flush or undermounted with the countertop. oak-countertop and white Ikea domsjö was a bad idea. Next time i will choose graniet/composite and undermounted stainless stell. Just scoop it all down and no marks or water splashes or food around the edges...

  12. #8 and #9 really appeal to me. But there is also something about #2. I just think that it would be hard to keep clean. Hope things calm down for you at work or at least become less tiring. Although, I can honestly see how a part time job in 2 different schools would be exhausting.

  13. That blue and white ( porcelain ? ) double sink is just amazing - what a conversation piece that would be ( and what incentive to keep a sink clear of dishes lol )
    I SO get not being able to visit and reply to comments - things get overwhelming - ( I feel such guilt over this issue it's not funny )
    And then when you get time to visit you never have the time to visit everyone you want to - I GET IT lol
    Have a wonderful wknd Magali - miss ya!

  14. I don't know that I have a favorite because they are all pretty, but if I had to choose, that blue and white tile one is certainly eye-catching. Also glad to hear your etsy shop is doing so well--brava! I feel your pain--I taught for several years. Hope that things settle down for you soon!

  15. Pour moi c'est le N° 8, j'adore ce genre d'évier .Bon week end et bon courage pour la correction de tes copies.

    1. J'avoue avoir fait une petite danse au milieu du salon quand j'ai eu enfin terminé toutes mes copies cette semaine!

  16. My favourites are number 2, 8 and 9.
    ~ Have a good (maybe restful) weekend dear Magali ~ Hugs,Izabella.

  17. Magali: I'm not much help as I love many! I just found a blog I think you would like as the young woman is doing alot like you - only in England - so check it out!
    I have to go to work so I am off!

  18. Just reading your teaching schedule is exhausting, I am sure it has taken a bit of your wind out of your sail. Hang in there friend, I am sure the kiddies love you! As for the sinks, my fave is #9.

  19. You truly have the best inspirational photos!! I love all the kitchens you post! Always beautiful. I love double sinks which is a must for me but I love the look of those old aproned front farm sinks.

  20. My fave is #1, but I also like 8 and 10. I'm assuming the bathtub is where you are doing your washing now?

  21. I like several of these sinks. My sink is in stainless steel and that is good enough for me, but my problem is under the sink. In the last two years we have had 5 plumbers come to fix the leak under the sink – each time it lasted a couple of months, then it started to leak again. Last night there was water all over from the leak under the kitchen sink – have to call a plumber again ….

  22. Wow, a renovation and teaching something new, selling and grading??? Wow, you are a super woman Magali, glad you still have time to write here! I love all your inspiration and could go well with your cottage, but honestly, I love the one you actually picked up the most! Take it easy dear, the stress might just sneak up on you like a bad cat.

  23. Sorry to hear you're feeling tired Magali, it seems you're burning the candle at both ends. Try to make sure you don't get run down. Any of the sinks above would be divine! Can't wait to see what you choose.

  24. I like the pure white ones the best and preferably the whole kitchen that goes with the sink in No. 10. I've seen the blog that this kitchen comes from and I just love those open shelves.


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