Sunday, March 02, 2014

A Pink Dream

The Kitchen Cabinet Saga - 4 -

Today should have been a very productive day as it was my first day of winter break from school. But too many hours spent working, blogging and renovating left me exhausted and I nearly spent all day in bed. I woke up later than usual and then slept all afternoon with Shadow tucked against my right hip.

Aujourd'hui aurait dû être une journée remplie de projets puisque c'était le premier jour des vacances d'hiver. Mais trop d'heures passées à travailler, à écrire pour le blog et à m'occuper de la rénovation du cottage m'ont bien épuisée et j'ai pratiquement passé la journée au lit. Je me suis réveillée plus tard que d'habitude et j'ai dormi presque tout l'après-midi.

 So you'd think I have nothing to show you, bye bye, see you next time!

Vous pensez que je n'ai pas avancé sur le projet cuisine. Donc, à la prochaine!

You'd be wrong! I fell asleep this afternoon, thinking about the question Cottage had asked me about my favourite colour.

Vous auriez tout faux! En m'endormant cet après-midi, j'ai pensé à la question que Cottage m'avait posée à propos de ma couleur préférée.

Pink has been one of my favourite colour for ever. I've always introduced some of it in my decor. In one of my previous home, it was even the colour that linked all the rooms together.

Le rose a été une de mes couleurs préférées depuis toujours. J'en introduis des petites touches partout. Dans un précédent chez moi, c'était même la couleur que j'avais choisie pour lier les pièces les unes au autres.

And so I dreamed about pink kitchens.

Et j'ai donc rêvé de cuisines roses.

When I woke up very late in the afternoon, I had learned something new. My kitchen would not be pink. Hot pink I never like, pale pink I like... But not on all the cabinets for two main reasons:
a) I don't want to feel like I'm living in Barbie's seaside cottage;
b) I'm afraid my pink dishes/accessories will just disappear in a sea of pink.

Quand je me suis réveillée, je savais que le rose n'était pas une option en dehors du rêve. Le rose vif, je n'aime jamais et le rose pâle ou grisé que j'aime ne me plaît pas du tout sur toute une cuisine. Je n'ai pas envie de vivre dans le cottage de Barbie et je vais donc garder le rose dans les mêmes doses que d'habitude: homéopathiques!

I finally got up (that was nearly half an hour after I woke up, that's how tired I was), I went to the kitchen to talk to cottage over a cup of tea. Because I was still half dreaming, tea was served with my pink transfeware dishes.

Quand je suis sortie du lit, je suis allée à la cuisine pour parler à Cottage en buvant une tasse de thé. Comme j'étais encore à moitié au pays des rêves, le thé a été servi dans de la vaisselle rose.

Me: "You know, Cottage, your idea of having a kitchen in my favourite colour is not working at all."

Moi: "Tu sais, Cottage, ton idée d'avoir une cuisine dans ma couleur préférée ne va pas fonctionner du tout."

Cottage: "Hey, I was just trying to help. Besides, you're the one who keeps remodeling all the places she's lived in. How would you do it?"

Cottage: "Oh, j'essayais juste de t'aider. Eh, puis, c'est toi la grande spécialiste qui refait tous les endroits où  tu habites. Tu dois avoir l'habitude. Qu'est-ce que tu ferais, toi?"

As I poured tea in my pink teacup from my pink teapot, I knew! I needed to find a colour that would compliment my pink accessories... Any ideas?

Et alors que je versais du thé avec ma théière rose dans ma tasse rose, j'ai compris! Il fallait que je trouve une couleur qui fasse un écrin idéal pour mes touches de rose. Des idées?

See you soon for a less dreamy post!

A bientôt, pour un article plus sérieux!

PS1: I hope it makes sense that I hate one of my favourite colours in anything else than touches... If it doesn't, blame it on the fact that I wrote this post haf asleep.

J'espère que le fait que je déteste une de mes couleurs préférées quand elle apparaît trop dans un décor fait sens... Sinon, dites-vous juste que j'ai écrit cet article encore à moitié endormie.

PS2: I'm so happy that I have a song that goes with this post, one I would never have thought I'd use on my blog! 

There's even an answer to one of my questions in the video! How perfect is that?

PS3: In case you're in Barbie mood yourself, all my inspiration pictures and their sources can be found on my Pinterest board.

PS4: I'm sharing my dream with a few bloggers who have amazing parties...          Mod Vintage Life              Dwellings-the Heart of You Home    

How Sweet the Sound                     


  1. For teachers, it always seems like they begin a break by getting sick after holding on through the whole term.

    Feel better and try to reach an agreement with the cottage.

  2. I agree with you, your cups are so beautiful that they wouldn't be seen among so much pink in the cabinets, I think that white would be great.


  3. Think pink? No, never...I see that you are a teacher, so you are playing with us, your readers. Never mind, I enjoy your blog, photos, etc...White and only white, with pops of blue, robin egg blue...My kitchen cabinets are cherry wood, with vanilla, I do have red and turquoise accents.

    With best wishes, Nada

    1. What? you don't want to live in a Barbie world? I think it's fun... as long as it's not in my cottage! Keep guessing the colour! You're not that far!
      Have a nice Sunday!

  4. To me your picture '3' is my dream kitchen, but that is only if I was on my own and no male members of the household could complain. To compliment pink, I always go for a pale grey with white accents, lovely and fresh! I hope you are soon back up to speed xx

  5. I can honestly say I have never seen a pink kitchen before....until now. Thanks for showing me Barbies dream kitchen. I actually thought a couple of those kitchens were awesome! Now if we could just go for a spin in Barbies pink corvette.....

  6. Hello:

    Pink, used in moderation, is a colour which we do not dislike at all but for some reason seldom use. Indeed, looking around our Budapest apartment we can find now evidence of it at all!! A sort of fuchsia/knicker pink we used often in the garden to create startling highlights.

  7. I love pink kitchens and everyone always says they could see me having one. ....but in truth I like white kitchens the best. And white kitchens can certainly handle lots of pink dishes and accessories. The walls in my kitchen are pale yellow but they will probably be going white soon.

  8. J'adore le rose pour ma chambre ou même pour quelques vêtements, la salle de bain pourquoi pas, mais sûrement pas pour une cuisine, par contre des petites touches de rose de ci de là, oui, comme ton joli service à thé.
    As-tu de beau temps???

  9. Pink is beautiful, but I wouldn't want a pink kitchen either. I really like the idea of pink walls in a room, but the pink cabinets didn't look right. Are you thinking blue now?

  10. I love number 8 - just a few touches of pink to make it feel cozy but not overwhelming. Green is a good complimentary colour - are there any greens you like? Maybe a sage green (greyish green). Grey and pink are stunning together too.

  11. I like number 4 and number 8, but then I love pink. Especially a pop of it in a place here and there.

    1. # 8 is one of my favourite as well. Just the right amount of pink for it not to be overwhelming!

  12. I love pink, but I think I would have just one small área of the kitchen in pink and White...that's if I had a huge kitchen too! I tend to be tire and bore easily, that's why I have my of a fine Wood, as I got tired even of the White we had before we remodeled it! Beautiful all of them, though!

  13. Non, pink is not for your cottage! I love the colour, but I would get tired of it all around me every day.

  14. I am still voting for a pale, pale blue for the ceiling and a creamy white for the walls. A touch of nude pink would be nice. A Barbie world? Too much upkeep! I did think at first she was reading a book "My Little Sea House", but when I played it back it was "horse'! I have little sea houses on the brain. Pink kitchens were popular in the US in the 1950's. Enjoy your teaching break - they fly by.

  15. I would definitely get tired of that much pink. I love the idea of touches of pink popping out of a white background. I know that whatever you do will be perfect, Magali. xo Laura

  16. I love dark pink, fuchsia but not for a kitchen!How about aqua? And I agree with the first commenter, we teachers do get sick during holidays!AriadnefromGreece!

  17. cream, maybe taupe. It would complement your china and make the room look bigger. My own kitchen is white with a hint of red.

    1. I like the idea of cream more than the colour taupe. But white with a hint of pink could be very nice...

  18. You love watching tv shows and studying the kitchens. I play a game too, where I look at kitchen pics and decide whether they are British or American (I do realise they could be from another country too) and I'm amazed that so many of your examples of pink kitchens look British, namely 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 (obviously just in my opinion). I think they are really pretty and cute, especially 3 and 7, but I wouldn't want a candy coloured kitchen. Maybe if one were lucky enough to own a holiday cottage too !
    In my kitchen I actually have a lot of blue and white china and pops of bright green so when I repaint it, it will be either be all white or a very slight grey white.

  19. Here I am again...Why so many women see pink and think about Barbie? Barbie generation? But I am not. Tonight I think
    about La Vie en rose...That song and wine rose for this rainy and cold evening!
    Greetings, Nada

    1. I think the difference between "Barbie" kitchen and "La vie en rose" kitchen is finding the right amount of pink! As I said, I really love pink, otherwise I wouldn't even have thought of having a pink kitchen! But some pink always cheers me up, especially on rainy days like today!

  20. I love your transferware tea set and the pretty white tulips! Glad that you took a rest when you could, and hope you feel refreshed :) I love pink, but I agree, in small doses is often best.

  21. I never before saw kitchens looking like a strawberry icecream cornet LOL. No, they are not for me, you know, when we were little, my sister was the pink and red kind of girl, and I was the blue and green kind of girl. That never changed :-) Greetings and get well real soon, so you can enjoy the first moments of spring ! Even though if started freezing again at night... brrr... Greeting, Marcy

    1. Weirdly enough, my heart always went from pink to blue... So I'm trying to find a balance right now between those colours. I'm not a red kind of girl! It's freezing, windy and rainy here as well: where's spring?

  22. Oh please... I have no idea about pink kitchen.It so far from my mind, but they look awesome. Wonderful. Your kitchen series give me more inspiration to make over my kitchen.

    1. I'm glad you are finding the inpiration you need here! I have three more kitchen cabinet posts scheduled.

  23. Oh, I have no are your cottage will figure out the colors..and I know it will be wonderful!!!

  24. Pink is by far the most feminine of colors. I dare say not too many husbands would be keen on a pink kitchen, but if one were to live sans the male gender, it might be an interesting choice, but in small doses.

  25. My mother painted our farmhouse kitchen pink and gray back in the 50's when that combination was very popular. Of course, she had melamine dishes in pink, turquoise, yellow and white that she used; and a metal kitchen table with vinyl & metal chairs all in gray and white. As a child I thought it was beautiful. Now, not so much. I love your transferware, Magali.

  26. Magali, this is for you:,101_6434,miesiecznik-moje-mieszkanie.html
    :) ~ Nancy

    1. The pictures on the link are lovely. I'm curious though, do you speak polish?

  27. How about a nice creamy yellow. It would go beautifully with pink as well as green and blue and it will add warmth and light to you kitchen. I love eavesdropping on your conversations with your cottage.

  28. I think you would tire of pink very quickly. I like white and then I add pops of color and can change when I get tired of what i have. I have a Sugar Cookie color on the walls and white cabinets and black metal out door table and chairs. I have had this the longest. I am getting ready to change the curtains to a rooster pattern and will re-upholster the chairs. A new fresh French look for Spring and summer. Of course I have all my roosters and chickens in the kitchen . I am sure you will make the right choice.
    Enjoy your vacation.

  29. I love the idea of a neutral background to show off your pretty pink pieces!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  30. I love pink but, I am not to sure I would have it in the kitchen. The pink touches work well though. The bright pink kitchen in you photos photographs the best to me as far as eye appeal, but then I couldn't ever decorate it for Christmas with red. It is a dilemma.

  31. Green, red, blue, or any shade of white looks pretty with pink, but green, blue, or white would be beautiful next to the sea. ♡

  32. Magali, I'm thinking your are pondering a very pale green...or white. Sea foam green perhaps, since you live near the sea?

  33. Gah...a pink kitchen! I have to say I'm thrilled you're not doing a pink kitchen, but, if you did, I would love it anyway because it's yours. I'm liking the idea of a soft, pale green and white to go with your pink accessories.

    Okay, I'm off to paint something. Not pink. :P


  34. What a charmng cottage and a kitchen that talks too! Here is an option that may seem odd given all the options available. Basic white, cream or very pale grey cabinets with neutral floors means you can change everything else to be like the sky and sea or on a whim! Lots of red even!! Many places we have lived (and I do mean many) had basic white walls and cabinets. Two places had black counters. I liked the drama; it fit with our locations. I absolutely loved the versatility!

  35. I enjoyed seeing how many words in French I could remember. I took French in 9th grade High School. Loved studying the language.

    Some dreamy story you have there. No, a favorite color does not have to be everywhere. Sometimes, just a touch is just right!

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Dreaming On ...

  36. Happy Pink Sat,The pink kitchens are very pretty.I use touches of my favorite colors throughout my house aqua and pink in the kitchen and in the bath.Just love it.

  37. Such a dreamlike and fanciful post, Magali. This is how today seemed for me--a much needed time of rest and most of the day in a dreamy fog. I love your pink kitchen pics. How would light aqua be with your pink accessories? So nice to visit with you and so glad you linked up with Inspired Sunday.

  38. I did purchase a "Barbie Dream House" in the 1980's and it's now my granddaughters. It is pink and white and it has a pink refrigerator. It's great on a small scale but my kitchen cabinets have just been refinished with white cabinets and black hardware. I have a plank wood floor with blue enamelware accessories.


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