Saturday, March 08, 2014

The Colour Of The Sea

The Kitchen Cabinet Saga - 7 -

Being the perfect blogger I am, I had planned to go to a beach that is close to my parents' as an introduction to that new episode in the Kitchen Cabinet Saga. See, my mother calls this beach "la plage des Bouts de Vaisselle", which could be loosely translated to "the beach of the remains of dishes". This beach used to be a dumpster and so now you can find on it all kinds of things, mainly bits and pieces of dishes and glass.

Etant une blogueuse parfaite et très organisée, j'avais prévu d'aller pour préparer cet article sur une plage non loin de chez mes parents et que ma Maman appelle "la plage des Bouts de Vaisselle". C'est une plage qui a été utilisée dans le passé comme dépotoir et on y trouve encore des tas de morceaux de vaisselle polis par la mer.

Yesterday, I drove to my parents to spend the weekend with them and go to that beach. It was a very bad idea. My ankle is not improving as fast as I'd like after my little accident and it hurt me during the whole trip. You don't realise how much you need your right ankle to speed until it actually hurts to do it! As I was driving, I knew walking on unstable sand and rocks of the "plage des Bouts de Vaisselle" in the afternoon was out of the question.

Hier, je me suis rendue chez mes parents pour passer le week-end avec eux et en profiter pour aller sur la fameuse plage. Mauvaise idée. Après mon petit accident, l'état de ma cheville ne s'améliore pas aussi vite que je le voudrais... L'heure de conduite a été une épreuve. On ne se rend pas compte à quel point on utilise sa cheville droite pour accélérer, mais, là, je m'en suis bien aperçue! Tout en serrant les dents en conduisant, j'ai compris qu'aller marcher dans le sable et les cailloux de la plage des Bouts de Vaisselle ne serait pas possible.

But when I arrived at my parents', on my bed was a little plastic box and in it, bits and pieces of dishes and seaglass my Mom had been collecting for me on that beach. How cute is that? She couldn't understand how happy I was about the seaglass... Let me explain.

Mais quand je suis arrivée chez mes parents, sur mon lit m'attendait une petite boite en plastique remplies de "bouts de vaisselle" que ma Maman était allée chercher pour moi. Elle ne comprenait pas bien pourquoi j'étais si contente de voir du verre poli par la mer...

After we explored many colours possible for my kitchen, I told you in my last post I had fallen in love with a colour I had not even thought of at first: the colour that reminds me of seaglass.

Après avoir exploré de nombreuses couleurs possibles pour ma cuisine, je vous ai avoué dans le dernier article être tombée amoureuse au cours de mes recherches d'une couleur à laquelle je n'avais même pas pensé auparavant. La couleur du verre poli par la mer...

As you can see on my inspiration photos, it can be slightly different from one picture to an other, just like seaglass. I would say it is the child of aqua and green.

Comme vous pouvez le voir dans mes photos d'inspiration, c'est une couleur qui peut varier légèrement. Je dirais que c'est la fille du turquoise clair et du vert tendre.

5. The shelves are painted Teresa's Green by Farrow and Ball.
My favourite kind of seaglass is the lightest green that has a hint of blue in it.

6. How cute is it with pink?
Ma teinte préférée est le vert le plus pâle dans lequel il y a une petite dose de bleu.

I like how it gives the idea of a seaside decoration without being cliché.

8. Isn't it perfect with white?
Je trouve que cela donne un air marin au décor sans pour autant être cliché.

I know I want some of it in my kitchen. Now do I want it on the cabinets or as an accent colour? What do you think is best?

C'est sûr, je veux cette teinte dans ma cuisine. Maintenant, est-ce qu'il faut qu'elle soit sur les meubles ou ailleurs? Qu'en pensez-vous? 

I'll tell you my choice in the next post.

Evidemment, je vous dirai tout dans mon prochain article!

A bientôt,

See you soon,

PS1: You can find more inspiration pictures and the source for all of them on my Pinterest board Seaglass Kitchens.

Vous pouvez retrouver d'autres photos d'inspiration sur mon lien Pinterest.

PS2: I think you should listen to that song as you go through the kitchens again to check what number is your favourite.

PS3: If you've missed some of the Kitchen Cabinet Saga episodes, you can find them on the links below:

PS4: I'm at my parents, but if I find the time, I'll be happy to link with some awesome bloggers.

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  1. Dear Magali, I like no. 5 and 8 best, where that lovely green is mixed with white. So fresh and nice and beautiful! And you can allways add some pink, flowers or china or a fancy dress. I hope your ankle is getting better and you can go to the sea and enjoy your stay with your parents. Yours Sarah P.S. Must be an epidemic, this post scriptitis: How did you like the musical chocolate?

  2. I hope your ankle is better soon! It really took a bang.

    I love that color; either way, it will be pretty! ♡

  3. I love sea glass and collect it like crazy!I am touched with today's blogpost! So seafoam is your favourite colour! You should visit that beach when you are well; I would love to see your finds!AriadnefromGreece!

  4. It's gorgeous, Magali. Seaglass is the ONE accent color I have in my home which I've mentioned is decorated in neutrals. It is a very calming color. I like #5 the most, the cabinets in white with a touch of the color as an accent.
    Keep us posted, so fun.

  5. Awe I feel so bad for you. What a way to end your vacation. Love your photos though, as always!

    1. P.M.S. lol just kidding....P.S. That was really thoughtful of your mom to collect all that beautiful beach glass for you! Cheers to you, Magali's Mom :)

  6. Numbers 5 and 8 are my favourite. I think the use of it as an accent in these images brings out the beauty of the quality. Moderation seems to be the key to me.

  7. ooooohhhhhh, these are lovely!! I could not choose, I love them all! That sea glass wall in number 11 is amazing, but they are all just wonderful. This is a lovely color! I'm SO. EXCITED. to hear what you have decided to do. Should I sing until the next post to keep myself occupied? That is a fine idea. I have a dog that will sing with me, we will have fun.
    PS-don't you think maybe you should have that ankle x-rayed? What if it's cracked? I'm worried.

    1. You can keep singing until the next post... It'll be lovely. I'm not so sure about the dog singing, though ;) I'll see on Monday how the ankle is doing...

  8. The colours of the sea glass are so beautiful and muted. I think with a colour as subtle as these it can look amazing on the cabinets however, I think as an accent it would work too as the colour is so fresh and clean. xx

  9. Accents. There are so many ways you can bring Aqua, as I call it, into your kitchen. It is one of my favourite colours.

  10. I like the very light green very much - so you have a BIG decision to make soon. But I am sure you will make the right one.
    Take care of your ankle or it will be bothersome for a long time. Let your parents take care of you this weekend and stay off of it. Have a very restful weekend.

  11. #1 and #3. Just guessing but the beachglass you describe might be from a fragment of an old CocaCola bottle.That light green with a bit of blue.

    1. I don't know exactly when that beach stopped being a dumpster... Coca-Cola didn't make it to France before the end of WWII.
      Thanks for visiting.

  12. That's a great idea Magali, I can imagine that sort of colour working really well, especially with all your pretty china. I can't tell where you should put the colour until I see what you are doing with your kitchen but I must say I do love the tiles in No. 11 and I think the whole look of No. 5 would really work.
    I hope you manage to relax your ankle enough this weekend to make the drive back less painful.

  13. Hi Magali, nrs 6 and 12 seem to go best with pink and your china, and these foto's look the most 'little cottage-y", but then again, they may look different in real light. Once I had a boyfriend who lived by the North Sea, and he had greenish glass 'fishermans' balls wrapped in boat rope, hanging from the ceiling of his bedroom... sigh... so beautiful !!
    Also stunning is the music of the Celtic Woman with Mairead Nesbitt playing the violin !! We are Folk lovers, both music and dance, and have quite a lot of Celtic music CD's lying around :-) Can't wait to see your final decision on your kitchen! Great weekend, Marcy

    1. The song is actually an English version of a French song my parents kept listening when I was a little girl. So I never thought I'd like an other version of it. But Celtic Woman's voices are so amazing, I fell in love with their version!
      Have a nice Monday (it is possible, isn't it?)

    2. With a little sunshine and blue sky, ànything is possible !! Have a nice week. Nature is waking up: enjoy it after those dark months!

  14. Hi Magali, I love number 5 & 8!! The lightest green is such a beautiful colour. I think it will look stunning in your beautiful cottage.

    1. I sure hope it'll look beautiful in my cottage. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for stopping by!

  15. I absolutely think any of these colors would be perfect for your kitchen! I think it would be great on the cabinets or on the walls. Absolutely gorgeous...:) I love it! Hope that ankle heals soon...:) Have wonderful weekend.

    Blessings, Vicky

  16. Absolutely soft color. Green tone... so lovely. I like it!

  17. I love love love the combination of the green and white!! I LOVE 1, 5, 8, and 11. Very soft green with white. Beautiful!!!


  18. Hi Magali,
    Your kitchen saga brings old memories...North California, Mendocino, glass beach, many years ago...I like 1 and 5, very light aqua. I am glad that you are closer and closer to white.
    Greetings, Nada

  19. Coucou Magali! Pour moi, et ce n'est qu'un sentiment personnel, je mettrai des touches de vert : un rappel dans la crédence (le carrelage mural si tu as choisi cette option) et un rappel dans une bonbonnière remplie de ces bouts de vaisselle (moi aussi plus jeune, j'ai doré ces bouts de vaisselle polis par la mer que je ramenais également à la maison) et pourquoi pas si tu as le courage, une décoration avec des bouts de vaisselle dans les mêmes tons sur un repose-plat ou autre. Voilà ma réponse! Bises, Emmanuelle

  20. Peut-être ailleurs, c'est plus facile à changer que sur les meubles.
    Toi aussi tu aimes le verre poli par la mer, on dirait des petits bouts de trésor.
    Bises & bonne semaine, tu reprends le boulot demain?

  21. Well, you know I love me some aqua as I did most of my kitchen cabs in that color :) And my walls are a paler aqua still. I just repainted my bedroom, and the color is called 'Celedon', which is a pale green with a hint of blue. It's delicious! I'll be posting about it soon. I say paint the cabinets in that color....cause I'm all for painted cabinets!

  22. Love this choice! I posted a house with a kitchen this color today.

  23. I am so glad that you picking this color. You are absolutely right it gives the idea of the beach without feeling like a nautical theme.

  24. Hi Magali,

    What a refreshing and cheery post! Sea glass, and its beautiful hues will do that; so serene are its marine colours - brilliant!
    My last kitchen had cool green cabinets, white marble counters with grey veins, and a white back splash. I never tired of it and I was there for 20 years! I think you know what my choice is: paint the cabinets and smile every day!

    Your inspiration pics are very pretty and all of them do justice to your sea foam green!

    Looking forward to the reveal!


  25. Love this! Nothing prettier than sea glass and white! Perfect choice, and one I know you will never regret Magali!

  26. One or two - I would chose either. Love the sea glass idea. So sweet of your mother to have that special gift waiting for you. Enjoy your school break and take care of the ankle.

  27. Sea glass is a wonderful inspiration. I collect it as well

  28. Oh my gosh, I love this color!!!!!! I want kitchen #1, 6 or the last one! What a sweety you Mom is to collect for your the sea-glass pieces. Cherish her, my Mom is gone, and oh how I miss her! If only, now I'm crying! Hope you ankle is better soon and you had a great weekend with you parents.

  29. If your ever going for any color in your kitchen Magali, I think this would be the most perfect of all. Good luck in your decisions!

  30. Cabinets, fur sure, in a little space you need a dominating feature. Super difficult colors to pick from though, I have tried plenty but I always end up over in light blue or soft green, it it so difficult to tell how they will look. Not too minty, not to strong, not to blue, well, there is a perfect color there for you somewhere!

  31. I painted our kitchen island ballet slipper pink, so I think you should paint your cabinets the color of sea glass. I think they would be so pretty!

    Linking from Mod Mix Monday,
    Ricki Jill

  32. I think I like 2 and 4 and 11 the best, and I love them combined with blues and whites. This is a beautiful color choice for your cottage kitchen! I'm leaning toward greens like in 12 and 2 for my little office. These seaglass colors will work really well with all your pretty china pieces.

  33. Such beautiful and soothing sea glass colors! I do love them, but I always play it safe, and would go with accent colors. I can't wait to see what you choose, your kitchen is going to be amazing. Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  34. I think as an accent would be perfect. And if you could collect enough actual sea glass, you use it as a part of the back splash, or in a trivet or something similar.

  35. What fun to design a custom kitchen- have fun! Love the white and sea glass :)

  36. I love the kitchens you showed--and love the aqua on the cabinets! Mine need repainting, and that's definitely a color I'm considering. Hope your ankle heals quickly! (And what a sweet mother you have. I love sea glass!)

  37. I used to collect sea glass, and I've got tons of it. I don't display it at the moment, but I will bring some of it back out again in summer. I like the idea of your sea glass color as an accent.

  38. They are all beautiful, but 9 is the one I would go for, I have a condo on the water and its walls are painted in sea glass colors, its decorated in the beach cottage style, I love all things cottage my dream is to own have one some day. My sister is named "Magaly" with a "Y" beautiful name.

    1. I'm going to go for seaglass coloured wall as well, now I just need to find the perfect shade for my space! You are so lucky to be on the water! It would have been my dream to have a sea view!


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