Saturday, August 30, 2014

Oven and oven again

Choosing Kitchen Appliances - 3

My life would be so much easier if I just followed trends. I wouldn't spend hours on the Internet trying to find a dress that is neither too short nor too long, because I like midi skirts. Also if I could stand to wear polyester and if silk was cheaper, shopping wouldn't be such a nightmare.

Ma vie serait tellement plus facile si je suivais la mode. Je ne passerais pas des heures sur Internet à chercher une robe ni trop courte ni trop longue parce que je suis la seule à aimer les jupes mi-longues. Si je pouvais me résoudre à porter du polyester ou si la soie état moins chère, faire les magasins ne serait pas le cauchemar que c'est actuellement...

Is it still a post about kitchen appliances? Oh, yes! Because getting the perfect oven was at least as difficult as finding the dress I wanted for my friend's wedding.

Mais quel est le rapport avec l'électroménager? En fait, trouver un four a été à peu près aussi difficile que de dénicher une robe pour le mariage de mon amie.

My dream was to have a vintage-looking white oven. This one...

Mon rêve était d'avoir un four qui possède un petit côté vintage et qui soit blanc. Celui-là...

I did fell in love with it when I saw it on the Internet: the brass details on the white, the curve on the window, the old-fashionned timer...  It was very, very expensive: maybe it was worth it, though... But it was nowhere to be found in Brittany, so it meant I needed to order it online, the only websites I found it on were some I didn't know and didn't really seem trustworthy. It made me uncomfortable, more so that the oven was supposed to be a gift from my mother to me...

J'étais tombée amoureuse en le voyant sur Internet: le blanc, les détails en laiton, la courbe dans la vitre... Tout était parfait, sauf  son prix et son absence de tous les magasins de Bretagne. Je ne le trouvais que sur Internet et sur des sites que je ne connaissais pas... Difficile de payer ce prix-là sans aucune garantie derrière.

As I couldn't find an other white vintage-looking oven that I liked, my mom suggested that I tried to find it in an other colour.

Ma maman m'a alors suggéré que, peut-être, je pouvais abandonner le blanc pour une fois.

They do exist in black and those were available in Brittany.

On trouve beaucoup plus facilement des fours à l'allure ancienne en noir.

The black ovens look beautiful, but they can be the star of a white kitchen. I know, because this was the choice I had made in my previous kitchen...

C'est assez joli... En tout cas, j'aime assez, puisque c'était mon choix dans ma précédente cuisine...

Except, I'm not redoing the kitchen I had before: I don't live in the same place, I have more cats and I'm older... It can't be the same kitchen, can it?

Mais je ne cherche pas à recréer exactement ma cuisine d'avant: je n'habite plus au même endroit, j'ai plus de chats et je suis plus vieille: la cuisine aussi doit évoluer!

As I was explaining this to my mom on the phone, she said "if you want a vintage-looking oven, it has to be black: that's it!" 

Comme je tentais d'expliquer tout ça à ma maman au téléphone, elle m'a mis les points sur les "i": "si tu veux que ton four ait l'air ancien, il sera noir, un point c'est tout!"

It got me thinking... What was my priority? Keeping the vintage look or the "blending look" I had worked for so far in the Cottage? I kept changing my mind all night. (I've learned since then that some people use the night to sleep, crazy, hey?)

Intense réflexion... Qu'est ce qui était le plus important? Garder le côté vintage ou la discrétion du blanc? J'ai changé d'avis toute la nuit... Oui, je sais, certains utilisent la nuit pour dormir...

Then in the early morning, I got down in the kitchen to brew some tea... There was a morning grey light in the room and just then, I knew!

Puis, au petit matin, en descendant faire mon premier thé du matin, la lumière blafarde d'un matin gris m'a chuchoté la réponse.

Me: "Cottage, I really can't picture a black oven there... So we won't have a vintage looking one..."

Cottage: "Whatever! It's too early to argue!"

Moi: "Cottage, je n'imagine pas du tout un four tout noir ici. Je pense que l'on va oublier l'idée d'un four vintage hors de prix..."

Cottage: "Comme tu veux, il est trop tôt pour se disputer de toute façon!"

I thought things would go easy from there. Until I checked the website I usually use for appliances... Stainless steel stealed all the pages... Basically there were two white ovens: the cheapest oven which I didn't want to buy and one with very fancy and very stupid programms instead of the usual thermostat. Arrggg!

Je croyais naïvement que ce serait facile à partir de là... Jusqu'à ce que je reprenne mes recherches: presque tous les fours en ce moment sont coloris inox... Il n'y en avait deux blancs seulement sur le site que j'utilise habituellement: un premier prix dont je ne voulais pas et un avec plein d'électronique à la place du thermostat... Arrggg!

I even considered going stainless steel for a while... I mean I don't hate it, I even love it when I see it on blogs, it's softer to the eye than black... It's just not really me...

J'ai donc sérieusement envisagé l'inox... Ce n'est pas que je déteste, j'aime même bien quand je le vois en photo chez les autres, ce n'est juste pas "moi"...

Until one day, the kitchen designer told me that this oven in the above picture that I liked existed in white... and was cheaper in white! He argued that the white possibly couldn't be the same as the kitchen cabinets' and that stainless steel was safer...

Jusqu'à ce qu'un jour le cuisiniste me dise que le four que j'aimais bien et que vous voyez sur la photo juste au-dessus existait en blanc... et était moins cher en blanc! Il a précisé que le danger du blanc était que ce ne soit pas la même teinte que la cuisine.

 But after pintersting for a while, I knew I loved white appliances in white kitchens...

Mais après avoir vu quelques cuisines blanches avec des fours blancs sur Pinterest, je savais que c'était ce que je voulais!

I took a deep breath and ordered the oven...

J'ai pris une grande inspiration et j'ai commandé le four...

I'm very happy because it doesn't attract attention: it keeps the kitchen well balanced and also, it works great and is very simple to use!

Je suis enchantée de son côté épuré qui n'attire pas trop l'attention. Il est aussi très simple d'utilisation, ce qui n'est pas le cas de tous les nouveaux fours...

As a bonus, it serves as a mirror!

En plus, il peut servir de miroir!

I had very precise ideas of what I wanted for my kitchen appliances, sometimes I had to compromise and sometimes, I stood by my choices. Do you have ay tips to share with my readers?

J'avais des critères très précis pour choisir mon électroménager et même si j'ai parfois dû faire des concessions, ces critères m'ont aidée dans la jungle des sites Internet. Et vous,  avez-vous d'autres critères à partager pour aider mes lecteurs?

See you soon,

A bientôt,

PS1: I'm back to school on Monday, but instead of getting my lessons ready, do you know what I'm doing? Emptying the kitchen countertops for a new little kitchen project!

Je retourne à l'école lundi, mais au lieu de préparer mes cours, devinez ce que je fais! Je vide le plan de travail de la cuisine pour un nouveau projet!

PS2: I'll be working every evening after school, so by the end of next week, I should have the story of my friend's wedding and some picture posted!

PS3: I'm partying!

Dwellings-the Heart of You Home        Linky Party                Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth          

Lavender Garden Cottage        Ivy and Elephants                 


  1. I don't have any tips to share but I think you were so smart to keep looking until you figured out that a white oven was what was most important to you. It looks wonderful, you made a fantastic choice!

  2. I'm glad you got the white. It looks great and blends well.

  3. I love your choice! It's very classy looking. You know, I just don't like stainless steel. Never have. I'm not one for trends. Looks like they belong in commercial kitchens and kind of sterile looking, ya know?

  4. I have all white appliances in my kitchen and white cabinets and I love it. I love your also and so glad that you went with white. It never goes out of style and is always so classy looking. It looks great in your kitchen. Looking forward to your wedding post and and so glad your are having FUN!

  5. I think you made the perfect choice for your white kitchen. It is a very nice looking oven too. Cute striped dress/skirt you're wearing as well...:) Good luck getting back to work! I'm off Monday for Labor Day so it's a three day weekend for me. I've been back for three weeks. Enjoy your last day of summer break.

    Blessings, Vicky

  6. I love reading your posts. You make me feel like I am in on the conversation.. teehee
    I think you made a wonderful choice. Love the oven! No tips here... You did a marvelous job.
    Enjoy your weekend. You are going to be very busy next week I see.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm afraid I'll have a busy week and my cat will have a sad one as I need to lock him in a bedroom when I have a worker at home and I'm at work... I hope I'll be able to share the progress next weekend...
      Thanks for your visit, it's always a pleasure.

  7. Dear Magali,
    Cottage is very wise: Too early to argue?! My children would never say that... The oven is great and it is such a pleasure, to watch your kitchen grow. Therefore you should go on with the kitchen. Your pupils won´t mind, they will stay in holiday-mode for at least another two weeks without complaining. Have a nice sunday and a good start tomorrow!
    Yours Sarah

  8. Your oven looks lovely in white. And I agree with you, the white cabinets call for a white stove top and oven.
    Keep up the good work.

    1. I'm really surprised everyone seems to love my white choice as all over blogland white appliances seem to be a big no-no!
      Thank you for your kind words.

  9. You got it just right. I don't care for black, and i really don't like stainless steel. I'm just a traditionalist, I think!

  10. Je dois dire que tu n'es pas la seule à avoir eu un dilemme pour ton four.
    Il va y avoir deux Noël en décembre, mes enfants ont voulu m'offrir un nouveau four, à peine en place, j'ai voulu qu'on me l'enlève car c'était un vrai Boeing, il était d'un compliqué, c'était une horreur, ce que je voulais, c'était un four avec deux manettes, une pour la position de chauffe & l'autre pour la température. Le seul correspondant à mes envies était le "Rosières" que tu montres en première image, mon fils a repris le four qu'il a offert à sa belle mère & mes deux fils m'ont donné le montant du four, j'ai rajouté un peu de sous & je me suis commandé le four sur internet où je l'ai eu a un pris intéressant car j'avais bien comparé les prix, j'en suis enchanté & n'ai pas eu besoin de reprendre mes études pour arriver à le faire marcher.
    Ah oui, je te vois petit marin en rayures dans le miroir de ton four.
    Caresses à tes chats. Bises. Babette

  11. A perfect choice for a perfect kitchen! I'll be over for a quick bite of whatever is baking in the oven and then you can tell me all about that wedding!!!

  12. I think a white stove is absolutely the right choice for a vintage look. Most appliances here were white for years and years...then they want gold or avocado or even bronze in the 70's and then back to white and then black in the 90's, I have a black dishwasher and wall oven and absolutely hate them. One day I'll do white.

  13. The perfect white oven! Sometime we just have to stand our ground : ). My kitchen lady has gone along on all my choices, not sure that is a good thing but we'll see in a few months when it's installed. Patty/NS

  14. Perfect choice, as always! I'm not a huge fan of stainless, although I will say in some kitchens they go nicely. But not yours Magali. You've made the right decision.

  15. I prefer the black oven, I must admit. But when it comes to ovens, I only really really want an AGA !! One day I will find an old AGA and build a cottage around it !! :-) Marcy

    1. An AGA is on my wishlist... and will probably stay on that list for a very long time ;)

  16. Well I love it! The white looks absolutely beautiful in your all white kitchen. And I like simple so it sounds perfect. We have always had all white appliances and they are still my favorite because they clean so easily. But this home came with all black appliances. When we moved in we had a brand new white refrigerator. It did not go well with the black. Soooo we had to wait and save and now we have stainless steel (except for the black oven). You already know were finally painting the oak cabinets a light grey. The stainless steel looks lovely with the grey. But I will always like white appliances best!

  17. I love the blue and white Kitchen... so cool...

  18. plaque de cuisson et four discrets et bien intégrés, que vouloir de plus ?? ben, le petit plus justement, l'aspect ancien... celui des cuisinières des célèbres marques de Côte d'Or ou du Shropshire (je les vois chaque jour car un revendeur est installé dans notre petite commune) mais il faut savoir être raisonnable et, comme vous j'ai opté pour une cuisinière blanche d'un grand distributeur, toute simple d'utilisation et qui s'harmonise avec nos meubles peints en blanc.
    bonne rentrée ! cordialement - monique59

    1. L'aspect ancien était vraiment un de mes souhaits, mais quand le choix a dû être fait entre aspect ancien et blanc, j'ai choisi la discrétion, il me semble que cela va mieux dans ma petite cuisine.

  19. So happy you waited and did not compromise - Cottage always knows best! The white looks wonderful and does not detract or overpower this charming space. All of your choices have been excellent and the cottage is becoming a very warm and welcoming home. Can't wait to see what you work on next!

  20. I hope that things went well for you in school today. I love your oven. It is perfect for your kitchen. Good for you for bucking trends and going for what you want. Ii am not thrilled about the stove in my kitchen but it was already here so it was free and it works well. At least it's white! I hate stainless steel appliances and am so sick of seeing them everywhere.

  21. Perfect. The light really shows the product you're baking. My oven light is next to useless and I would love to have your oven. They i could see how things are cooking without opening the door to look. French appliances seem to be designed so much better than those in the US.

    1. My previous oven had no light and I really like eing able now to check on the cooking without opening the oven every single time.

  22. It looks great! While the black ones are gorgeous, I think you made the right choice in sticking with white.

    1. Thank you! I think the white oven looks best in a seaside cottage.

  23. I firmly believe in sticking to your budget. You can always, always, always upgrade later, but why stress yourself out by spending too much. I think you made a very good choice, and just remember to keep an eye out a few years down the line for that perfect vintage white oven. You'll get it.

  24. I think it is perfect! I have white appliances, also. I think they are so classic and never go out of style. xo Karen

  25. So glad you stuck to your first choice!!! The white is perfect and so classic, it will last for years. Can't wait to see what else you're doing!!

    1. Thank you! I am working on a new project in the kitchen, with the help of a carpenter, but it's hard to work on that while I'm back at work.

  26. Good for you, sticking to your plan. It looks gorgeous, and blends beautifully!
    I've already been back in school for almost three weeks now!!! My summer blew by fast!
    Best wishes for a great start.

  27. I think your oven looks lovely! And whatever you're cooking in there looks lovely, too!


  28. Ah deliberations! I totally understand as it is a big commitment... Almost like a marriage :) Thank you for sharing it with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! :) Have a lovely week!

  29. Well I do think you picked the best choice, but, you always do! I love the white and in a small kitchen (I know I have one) it keeps the space looking larger since you eye does not stop at another color, it just flows. I have stainless steel and I don't like it, but professional appliances are only offered in them. So I had little choice as a professional chef I had to have professional appliances. I love look of your cottage kitchen!

  30. You have put so much time and energy into every single detail of your house. By the time you are finished, it will be perfect!

  31. I love it too!! Great choice and it looks as though it was always meant to be there. PERFECT

  32. You have done an incredible job at that kitchen - amazing KITCHEN DESIGNER!

  33. You've probably said it all Magali! I love the one you chose too!

  34. Oh I am so glad that you stuck to your guns! I too love white appliances and have looked at that same oven in the first image. I currently have stainless and just hate the fingerprints. Now I have to continue reading your posts to catch up on what I missed.

  35. I think you made the right choice -- in a small kitchen, it looks better to have everything in one color. I think when it comes to compromising, it has to be something you can live with. If you're going to regret the compromise, then don't...and find something else to compromise on. Good luck with your new school year!

  36. Well, you know our story of building a new cottage, Magali, and the challenges that have ensued. I don't have any tips, other than to prioritize what's really important and be willing to compromise accordingly to fit the budget. It seems that's what you've done with gorgeous results. I like white appliances so much better than stainless. You were wise to choose an oven that blends in with your cabinets. Looks great. ~ Nancy

    1. Thank you, Nancy! Blending in was all I asked to my appliances!

  37. I have to hand it to you Magali, you know what you like and you're not easily put off. I sometimes feel I give in too easily when the ideal in my head is not available or too expensive in reality!

  38. It fits in perfectly Magali but now I'm thinking (that for my own kitchen) I'd like a black oven because I just bought a black kettle.
    Hmmmm I need to do some thinking !


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