Saturday, January 30, 2016


A Little Dining Nook Update

This is not a reveal post. I know, I know, I can hear you grumbling from here...

Bon, c'est raté pour avoir le grand avant-après  du coin repas aujourd'hui. Oui, oui, je vous entends râler de là...

I have very good reasons for that.

J'ai de très bonnes raisons pour justifier ce retard (je suis la reine pour inventer des excuses).

Lately it hasn't been very sunny. We've had sunny moments, because in Brittany, the sun always makes an appearance at some point or an other during the day.  Unfortunately, it was only sunny when I was at work or when Cottage was in no state to have his picture taken... He would be too ashamed.

Il ne fait pas très beau en ce moment. Bien sûr, c'est la Bretagne, alors le soleil fait toujours son apparition entre les nuages, au moins quelques instants. Mais c'est systématiquement quand je suis au travail ou quand Cottage est dans un état tellement honteux que je ne peux pas le prendre en photo, il rougirait!

Here's when the confession begins. January has been a very busy month for me at work. I'm teaching a group of older pupils than usual this year. It means new syllabus, very interesting, but very time-consuming, so most weeks, my decorating is at its best when I take the time to unload the dihwasher in order to reload it right away with all the dishes pilling up in the sink. 

Confession du jour. Cette année, je travaille avec une classe que je n'ai jamais eue auparavant : nouveau programme, très intéressant, mais très chronophage. Par conséquent, la plupart du temps, je suis au max de ma décoration quand j'ai le temps de vider le lave-vaisselle pour immédiatement le recharger de la pile de vaisselle qui s'accumule dans l'évier.

Anyway, I began working an hour every now and then on my chair project last December. I can't show you a reveal, but I can show you the beginning of the process.

J'ai quand même réussi à grappiller une heure par-ci par-là pour m'attaquer au projet chaises au mois de décembre. Impossible de vous montrer de belles images aujourd'hui, mais je peux au moins partager l'avancée des choses.

After removing the seats of the chairs - seats you can see on the floor of my dining area in some pictures  - I sanded the chairs to remove most of the shinny varnish that was on them. It took hours because I did it all by hand.

Après avoir enlevé les assises, que vous pourrez voir par terre sur certaines photos, j'ai poncé les chaises à la main, ce qui a pris des heures et des heures.

I decided to work by hand because last summer a little problem happened with the electrical sander and a project you'll know nothing about for now... I didn't want to ruin my chairs, so I combined decorating with working out... I have very well shaped arms, now! Such a shame the weather isn't very tank-top-invinting!

Cet été, j'ai eu un petit incident  sur un projet dont vous ne saurez rien aujourd'hui avec la ponceuse électrique. Ne voulant pas risquer de détruire mes chaises, j'ai choisi la solution délirante de tout poncer à la main. J'ai des bras bien musclés maintenant, dommage que la météo n'incite pas à porter des débardeurs!

I then primed the chairs. I'm including a picture of what the wood look like once primed, just in case someone is a beginner and is afraid to try the first painting project. The priming and sometimes even the first coat of paint looks ugly... Don't worry, it gets better!

J'ai ensuite appliqué une sous-couche sur les chaises. Je vous mets une photo, pourtant ce n'est pas photogénique.  Mais peut-être un de mes lecteurs hésite-t-il à se lancer et je voulais rassurer tout le monde : oui, ça a l'air très moche après la sous-couche, mais non, la chaise n'est pas foutue, cela s'arrange avec deux couches de peinture!

Then I painted the chairs one by one... I'm posting here pictures I took to show my parents. They are not pretty pictures that were intended for the blog, but well, I'm a little out of time, so they'll do for today, ok?

Les chaises sont peintes une par une, week-end après week-end...  Je vous montre des photos qui n'étaient  pas destinées au blog mais que j'avais prises pour montrer l'avancée du projet à mes parents : ça va faire l'affaire pour aujourd'hui, d'accord ?

So, fisrt guess what colour I choose? It's actually a chalenging question since the lighting wasn't great. 

Première devinette : quelle couleur ai-je choisie ? C'est un véritable défi car la luminosité n'était pas bonne pour ces photos.

Second guess, when were the pictures taken? Hints: on the shelf, you might notice a cat - that's all year round - and a Christmas branch (there was no Christmas tree at Cottage this year).

Devinette numéro deux : quand les photos ont-elles été prises ? Des indices : il y a un chat sur l'étagère - bon, ça, c'est toute l'année - et une branche de Noël (il n'y a pas eu de sapin cette année au Cottage).

Third guess: can you find out what I have in mind when studying the pictures with two chairs? No? Well, I think you'll have to wait for the next post!

Devinette numéro trois  : qui peut déduire des photos où l'on voit les deux premières chaises ce que j'ai en tête ? Pas vous ? Bon, eh bien, il va falloir attendre le prochain article, alors !

See you soon,

A bientôt,


PS1: I promise I'll show all chairs in the next post. I can't promise it'll all be perfectly finished and I can't promise beautiful pictures as it's raining today and I don't feel at all like cleaning Cottage for an unknown reason (laziness?).

PS 1 : Je promets de montrer les quatre chaises la prochaine fois. Je ne promets pas que le projet soit vraiment fini, ni que les photos soient belles car ce matin il pleut et je n'ai pas du tout envie de faire le ménage, je ne sais pas pourquoi...


  1. Ahhhh !!!
    Nice :o)) You did it :o))
    Good luck with the rest ;o)

  2. Magali, those are going to look so good painted. We have certainly had lots of cloudy days around here, but nice and sunny this weekend and warmer. The cold comes back after some rain next week though. Have a great weekend!

  3. Your chairs look great so far (and I'm sure your arms do too)! I'm guessing the color is the same as the beautiful color on your kitchen walls. Your dining room is going to be really lovely!

  4. I'll play the guessing game. I'm guessing a pale blue on the chairs. 2. No idea, but I'll guess January. 3. Maybe a bench on the opposite side of the 2 chairs? They are looking great, and I can't wait to see the finished project!

  5. Such pretty chairs. Is it s sort of eau de nil colour?

  6. That's not fair - cottage and I are anxiously awaiting a proper reveal!! :)

  7. Very pretty - I like the style of those chairs!!

  8. I love the chairs and I love that final photo of the cottage.

  9. ça a l'air de devenir vraiment super!
    J'ai hâte de voir la suite!!!
    Best wishes!

  10. The color of your kitchen walls? Work comes first and I'm enjoying the previews. Hand sanding is time consuming and you're doing a terrific job. A+ Kathleen in Az

    1. Yes, the colour of the kitchen walls has been used for this project! Good guess!

  11. you're making great progress...can't wait to see the finished product.

    1. I took pictures today, but it was raining and the colours aren't great.

  12. These chairs look wonderful, and so much better in their setting! I am so impressed that you did all sanding by hand. I am going to start on some painting today myself, actually, because we have a couple of days that are above freezing here so it's a good time to get going. As always, you are most inspiring.
    So, the questions. I can not tell for sure what color they are? I would have said white, but then you sort of indicate it's' challenging so maybe the obvious answer is not the right answer? Blue white? No pale pale aqua? I think maybe the guess that it's the color of your kitchen walls is right?
    Ok, pictures were taken...recently!!! That's the best I can do with that one.
    What you have in mind? Oh my, I would never try to figure out ahead of time what you have in mind, you are so creative it could be anything. I can tell you for sure I love that last picture looking past the lovely table and the lovely chairs into the kitchen! You have worked a miracle in cottage, that's for sure!

  13. Wait, are you going to put cushions on the chairs? Fabric covered seats? The same as the chair in the kitchen? Is that it? (bounce, bounce, bounce!!!). OK, waiting to see...........

  14. Your chairs look good so far and I am sure they will be great when you finish. Cottage will be so proud of the dining room. i think you have done an amazing job on Cottage.
    Have a restful weekend.

  15. I love what you did to the chairs! It gets better and better with every step you take in the process! Oh and, laziness is not a bad thing, it often is the start of an outburst of creativity, which can only take place in an empty mind on a lazy day :-) Marie from Belgium

  16. Your chairs turned out so pretty. Great job!


  17. I love those chairs and they are looking great! I am currently trying to find 4 chairs for the sides of my dining table. I haven't had any luck so far! Looking forward to the reveal! Have a lovely Sunday.

  18. Taking a guess here, but it looks like you might be painting the chairs a very pale aqua color. Whatever color they are they're looking fabulous. Loved all the chairs you showed, such marvelous colors and styles!!! Well I'm off to your last post...I'm seriously behind on my reading. Best ~ Mickie

  19. Looking good, my friend :) You are such an inspiration to me, Magali. When you want something done you just do it. Hugs to you!

  20. Maybe a color that goes with the kitchen walls... Maybe you took the photos a year ago in December or January. I don't know what happened to the seats. Hopefully, the cats didn't scratch them up while they were off. xoxo Su

  21. Superbes les chaises , vous êtes douées d'une patience à toute épreuve ,moi j'ai horreur de poncer ! Les assises vont -elles être habillées ? En tout cas félicitation et bon courage .

  22. MAGALI! I just came from the blog, A Joyful Cottage and wondered if you follow Nancy? She shares small cottages every Sunday and the one she shared today is in Cornwall. It is GLORIOUS, all white, and you must go check it out.

    I so understand your work situation. This year again, I am teaching au lycée et aussi au collège, both places demanding more of my time, so creativity is NUL! But you are doing such a great job at these chairs. These chairs have all the good bones in them to complete your look. You are doing a great job on them and are working so hard! I can't wait to see what Cottage is up to for the next installment! In the meantime, bonne semaine! Anita

  23. love the photos of your house and the furniture re-do's that you are doing

  24. Magali tus sillas son hermosas y seguiran hermosas decidas lo que decidas. Siempre es bueno un poco de descanso para volver a tomar las fuerzas. Que lo pases bien ! nelly

    1. Gracias , Nelly ! Voy a estar mostrando las otras sillas pronto.

  25. Colors don't always translate well on blogs, but I'm thinking your chairs are a light gray or possibly a light blue-green. It sounds like a busy time for you with your job, and I know how hard it is to drum up the energy to tackle home projects when you get home. Cottage is coming along nicely, and I can't wait for your reveal post! I hope the sun shines down on you soon. :o)

  26. Hi...the chairs looked white at first..but the last pic makes me guess a pale green or blue..i'm incline to say blue..since a lot!! of your inspiration pix have blue in them or accessories..i love the blue bottles on the table too..hope the weather starts to cooperate with the decorating schedule..oh and the 2 chairs at the end..i'm guessing you're on the fence about changing the seats..i could diffidently see them with a beautiful fabric seat..hope your week goes well!

  27. Peu-être que les deux autres chaises vont avoir une couleur différente ???
    Je suis sûre que ce sera super quoiqu'il en soit.
    Caresses aux griffus. Bisous. Babette

  28. They look beautiful! White is so clean and refreshing.

  29. coucou Magali
    Je n'ai pas remarqué quel style tu allais préférer pour tes chaises mais je suis certaine que tu feras ça de manière à mettre cottage en valeur, il n'en sera que plus beau
    Vivement que tu nous fasses connaître la suite même s'il fait moche et que tu n'as pas trop le temps
    Je te souhaite une bonne semaine

    1. J'ai pris des photos ce week-end malgré la pluie, mais les couleurs ne ressortent pas du tout!
      Bonne semaine.

  30. Hmm ... I think a very pale blue or grey and you may white wash the rush seats? Or sew chairpads for extra comfort? Whatever you do I am amazed you have any energy left at the end of a long work day and week! Take care, enjoy tea with the kitties. xo Patty

  31. Those are darling chairs! What a great find!

  32. These chairs are looking great, so far! No doubt you are giving them the best of care!

  33. oh... ces chaises ont une douce couleur bleu-vert !!! sur le même principe que la cuisine de Cottage : trop blanc-blanc finit par lasser mais relever le blanc-blanc par des blancs légèrement teintés ça anime la pièce... et c'est trop classe !! les chaises seront-elles légèrement poncées comme la table ????
    bonne semaine ! monique59

  34. Are the chairs going to be a light blue shade? I'm in a brain freeze mode at the time so won't guess anymore. Love the last photo, where you sitting on the floor when you took it? My knees won't get me up anymore, so I sit low on a vintage milk stool.

  35. I think that if Agatha Christie was still around she would write about The Case of the Disappearing January. Where did it go?

  36. I agree with Vicki, colors don't always translate well on blogs. I think I know what color they are, though. A pretty pale shade of not quite blue, not quite green -- somewhere in between. I love the chair style. Cottage is coming along nicely. xo

  37. A lot of work to sand and paint chairs, but they are turning out beautiful and worth all the work! Having all the chairs done will be such a big accomplishment! xx K

  38. WoW you really did a nice job on those Magali. Your finish is perfectly smooth!! It is going to be stunning when we get to see the reveal......

  39. I know you did get a workout on those chairs! Oh but the results are so worth the effort, chairs and you. Can't wait for the full reveal. I'm a terrible guesser but maybe a pretty French blue? I did all the project work when I was young, now I let someone else have the honor while I do the fun stuff.
    I remember those long work days with not much time to do anything. Enjoy them, they pass so quickly!

  40. Your work seems to be going fine. Everyone is now curious to see the final project. Wishing you a great day!

  41. Bravo pour ce travail déjà effectué ! Ce mauvais temps, en plus de rendre la photographie plus difficile, n'incite pas à se mettre au travail... Vivement le retour du soleil...
    Bonne fin de semaine.

  42. Je sais que vous êtes très occupée avec la rentrée des classes mais je permets de vous poser la question suivante. Avec quelle peinture avez vous peint vos chaises? J'ai trouvé une peinture spécial meubles sans décapage ni sous couche mais elle ne me plaît pas à l'application.Merci de votre attention.
    Bonne soirée.

    1. Bonsoir,
      J'ai personnellement choisi de poncer les chaises avant de leur appliquer la sous-couche pour bois intérieur de Farrow & Ball. Ensuite, je les ai peintes chacune avec une teinte différente de la peinture pour bois intérieur de Farrow & Ball (les coloris sont : Pavilion Blue, Pale Powder, Teresa's Green et Green Blue). Il me reste à leur appliquer une couche de vernis protecteur car ce sont mes chaises de tous les jours.
      Merci de votre visite.


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