Wednesday, April 02, 2014


By The Kitchen Window - 3 - The Kitchen Window Sequel

I wanted a chair in my kitchen. Nothing fancy because I don't have a lot of space, but comfortable enough for me to have tea... or for the cats to sleep in. I had a vision that looked somehow like this inspiration picture, even if my kitchen is the third of this one as far as size is concerned.

Je voulais un fauteuil dans ma cuisine. Rien d'extraordinaire, juste un endroit confortable pour boire une tasse de thé ou pour la sieste des chats. J'avais une vision qui ressemblait plus ou moins à la photo ci-dessous, même si ma cuisine est beaucoup plus petite que celle-là.

I was lucky enough to find this gorgeous chair for a very good price.

J'ai eu la chance de tomber sur ce fauteuil à un très bon prix.

I'm sure you can see similarities and some differences as well. You don't need me to write a list for you, do you? So off to work I went.

Bon, je n'ai pas besoin de vous faire la liste des points communs et des différences entre les deux? Je me suis donc mise au travail.

I gave the chair a good scrub, very lightly and lazily sanded it and then went with my trusted method: primer and two coats of paint. 

Je sais qu'il existe plein de méthodes différentes. Moi, j'ai fait ce qui marche d'habitude pour moi: grand nettoyage (de la chaise, pas la peine de croire que je me suis attelée au ménage de la maison), petit ponçage flémard, sous-couche et deux couches de peinture.

I know what some of you will say, I should have gone with chalk paint. But here's what I thought... And that's only my very humble opinion. 

Je voulais que ce soit facile à nettoyer sans avoir le brillant des peintures latex et j'ai donc utilisé la peinture pour boiserie de Farrow & Ball. Certains crieront au sacrilège... Je les retrouverai donc en enfer!

If you have a good primer, it'll adhere even with a light sanding, provided that the wood isn't varnished. I wanted a paint that would be easy to wipe because the chair is in the kitchen, still I didn't want it to be all shiny. So I used Farrow & Ball woodwork paint: easy to clean and less shiny than any latex paint.

Now, about distressing. I'm not doing anything yet... The kitchen will be remodeled in only a few months now and I want to be sure this is the right colour before destressing anything: it'll be a lot easier to repaint if needed.

Maintenant un mot sur le ponçage d'après peinture: j'ai décidé de rien faire de ce côté-là tant que je ne suis pas sûre que ce blanc ira avec la nouvelle cuisine. Si je décide après coup que la chaise est mieux en rouge, ce sera plus facile...

Now, I already said I'm not a grey girl. White and grey are perfectly chic, I guess I am just not chic.

Bon, je crois avoir déjà écrit que le gris ne me correspond pas. Je sais, gris et blanc, c'est super chic et j'en déduis donc que je ne suis pas chic. 

Again, I was lucky to find some toile I really loved on sale.

Là encore, j'ai eu de la chance de trouver de la toile de Jouy, au motif gentiment coquin, en soldes. Euh, enfin, ne vous attendez pas à un truc révolutionnaire, la dame fait juste de la balançoire!

I'm not a seamstress either, so I took the cushion and the toile at my mom's and she helped me. Ok, truth? She sewed, I cut and put the needles: I put them all wrong according to her, but I tried, it does count for something, doesn't it?

Je suis vraiment nulle en couture et comme la confection d'un coussin dépassait mes capacités qui se bornent à faire un ourlet, j'ai emporté le coussin et le tissu chez ma maman. J'ai coupé et épinglé (mal d'après elle) et elle a cousu.

Shadow nous a aidées...

Shadow helped as well.

It's actually quite frightening to see how my vision became reality, after living for four years in the mess of renovation. One little thing in the kitchen looks like me!

Je ne sais pas si cela va vous paraître bizarre, mais c'est presque effrayant d'avoir le tout premier truc de déco fini après quatre années passées à vivre dans le chantier avec comme seuls objectifs déco les joints de placo!

Cottage and I spend long moments talking to each other while I sit in that chair...

I'm a little afraid to ask you what you think... Ok, shoot, I'll get a glass of wine ready, so I won't mind your comments as much ;)

Je crains un peu de vous demander ce que vous en pensez... Allez, lâchez-vous, je vais me préparer un verre de vin (ou peut-être de whisky?), cela rendra les critiques plus supportables!

See you soon... I have news about the kitchen!

A bientôt, j'ai des révélations à vous faire à propos de la cuisine!

PS1: This post wouldn't have been possible without the help of my mom for that *** cushion!
Cet article n'aurait jamais pu être complet sans l'aide de ma maman pour ce *** coussin!

PS2: Thank you Suzan for the pep talk yesterday night... I wrote the post, because "you made me strong when I was weak" (I know it's somewhere in a Celine Dion song, no idea which one, though).
Un grand merci à Suzan qui m'a encouragé à écrire cet article, malgré quelques critiques pas faciles ces derniers jours.

PS3: Recent events reminded me of that time a director didn't like my teaching methods, summoned me in his office and told me very seriously "we don't need a Madonna in that school"... 
Of course, being like Madonna, I go to the beach and bathe in my best dress every day after school... Please, if you sing along, go with "Chairish".

PS4: I'm partying there...

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Rooted In Thyme              The Shabby Nest
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 The Dedicated House                                 


  1. YOU are too funny, Magali. I always leave your cottage with a skip in my walk and SO MUCH INSPIRATION. Now I MUST have a kitchen chair too. teehee Oh my goodness, this one's spectacular!!! What a perfect choice, and I so understand what you mean about having "one little thing that looks like me." Sometimes the big picture stuff takes too long and something like a chair keeps us going. Love the fabric and I go to my mom for sewing too. ;)

  2. I totally understand your choice now Magali. Good that your thinking really ahead. Love the toile pattern on your pretty chair too!

  3. Love the fabric and the chair painted white, it looks clean and fresh and very you. I'm so looking forward to the day when we can see it in your new kitchen !!

  4. love the chair - great design and wonderful carving.

    love the fabric - it looks like kitty loves it too!

    love the chair in the kitchen.

  5. Dear Magali,

    you have done a great job! This chair is so lovely with that fabric and there is some fabric left (for the other chair, and what else?). I simply love the toile, on your chair and the one in that cupboard of yours. Your kitchen is going to be amazing, just as the window and the chair. What I like most, is how you enjoy every single step of your making a home!
    Have a nice chat with your cottage and the cats... Yours Sarah

  6. Good job!Come around I have three chairs I collected from the curb!AriadnefromGreece!

  7. I've never thought about a chair in the kitchen. I kind of want a stool but don't even have room for that. You found a great little chair and I love it in white of course and love the fabric you chose.

  8. Thank you for painting the chair and adding the beautiful cushion ! Now I can give you my address, so you can ... send it to my home LOL No seriously, I imagined how the chair would look in white, but it turned out even better than I thougt it would. Soon you will find out you cannot live without it any more ! :-) Greetz, Marcy

    1. Thank you so much, Marcy... I might keep the chair if you don't mind... But I have an other one. It's unpainted, though ;)

  9. The aisle in my kitchen is only three feet wide, but I am going to figure how I can fit a chair in there. This is simply lovely - the fabric is beautiful. I want it. Seriously want it.

  10. I love it white and the fabric you chose, so very pretty. Well if you're going to have a glass of wine please save me one, since I don't have a bad thing to say. Good choice! Now I want a chair in my kitchen. I promised not to let hubs know I got the idea from you!

  11. It's beautiful! You and your mom make a good team!!


  12. Dear Madonna-You and Cottage have a lovely chair! And what a wonderful pillow!! Congratulations, they are splendid!! Best,
    Sarah and some plates :)

    1. Dear Sarah and all FOUR plates,
      Thank you very much for your kind words. I'll be emailing you soon about the "next" plates.
      Vintagely yours,

  13. Well, chalk paint or not I love it! I say, go with what suits you. The fabric is fabulous and mom did a great job! I'm laughing because I know just what she meant by pinning wrong. lol!

  14. It turned out perfectly Magali! I love it in white and the toile is absolutely beautiful. I love it!! And...I think yours is even better than the inspiration photo. Have a wonderful Thursday....Vicky

  15. The chair looks terrific and I love the toile - great job. What does kitty think? If he likes it - then your good to go.
    Have a terrific weekend. Your mom did a great job on the cushion.

  16. Magali your chair looks perfect by the window. A chair in the kitchen? What a marvelous idea!
    A perfect spot for sipping tea.

  17. You did well. It looks very nice, and I agree with you on the primer vs chalk paint

  18. I never knew I wanted a chair by my kitchen window until this very moment. I could sit with a cup of tea and watch the chickens....I am inspired. I think it looks gorgeous and I love the cushion you made. And trust me, putting the pins in TOTALLY counts as sewing!

  19. It's surprise for me. I think you will change the cushion cover, but actually you have change both of them! Beautiful

  20. Beautiful!! I knew you and cottage would make a great decision! And Suzan can be helpful too. :)


    1. There...I think I fixed it. AGAIN! Why does Google+ do this to me????


  21. Moi, je l'adore ton fauteuil blanc et je ne suis pas trop mécontente de la réalisation du coussin... Je te signale que j'ai une armoire "La Redoute" a repeindre... on ne sait jamais. Bises

  22. superbe , ta chaise ! si Shadow est d'accord, je veux bien la partager ; Enfin! si elle me laisse une 'tite place car j'imagine bien qu'un tel siège va être immédiatement squatté !!
    bonne journée,
    Marry Poppins

    1. Pour l'instant, c'est le printemps, les chats sont moins dedans et les humains peuvent profiter du fauteuil, mais cet hiver, ce sera plus compliqué!

  23. Tu me fais rire (je dis "tu", entre Bretonnes, ç'est plus simple !!) Pourquoi tu t'attends à de mauvaises critiques ? mdr
    Je ferai bien la même chose pour la salle de bain, pour poser les vêtements, pour s'asseoir pour le bain de pieds relaxant, etc.

    Pour la cuisine, j'ai quasi les mêmes goûts que toi, j'ai très envie d'une cuisine blanche, mais avec le plan de travail en hêtre, comme celle du magasin suédois. A voir...

    ahr . Une voisine de la Presqu'île Guérandaise.

    1. Très chère voisine du sud de la Bretagne,
      Merci pour ce petit mot très gentil... Dans la salle de bain, ce serait joli, un fauteuil... Bon, comme la mienne est sous les toits et fait 3 m2... Je pense que cela ne va pas être possible, du moins pas avant la rénovation! Ce serait sympa si tu me tenais au courant si tu changes ta cuisine!
      Bises de la côté nord!

  24. Elle est bien jolie comme ça ta chaise. Ça fait tout de suite lumineux le blanc dans une pièce.
    Ton superbe chat ressemble comme deux gouttes d'eau à Mr Morphine .
    Madame Mère est donc une couturière accomplie. Merci Dame Marie pour ce beau travail.
    Bisous. Babette

  25. It looks wonderful!

    As to three sons 'distressed' most of my furniture over the years as did the cats and dogs and now I have grandkids to 'distress' what I have now, lol ! It happens on its own for the most part ! :)

    1. I'm so counting on the cats for some distressing. Shadow did a great job with the shelves I use in the kitchen!

  26. Looks fantastic Magali!! And cheers to your wonderful mom for doing a beautiful job on the cushion! I guess hiding behind an ip address gives people the courage to be nasty. Good ole Suzan tells it like it is! Gotta love her!

  27. How fabulous! It is amazing what white paint and beautiful fabric can do. I love it and I also loved the inspiration photo.

  28. Oh my goodness Magali, this is a fabulous makeover. I love it and your choice of fabric. So beautiful!

  29. Magali ~ the chair is beautiful and i adore the fabric you chose for the cushion. You are so right that you needed to accomplish this task towards the final kitchen. Our taste is very much the same I think! We will be putting in a new kitchen for our old cape code here in Nova Scotia and it will be fun to see what we both end up with : ). Have a wonderful day, Patty

  30. I am not a fan of super heavily distressed furniture, and I only like some things done with chalk paint--that's just my taste and what looks good in our house. So I really like what you did with your chair, and I love the pretty fabric you chose for the cushion. I can't wait to see your kitchen all done with that pretty chair in it :)

  31. That little chair is perfect. It has a charm all it's own.

  32. per usual, I love your ideas. Being Shadow-approved makes the change worth more...

  33. What a gorgeous chair - even more beautiful afterwards! I love how you painted doesn't need to be painted with chalk paint.

  34. Oh, yes! Perfect. See? I knew whatever you did it would be right. I love the paint, and you KNOW how much I love toile. And the one you chose, Magali, is perfect. I just can't wait to see your kitchen completed. Good job Magali and Mom!

  35. That turned out simply gorgeous Magali - and that fabric is sheer perfection - soooo French!
    Great choice - on the color AND the fabric - love it!

  36. Love what you did with that chair! Brought it to life!!! Very pretty, and I love the cushion cover fabric. Isn't that kitchen photo fabulous. Love all that white. There. Now you can back away from that wine bottle. LOLOL

  37. Your chair is perfect, Magali!! Painting it white brightened up and brought out all the pretty details. Love the fabric you found for the cushion. What a comfy place to sit!
    Mary Alice

  38. Hi Magali, Wow, you’ve been busy and I love your new chair! I know it’s really not new but with the makeover it looks new. I think the white color looks fabulous and the fabric you used for the cushion is gorgeous. I’m sure it does feel strange to see your kitchen coming together after so much planning and work. Terrific job. I’m enjoying each step to your final reveal!


  39. You did an excellent job painting, it's beautiful tucked in front of the window. Love the toile, love the cat sitting on the toile...made me chuckle!

  40. Looks like your four legged buddy loves it as much as I do! Fabulous job Magali, as always.

  41. Your kitchen is so gorgeous, it makes me wonder how you're going to change it! I sure love those beautiful wood floors. And the chair is just perfect and the lovely fabric for the cushion. How nice it looks by the window! Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

    1. I think I am commenting on the inspiration photo of the kitchen! lol I'm looking at more of your blog and enjoying it! Hugs!

  42. Comme d'hab je suis en retard, j'ai failli laisser un comm sur le post précédent quand sous mes yeux ébahis j'ai vu que tu étais passée à l'action dans le dernier épisode et c'est une bonne action...Ouf dirais-je. Car ce fauteuil avait un fort potentiel mais pas vraiment de charme dans son état d'avant. Le voici remis en lumière! Donc pas de pb de cire ce qui est parfois le cas sur les vieux meubles couleur bois.
    Bises et bonne journée.

  43. Beautiful. I love the choice of fabric with the colour paint. REally sweet.

  44. I love how it turned out! That chair looks so much better with a fresh coat of paint and new fabric!

  45. Love it! Can't wait to see it in person one day!

  46. Hi Magali,

    You searched, you found, you sanded, you primed, you painted, you sweated, you succeeded!! It's gorgeous and it looks absolutely perfect in your cozy kitchen by the seaside!


  47. First of all, the chair looks SO GOOD! And being a fan of toile, I love the cushion. It looks just right in your kitchen! The title of your post cracked me up even before I saw the name of the video at the end. I always enjoy your posts, Magali!

  48. Oooh I love the chair! Your kitty is adorable loafing on the new chair! LOVE! :D

  49. I like your method for painting that chair, looks Fabulous! Especially in the kitchen! Celeste

  50. I like your chair better than the one you showed in the magazine – yours look more comfortable. I like the flat surface that would not hurt the back as much as the one in the picture. Your fabric goes super well with the chair – it is a decorator show piece now and perfect for your cat to take a nap.

  51. Hello Magali - I think your chair turned out very lovely! I love the choice of fabric, too. What a perfect idea to have this comfortable chair to sit and ponder life from. Thank you for visiting me - I am a new follower to your lovely blog. xo Karen

    1. Karen,
      Thank you for stopping by! I'll be happy to follow back!

  52. The chair looks fantastic! I love the pretty fabric you chose. ~Angela~

  53. Hi Magali--Lucky you were to find such a lovely chair, and that toile is fabulous!! Looks like Kitty likes it as well ==^..^==
    Have a great weekend! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

    1. Lorraine,
      Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. One of the cats has decided it was the best chair to purr on my lap!

  54. That chair turned out fabulous and I love all you are doing. Your cottage should be the envy of the neighborhood. It is darling!

  55. I love it painted! I agree about the chalk paint. I recently painted some chairs with it and although it distresses nicely, I didn't care for the coverage so much. I think I just need more practice. Anyway your chair turned out beautiful and I love the fabric you used on the cushions. Aren't mom's great? Your's is a peach for sewing it for you. Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great week! ~Deborah

  56. Loving the new kitchen chair. You have truly transformed it with white paint and that lovely fabric. I love to think that something that you 're-love' such as this has had a life before you that you can only imagine.

  57. It is beautifully perfect!

  58. I love your little chair. And thank you for the chuckle about admitting you were admonished for your pinning talents. I've heard that song before about my skills, but the job gets done in the end right?

    1. Well, each time my mom and I sew together, things get tense for a while, before we laugh at ourselves!


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