Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Love For Three Seaglass Shades

The Kitchen Walls Mini-Series - 2 -

Once I had decided that I wanted my kitchen walls to be a nice seaglass colour, I had to find the perfect paint. As with everything with me, it wasn't an easy choice to make. 

Après avoir décidé que les murs de ma cuisine seraient peint d'une belle couleur "verre poli par la mer", il me fallait trouver cette teinte parfaite. Comme toujours avec moi, cela ne s'est pas fait d'un coup de pinceau.

One thing that would have made me very happy would have to find a colour I liked within the range that Farrow & Ball has to offer. Indeed I found out while using their All White paint on my ceiling and on my window, that their paint is lovely and that I'm not allergic to it.

Ce qui m'aurait fait vraiment très plaisir, c'est de trouver la couleur de mes rêves dans la gamme que propose Farrow & Ball. En effet, j'avais adoré leur peinture blanche choisie pour mon plafond et ma fenêtre. Je m'étais alors aussi aperçue que je n'y étais pas allergique.

I had kept in my inspiration files a few pictures where I loved the colour of the paint used and so I tried to track down the name of the paint. Some bloggers were even nice ebough to answer me. It turned out two of them where actually the same Teresa's Green by Farrow & Ball. I heard angels sing when I read that.

Teresa's Green on the kitchen cabinets

J'avais mis de côté dans mon fichier inspiration des photos dans lesquelles la couleur de la peinture me plaisait. J'ai donc recherché quelle était la peinture utilisée, certaines blogueuses ont même été très gentilles et ont répondu à mes questions. Deux des photos représentaient la teinte "Teresa's Green" de... Farrow & Ball. Je le jure, les anges se sont mis à chanter quand j'ai découvert cela.

Teresa's Green on the walls

Now, if you follow the blog Modern Country Style, you may have read Sarah's numerous studies on Farrow & Ball paints. She's the best to explain how their paint changes depending on the light. You can also see that on my inspiration pictures. That is so true. When I bought a sample of Teresa' Green and tried it on the walls of my cottage, it was beautiful, but had none of the seaglass quality I was looking for.

Teresa's Green on the walls
Si vous n'avez jamais utilisé la peinture Farrow & Ball, laissez-moi vous expliquer une petite chose. Confectionnées avec de l'argile et des pigments naturels, les teintes peuvent varier grandement selon la lumière que reçoit une pièce, comme le prouvent mes photos d'inspiration. J'ai donc acheté un petit échantillon de "Teresa's Green" pour le tester sur les murs de mon Cottage. La couleur était magnifique, mais rendait très sombre avec ma luminosité et n'avait pas la qualité de transparence du verre poli...

Love that bedroom with Teresa's Green on the walls
So I bought a sample of Pale Powder which is a lighter version of Teresa's Green. It looked really perfect in the inspiration pictures I found... and almost perfect when I tried it on my Cottage walls.

Pale Powder
Je suis donc retournée chercher un échantillon de "Pale Powder", une version plus claire de "Teresa's Green" qui était parfaite en photo et vraiment, vraiment pas loin d'être la perfection sur les murs de mon Cottage.

Pale Powder on the kitchen cabinets

Just to be 100% sure, I went back to the shop to buy a sampler of Pavilion Blue as the Farrow & Ball leaflet said it should be used in small rooms to get the effect of Pale Powder. By now, the adorable salesman from the shop was obvisouly making fun of me...

Pavilion Blue
Histoire  d'être sure à 100% de mon choix, je suis retournée à la boutique pour me procurer un échantillon de "Pavilion Blue", car la brochure Farrow & Ball indiquait que cette teinte donnait le même effet que "Pale Powder" dans les petites pièces. Quand le vendeur m'a vu revenir encore une fois, il a ri!

Pavilion Blue

Score! I loved how transparent it looked, like seaglass, really! It also varies from green to blue depending on the light.

Super! J'ai tout de suite adoré le fait que la peinture donnait l'impression d'être transparente et variait du bleu au vert suivant la luminosité, exactement comme le verre poli par la mer...

Some of you had noticed that before I had the kitchen and dining-room reinsulated, I had those samples on the darkest part of the room. From left to right: Pale Powder, Teresa's Green and Pavilion Blue.

Certains d'entre vous avaient remarqué l'an dernier qu'avant de me lancer dans l'isolation de la cuisine et de la salle-à-manger, j'avais ces petits carrés test dans le coin le plus sombre. De gauche à droite: "Pale Powder", "Teresa's Green" et "Pavilion Blue".

Given, the headache situation, there has been no Easter decorating so far at the Cottage, nor no hoovering, moping, mowing and such for that matter! But last year, I used the paint samples I had bought on some eggs and you can see the difference beetween Teresa's Green and Pavilion Blue... I'm so proud I managed to add some Easter in that post about paint samples ;)

Etant donné les maux de tête récents, il n'y eu aucune création de déco pour Pâques au Cottage cette année, pas plus qu'il n'y a eu de serpillère, d'aspirateur ou de tondeuse passés, d'ailleurs! Mais l'an dernier, j'avais utilisé ce qui me restait d'échantillons de peinture sur des œufs et vous pouvez ainsi voir la différence entre "Teresa's Green" et "Pavilion Blue" sur un support approprié à la saison!

I'm a big DIY, but if there's some advice I can give to choose paint here it is. Buy samples, they are expensive, but they can really help you make the right decision, plus you can use them on Easter eggs. Try them on the darkest part of your room. Any shade looks great in bright light, but they really reveal themselves in the dark.

Je ne suis pas une spécialiste, mais voici les petits conseils que je peux vous donner si vous cherchez une peinture. Acheter des échantillons. Ils sont parfois un peu chers, mais ils sont une aide précieuse pour faire le bon choix et en plus, on peut ensuite les utiliser sur les œufs de Pâques! Testez-les dans le coin le plus sombre de votre pièce. Toute teinte a l'air superbe en pleine lumière, c'est dans l'ombre que les pigments se révèlent.

Have a happy Easter weekend!

Passez un bon week-end de Pâques!

See you soon to see how that paint looks on my walls!

A bientôt, je vous montrerai à quoi ressemble cette peinture sur mes murs!

PS1: Little update on the headaches... As I chose to use natural medicine, it's only improving slowly, but it's better than not improving at all with cortisone! Thank you so much to all of you who gave me advice.

Un petit mot sur les maux de tête : comme j'ai choisi d'utiliser des méthodes naturelles, cela ne s'améliore que lentement, mais c'est tout de même mieux que le statu quo obtenu avec la médecine traditionnelle!

PS2: This is what was playing in my head as I was writing (just in case you were wondering about that weird title).

Voilà ce qui se joue dans ma tête en écrivant cet article (juste pour le cas où le titre vous intrigue). 
Maman, je suis sure que tu ne regardes jamais les vidéos, mais là, cela te rappellera des souvenirs, j'écoutais souvent ce morceau quand j'étais à la maison...

PS3: I'm partying with great bloggers.                    


  1. Perfect and beautiful ceiling! Window is also wonderful!!


  2. Absolutely lovely. I think I spend more on samples than on the actual paint! I suppose I could mix them all up and use them....somewhere?
    Where did you find F and B in Brittany?? We used to bring ours over, having tried French paint once. Only once!

  3. The door is Sarah's door from the blog Modern Country Style and you can check her beautiful blog for more pictures.

  4. Hi Magali,

    I would choose Pale Powder or Pavilion Blue. Can't wait to see your kitchen.

    Happy Easter!


  5. Je suis persuadée que tu ferais recette si tu écrivais un roman ménager sur l'art de fignoler un intérieur. Je t'assure que je te lis avec plaisir.
    Passe un excellent weekend pasqual.
    Bisous bisous. Babette

  6. I am glad you are finding at least some relief for your head! I feel for you Magali. On a happy note, looks like your kitchen has chosen a color! I hope it spoke quietly to you and wasn't shouting...

  7. Je partage l'avis de "Poussière du sud"... Tu devrais te mettre à l'écriture dès que tu auras du temps... J'aime beaucoup ta recherche de couleurs douces pour ta cuisine et j'admire ta patience... je ne l'aurais pas tu le sais... A bientôt avec le lapin de Pâques...

  8. Beautiful shades! I'm excited to see the walls all dressed...:) Have a nice Easter weekend. Hopefully those headaches will be history soon!

    Blessings, Vicky

  9. So gorgeous! I can't get F&B paint here, well, not unless I can mail order & then the shipping costs make it ridiculously expensive... Good luck with your choices!

    ps so sorry about the neverending headache. Hope it goes away soon... xoxox

  10. I love those beautiful pale colors. So restful. Hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend, friend. xo

  11. Kissin is one of the greatest male pianists in the world. Actually I know and love this piece and forgot it was Prokofiev. It's a piece my daughter would have fun with due to the humor. I love the color you chose! I'm sorry about your headaches. I empathize with the pain; I had terrible problems, but the root cause is mostly my neck. What is it about renovation?!

  12. You know I love that shade of green for kitchen walls! I can't wait to see what you chose so I can add it to my list of color options!

  13. Firstly I sympathise regarding your headaches, they can be so debilitating. Secondly your paint tips are very welcome indeed as I am just beginning to start the onslaught of updating my house. I'm watching avidly. Have a wonderful Easter and I do hope you get some relief soon xx

  14. All three colours are wonderful - thank you for doing the comparison instead of me. I hope to take advantage of your preliminary work, so it will be easier for me - because i am looking for the perfect glacier lake green among the F & B colours... and i think it is quite close to the sea glass. :-)

    Greets, Katja

  15. I love Evgeny Kissin!! I could listen to his recording of "Pictures at an Exhibition" over and over again. He's a genius.

    Can't wait to see your paint! Happy Easter!


  16. How did I manage to get so far behind on your blog, Magali. I am so sorry about your headache. Hope it is getting better. I love the color you have chosen. Can't wait to see it on the walls. happy Easter. xo Laura

  17. Can hardly wait to see the walls all painted - I just know they will look terrific. So glad to hear that your headache is a little better. Do they even know what is causing it? I get headaches, but it is due to a whiplash from a car accident. Doesn't hurt all the time, but it does flare up at times.
    Have a wonderful Easter.

  18. Is it weird that I am officially in love with a paint color??

    Sorry to hear about your headaches. If it's not stress related, you may want to check into the possibility of allergies against certain foods and/or ingredients.

  19. I love all of these gorgeous colors and I can't wait to see how they look with your new cabinets. You are so right about buying samples. Paint colors are not only effected by the light but it is also effected by the reflection of the color of the walls near it. That is why I also paint a sample area in the corner so I can see how the colors looks with with the light reflecting off of the same color.
    I am so sorry that you are still dealing with the the headaches. Doreen has a great point, I have been on a special diet for years for migraines and it really helps. Let me know if you would like me to send you the list.

  20. Sorry I've not been here. The unseasonably warm weather has meant that the cafe has been super busy and I have been extra tired.
    Sorry also to hear that you have had headaches for so long. I detest having headaches but neurofen always clears them up so I have no good advice on natural remedies I'm afraid.
    I love all three shades and as you say, match pots can always be used on other things !

  21. When we painted our house I am sure we least 10 samples of paint. Nothing was right. But anything would have been better than the horrible mauve-ish color the previous owners had painted the house with. Blech! I am inspired to make the husband paint the cabinets in my island a gorgeous aqua thanks to these lovely pictures.

  22. Looks wonderful, it is fun how dark teresas green look in your room, I have had squares of that as well here and there and in my house it is a very pale gray-green, but the pine floors make everything look more green here. I suppose it varies in different parts of the world as well.

    1. I really love Teresa's Green, it's juts too dark in that particular corner of the room when the weather is grey... And it does happen a lot in Britttany! I think I'll still use it somewhere.

  23. Quand j'achète une trop grande quantité de peinture, j'essaie d'utiliser les restes dans une autre pièce. C'est surprenant la teinte obtenue en fonction de l'exposition.
    Pour les sinusites, le meilleur résultat je l'ai eu avec une séance d'acupuncture.

  24. Hope you had a lovely Easter Magali. I am enjoying the paint hunt! I am not familiar with the F&B colours, as you know I went with Laura Ashley's Eau de Nil for my kitchen, I had it easy! I know you won't go wrong, there are three gorgeous colours.

  25. I love the color you picked! This is all very exciting -- can't wait to see your reveal!

  26. Hi, It's 2023 and I am just reading your comments on FB Teresa's Green and Pavilion Blue-- thank you for all this! I painted my wee kitchen Teresa's Green and then contrasted it with Purbeck Stone in the adjacent but open concept Great Room--it looks wonderful. I may work with Pavilion Blue based on your experience as I love the interplay between blues and greens. Hope you are okay healthwise. For what it's worth, Bach Flower remedies may help, if you don't already use them. Blessings from Teresa in Canada.


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