The Kitchen Project - November Update
So I'm sure the whole world knows by now that I'm working on the cottage kitchen project for next year. I'm also pretty sure everyone is just tired of me making no decision at all...
Bon, je crois que maintenant le monde entier sait que je travaille sur un projet de cuisine pour l'été prochain. Je pense aussi que tout le monde en a marre que je ne prenne aucune décision...
Well, great news! I have made A decision... Before you get all your hopes up, nothing has been done in the kitchen, but making this decision this month was a huge step.
Grande nouvelle, j'ai réussi à prendre une décision ce mois-ci.
When I left my previous home, I really believed I was saying goodbye to fitted kitchens. I was dreaming about the perfect country kitchen with furniture I would collect over the years.
Quand j'ai quitté mon précédent appartement, je pensais que je disais au revoir à ma dernière cuisine aménagée (ma première aussi, d'ailleurs). Je rêvais que ma maison suivante possède une cuisine campagnarde, faite de différents meubles collectés au fur et à mesure des années.
My dream was to have a huge pantry in an old wood cupboard, just like my aunt and uncle have.
J'aurais adoré avoir un garde-manger dans une vieille armoire en bois, comme celle de mon oncle et de ma tante, qui me fait rêver depuis toute petite.
A big traditional range wouldn't look too bad in a fisherman's cottage like me, don't you think?
Nor would a huge vintage sink...
Une superbe cuisinière à l'ancienne serait du plus bel effet dans ma maison de pêcheur, non?
Un bel évier de 3 mètres, aussi...
Now, reality check. Not that I want all my followers to unfollow me right away, but houses in France are smaller than in some other parts of the world.
I have a adorable kitchen (in my mind, at least), but it's about 8.8 feet x 8.7 feet and in this space I need to have :
- a big window (since the window is big and I love it that way, even if it "eats" a lot of wall space);
- a dish-washer (I sell antique dishes, I spend a lot of time hand washing all the items, I need a dishwasher for saucepans and other not too antique stuff I have or I'll let the cats do the washing-up);
- a washing-machine, since I have no laudry room and the bathroom is the size of shoebox;
- a fridge and cupboard, since I have no pantry;
- some counter space, since I love cooking and it's quite useful;
- a place for the cat's litter (might sound stupid, but it's important to remember it when planning the kitchen or I'll have a beautiful plastic litter in the middle of the kitchen later).
It's rather a full kitchen, isn't it?
Bon, maintenant assez rêvé! J'ai fait une liste de tout ce qui doit rentrer dans ma charmante mais petite cuisine:
- une grande fenêtre (ça a l'air idiot, mais elle prend beaucoup de place);
- un lave-vaisselle (je vends de la vaisselle ancienne, je passe énormément de temps à tout nettoyer à la main, alors les casseroles et les poêles ont besoin du lave-vaisselle, ou alors c'est le chat qui les lave, moi, je rends mon tablier);
- un lave-linge puisque je n'ai bien sûr pas de buanderie et puisque la salle-de-bain a la taille d'un mouchoir de poche rétréci au lavage;
- un frigo et des placards car, contrairement à de nombreuses maisons bretonnes, mon cottage n'a pas d'arrière-cuisine;
- du plan de travail d'une façon ou d'une autre parce que depuis 3 ans que je cuisine avec 30 centimètres de plan de travail, j'en ai marre;
- un endroit discret réservé à la litière du chat : cela peut sembler idiot, mais si je l'oublie dans mon plan, il y aura une belle litière en plastique au milieu de la pièce.
So what was this post about again? Oh, right, my first decision about the kitchen! It won't be a free standing unfitted kitchen... It just won't work in the space I have. I may or may not have an idea to keep a few tiny aspects of that kind of kitchen. And no, I won't say an other word, even if you bribe me... Except if it's with my dream Rosières oven.
Donc, qu'est-ce que je racontais au début de cet article? Ah oui, ma première décision à propos de ma cuisine! Ce ne sera donc pas une cuisine faite de bric et de broc comme j'en rêvais, cela sera impossible à rendre pratique dans l'espace que j'ai.
So guess what's coming in December? Finding the cabinets... I can smell a series coming!
Donc devinez ce qui va se passer en décembre? La recherche des meubles de cuisine... Je sens une série se profiler à l'horizon!
Now, you know what would make me feel better? Tell me what kind of concessions you had to make when renovating your house!
Et vous, dites-moi, pour me remonter le moral, quelles concessions vous avez dû faire dans la rénovation de votre maison.
See you soon,
A bientôt,
PS: You can find all the sources for the pictures on my Pinterest board.
PS: You can find me at some awesome parties...

Concessions are hard. When we moved from the house we built in Brittany, we bought a small....very small, bungalow, easy to run, practical for my husband to move around in. BUT...I am still making concessions! My kitchen had to be replaced, I felt depressed every time I looked at the Brown cupboards. white is super, but I had to fit in what I could, not what I dreamt of!
ReplyDeleteso many decisions! Love your inspiration photos. xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteWell, I always think my kitchen is tiny, but you definitely win that contest!! I can't wait to see how you do it!!
ReplyDeleteAs far as concessions, I would love an island, I had one in my previous home and loved it for baking. I have a galley kitchen now, so that definitely went on the "impossible to have" list.
I love love love all your inspiration pictures Magali!! I definitely smell a series.
ReplyDeleteI have loved every step of the journey - it's been quite an adventure!!!! We celebrate Thanksgiving here this week - I don't know if they have this Holiday there but enjoy your week with or without!
ReplyDeleteEh bien moi, à la vue de tous tes problèmes... j'ai tout simplement renoncé à changer ma vieille cuisine estampillée "Qualité France" pour une nouvelle made in ailleurs en contre-plaqué plein de produits toxiques... Et je rêve en regardant toutes celles que tu as trouvé sur le net ! Bon courage et garde ton humour !
ReplyDeleteI love the inspirations. Even when the cabinets are fitted, one can do something clever. I can't wait to see what you do! A special stove would make a statement.
ReplyDeleteI made several concessions given that I only had two walls about 7 feet 8 inches to work with and 83 square feet, but I didn't have to squeeze in a washer and dryer too.
I love them all. I LOVE the inspiration . YOU have an eye for beautiful my friend
ReplyDeleteI pinned a bunch of those pics on my Pinterest kitchen board.
ReplyDeleteHave fun finding the cabinets.
Your kitchen is going to be awesome, no matter what you to with it! I was lucky to have a big kitchen in my last house, and another one in the new house...I won't rub it in. :)
I'm sure whatever you decide on it will be terrific. There wasn't a lot I could do with my kitchen when I bought my home. So I put down slate floors, painted the kitchen cabinets as they were in great shape only UGLY brown color.. Painted them white and put glass in the upper cabinet doors. The previous owners had added on and it was a stupid floor plan. They move the washer and dryer into the addition of kitchen from garage. Well let me tell you - it was loud and in the summer was hotter than the hinges of down below. Could hardly cook in the kitchen and sometimes the drain over flowed.
ReplyDeleteKinda looks like a country french kitchen which I was going for. But is tons better than it was. So my friend pick what makes you happy as you have to live with it for a long time.
Have a wonderful weekend - hopefully I won't eat to much turkey.
I have so enjoyed catching up on your posts! I love the shelf and cutout between your kitchen/dining room :) Concessions....hmmmm. Well, since we just built a new house from the ground up, I've had to make TONS of concessions based mostly on the kitchen, I wanted open shelving, but had to face my own messy lifestyle and realized it just wasn't practical for now. The kitchen is the center of the house, visible from all rooms downstairs. I compromised on countertop materials and went with laminate instead of butcher block or granite due to cost and upkeep. I conceded on my beloved farmhouse sink due to cost as well, but did get a single basin cast iron sink with a brushed gold cottage style faucet. Hmmmm. Lots of other stuff around the house too, but the kitchen is what you're focused on! I love an unfitted kitchen as well, but it wasn't practical for us either. I considered a unique island too, but just went with the matching one to the cabinets.
ReplyDeleteHoping to post some decent pics for my blog this weekend. We were supposed to close and move tomorrow (our third closing date we've missed due to screw-ups by the builder *sigh*)....instead we're looking at 2-3 more weeks of having a finished house sitting right next door that we can't live in yet. :( THAT has been a huge concession as it takes away from my yearly holiday decorating the weekend of Thanksgiving here in the US!
Oh yes, I love all those photos! I've always wanted an AGA, so that one especially appealed to me. When we remodeled an old house, we put our kitchen in an inside room, rather than one that had windows. BUT it is completely open on one end into a large eating area that has a lot of window. And on another wall, we put a 'pass-through- to another room that has a lot of window. You can kinda see it in this post. There are other, all-white kitchens I love, and I do not own an AGA, but I do have a 1913 Home Comfort wood-burning kitchen range as well as a ceramic-top electric range - but this kitchen has been very functional for 24 years and I'm happy with it. Still, those photos are dreamy!
ReplyDeleteI can sympathize because my kitchen is SO tiny!! I'd love to remodel/expand it but don't think that's ever gonna happen!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your choices :)
Such lovely kitchens! What fun you must be having planning yours. I can't wait to remodel mine one day...but it's last on the list! Looking forward to seeing the cabinets you choose...I know they will be lovely and look perfect in your little cottage. Have a blessed week my friend!
ReplyDeleteHugs, Vicky
Life On Willie Mae Lane
I have no doubt that your kitchen will still look great. Sometimes making a concession turns out for the best. I hope this is how it is for you. I imagine I will be in the same boat when we build one day. (PS... I am finding more and more that I love white kitchens. I never thought that would be the case for me, but the more I look at your pics of inspiration, the more I find myself drawn to white.
ReplyDeleteOh boy I could write a long list of second, third and fourth choices that I had to accept while saying goodbye to my first choices for many aspects of our kitchen. I think the important thing is to hold on to a "feeling" that you want the kitchen to portray. You can get that with cupboards but don't give up on that. You just have to become very creative in how you finish off the cupboards. Not sure you are understanding me but for instance, you can make a "box store" cupboard look like a piece of furniture in the way your treat the base of it or the upper part of it.
ReplyDeleteIt will be an exciting series Magali. Looking forward t it.
Your inspiration photos are so pretty. I'd love a free-standing kitchen as well, but those just aren't done here in the US. The only option is IKEA, and that's not the look we'd want...
ReplyDeleteAbout the size of the kitchen, I think you meant 3 meters, which would be almost 10 feet. ;) I think it's a great size, very cozy, but yes, it can be hard to work with.
Oh, I'm so sorry I meant to do the conversion and forgot! You're right it's a little less than 3 meters, which means about 9 feet!!! I don't really like the Ikea free standing kitchen either.
DeleteGood luck finding the perfect cabinets for you! I know that in France kitchens are small, but there are also smaller that usual appliances - for example you can find a small dish washer, small farm sink etc! You could not give up the pantry dream - just find the right pantry for you and if it doesn't fit to the ceiling, add some shelves on top of it. This way you could have your dream kitchen and use every inch of the space for storage!
ReplyDeleteUne rénovation est une suite de concessions...Je rêvais aussi d'une cuisine de bric et de broc. Mais avec 2 portes, une grande porte-fenêtre et le radiateur, le périmètre disponible a diminué à vue d'oeil! J'ai quand même pu garder l'ancien placard vitré (probablement une porte-fenêtre transformée).
Très juste, j'avais oublié le radiateur! Par contre, je me suis résolue à condamner une porte dans la mesure où la vieille porte en bois n'existait plus, elle avait été enlevée par d'anciens propriétaires et l'ouverture n'apportait rien. J'ai réussi à caser mon frigo à cet endroit!
DeleteEven if you have some fitted units, if you manage to fit in a couple of separate pieces, or open shelves, you can still make a kitchen feel individual. I am sure you'll make it look gorgeous, and I'll definitely be along for the ride !
ReplyDeleteWell your one step ahead from last week with your new kitchen. It's all about planning and getting organized. Good job. Love the images. Diane
ReplyDeleteLove all those kitchens ! The vintage sink is my absolute favourite, would love to have it in our kitchen, unfortunately our kitchen is a tiny little place. How many times can I use the word ‘kitchen' ? --> ahh I just did ! Again. LOVE,Izabella.
ReplyDeleteLove all your inspiration photos. Can't wait to see the final result!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much! It's a long process, but I'll be delighted if you join for the ride.
DeleteYou aren't telling a whole lot but I know anything you decide will be fabulous! Great inspiration................Have fun and I hope you do cover all the steps of doing your cottage kitchen! We are still celebrating Thanksgiving with a long weekend with family. Enjoy your weekend...........
The French Hutch
These are all so dreamy! I wish I could have that, too. But I'm afraid I'm stuck with builders grade for now.
ReplyDeleteI know you are up to something good though. I can't wait to see!!!
What ever you do I know it will have cottage charm and coziness! We did not build our home so my kitchen is not my dream, but it's large and nice. We finished our basement recently and the kitchen down there is more my style. lol! I have still tweaking the upstairs kitchen. We painted the island and stove hood aqua and distressed it. I like it much better. Was just way too much wood. Would like to have some glass put in a couple of cabinets next. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
I love the European free standing kitchen pieces, and the farmhouse sinks are lovely! I cannot wait to see what you do :)
ReplyDeleteMoi aussi je rêve d'une cuisine de bric et de broc mais je laisse ça pour les magazines déco , aimant cuisiner j'ai besoin de quelques choses de pratique!
ReplyDeleteBon dimanche . Tinou
Même chose chez moi, j'ai trop besoin d'un plan de travail efficace pour me lancer dans la cuisine de bric et de broc! Bonne fin de weekend et merci de cette petite visite.
DeleteLove the cottage kitchen! We have a Farmhouse sink and I love it. Can't wait to see what you'll decide on. Thanks for always stopping by with your wonderful comments. Happy Sunday!
ReplyDeleteLOVE your cottage - I've been following along and enjoying your posts - can't wait to see what will be next. Our home is somewhat older and has few closet space - storage is a challenge - that's pretty much the biggest thing I've had to work with - but do love my home and love making it mine - that's the joy of it isn't it! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
Magali, I absolutely love all the ideas, especially the wood cupboard. Just one question, which one is your kitchen? Are all inspiration photos or is the last one yours? By the way, I love anything but the cookie cut same old same old in American kitchens becoming way too large in my opinion, so go with what YOU love.
ReplyDeleteLove your sense of humor.=D
Unfortunately, they are all inspiration pictures. Right now, my kitchen is rather a blank slate and I'm working on a floor plan.
DeleteThank you for sharing your inspiration with us at Every Room In The House, Magali. I love everything you've shown. By the way, photo #5 is my dream kitchen. I have that same photo pinned on my Fabulous Kitchens Pinterest board (it's actually the cover photo). So, so charming. If you can do a vintage sink -- large or small -- I say go for it. Have fun! Nancy @ A Joyful Cottage
ReplyDeleteI won't be able to make a farmhouse sink work in my kitchen... But I did manage to find a very 1940's sink that I love and all my friends hate: I say it's a good sign!
DeleteMagali, your decision making process is most entertaining as usual! Indeed I hope there is a cabinet finding series coming up! Your kitchen will be both practical and beautiful if the inspirational pics are anything to go by!
ReplyDeleteHi Magali! I've featured your cottage kitchen project in this month's Every Room In The House party. Thanks for partying with us and I hope you'll link up this month in The Living Room. xx ~ Nancy
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! Am I allowed to share past posts? Because to be honest, nothing's happening in my living-room right now, except for a few cat fights!
DeleteI have a small kitchen and it is always a challenge! Any of your inspiration photos would be a dream kitchen for me as well...
As you've seen, my own kitchen is rather small compared to my inspiration pictures!
DeleteHi...since i was late to the party..aka your blog..i've been poking around at your older..much older posts..i swear you crack me up..hope you really did get to an awesome party.!
ReplyDeleteAwesome kitchens.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful work Done Beautifully it looks amazing I have seen many works but Your works inspire me.
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ReplyDelete"Haha, I totally get the struggle of making big decisions for a project like that! But hey, sometimes taking your time leads to the best results. Can’t wait to see how it all comes together when the time is right!"
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