Cottage Flooring Ideas - part 5
If you've followed the series, you know that I was looking for the best flooring for my French fisherman's cottage. I already ruled out hardwood floor, terracotta and slate, though I loved all these options.
Si vous avez suivi la série, vous savez que je suis à la recherche du sol parfait pour mon petit cottage de pêcheur. J'ai éliminé le parquet, la terre cuite et l'ardoise, même si j'adorais ces différentes options.
Hardwood floor was too dangerous since the cottage is known to be built on wet grounds.
Terracotta and slate were ruled out for "light" reasons. A stone fisherman's cottage has small windows and the light is an issue. There was no way I could pay an architect to see if the cottage would still stand if I opened larger windows, nor did I really want to. Small windows are part of the charm of the cottage.
Le parquet a été mis hors jeu par des problèmes d'humidité. J'ai renoncé à la terre cuite et à l'ardoise pour des questions de luminosité. Ma vieille maison en pierre a de petites fenêtres et un sol sombre absorbe trop de lumière.
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1. Via ? |
I went to different stores but couldn't find any tile that stole my heart, swept me off my feet, melt my heart... You see the kind I was looking for.
J'ai hanté les magasins de bricolage sans rien trouver qui ne me satisfasse vraiment.
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2. Via House to Home |
Then one day, I was looking at a furniture catalogue while sipping tea (I do nearly everything sipping tea), when I noticed that every time I had a "wow" moment on the pictures was when there was a light stone floor.
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3. Via Beautiful Homes of England |
Puis un jour, alors que je feuilletais un catalogue de meubles en sirotant du thé, je me suis aperçue que toutes les photos sur lesquelles mes yeux s'arrêtaient avaient un point commun: un sol en pierre claire.
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4. Via Beautiful Homes of England - see how it reflects the light? |
I just knew it would be perfect for the cottage: it wasn't too dark so it wouldn't trap the light, it looked old so it wouldn't betray the cottage and stone has naturally an uneven aspect that would hide dirty paws (I'm still working on the "wipe your paws" rule with the cats...)
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5. Via House of Turquoise? |
J'ai eu un éclair! C'était parfait pour mon cottage: ce n'était pas sombre et renverrait donc la lumière, ce n'était pas moderne et les variations naturelles de couleur de la pierre cacheraient gentiment les traces de papattes sales (je travaille encore à apprendre aux chats à s'essuyer les pattes et c'est pas gagné...)
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6. Via House of Turquoise |
And then, very heart-lightedly, I checked on the Internet for stone flooring... And bang, I saw the prices and knew it wouldn't be possible...
Toute contente de moi, je suis allée chercher sur Internet des renseignements sur les sols en pierre. Là, j'ai vu les prix et patatras! Hors budget, de très loin!
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7. Via House to Home |
So what's a girl with a cottage dream supposed to do?
a) cry her heart out,
b) stomp her feet till there's a hole in the new slab,
c) find a plan B...
Alors, qu'est-ce que j'ai fait?
a) J'ai pleuré toutes les larmes de mon corps,
b) J'ai tellement tapé du pied qu'il y a un trou dans la nouvelle dalle,
c) J'ai trouvé un plan B...
Is it a, b or c? You'll find out in the next episode!
Alors, a, b ou c? Vous le saurez en lisant le prochain épisode!
Is any of the pictures speaking to your heart as much as it is speaking to mine?
Et vous, laquelle de ces photos vous parle le plus?
Just a quick update on the cottage renovation going on...
En attendant, pour vous faire patienter, des nouvelles de la rénovation du cottage...
A bientôt,
See you soon,
I think floors are the most difficult thing to choose. floors and tiles for walls. I've always had great problems to choose them, so I'm with you in these difficult moments, waiting for more news.
Oh my goodness, I want to move into picture #3!!! Love the whole look, including that great island/table and tile floor - and I hope the dog goes with it. :-)
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Marina.. Floors have always been such a difficult thing to choose.. For me, it is like being in a candy store.. I can never make up my mind... I will say, that the floors in picture #3 and 7 would be on my list.. Well this is such fun!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for visiting Bebe and your sweet words... So happy she gave you a smile.
I think it's a very difficult choice to make because it's not something you can change easily, so you know you'll need to love it for a while, if not for ever.
DeleteWhat a tease.....I do love that "open" stairway.
ReplyDeleteSerai-ce le prince charmant sur l'escabeau ? On ne le voit que de dos !... Sinon la tasse est mignonne comme tout... et les photos me plaisent bien... mais avant que je me lance dans les travaux, il fera plus chaud qu'aujourd'hui !!!
ReplyDeleteI love the kitchen from House of Turquoise! I'm so happy to find you via Anita Rivera! What fun!
ReplyDeleteI love that kitchen as well. Thanks for visiting!
DeleteOooh, all those kitchens are gorgeous. I love the one from Beautiful Homes of England with the dog. Swoon!
ReplyDeleteI think your idea of light floors is brilliant. I have two suggestions. 1. Get the terracotta but whitewash it before you seal it. 2. Go for a ceramic tile with a stone look/feel. I don't know what's available over there, but in my regions, they have inexpensive ceramic tile at the local store that really has that stone look! If you lay them offset (like bricks) instead of in a grid, they really look fantastic.
I can't wait to see what you actually decided!!!
Il doit sûrement y avoir un plan B . Peut-être un PVC qui imiterait la pierre ???
ReplyDeleteRrrrrrr ! J'ai bien cru que j'allais enfin savoir , non non non , tu sais merveilleusement entretenir le suspens .Heureusement que je ne sais pas où tu habites , sinon , je serais venue espionner vite fait (lol).
Bises & A++++++++++++. Babette
Oh, oui, du PVC, j'aime tellement ça! Au fait, tout le monde est bienvenu au cottage pour voir en avance ce que j'ai posé, mais cela a un prix! Il faut venir nettoyer le chantier, parce que, moi, je n'en peux plus!
DeleteI love those tiles, specially from the kitchens. I have Italian hard black tile on my kitchen floor, like a mirror, I love it. The floor I have in white with black insets is marble. Thank you so much for your sweet visit.
ReplyDeleteBig hugs,
I like the light colored stone as well. Can't wait to see what you decided!!!
ReplyDeleteSuch beautiful photos....I am in love with number 5! I can't wait to see what you decided! I really can't wait to see the cottage all finished...:) Can I come for tea when it's done? :)
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Vicky
Life On Willie Mae Lane
I have to tell you everyone in the family and in the neighbourhood now even jokes that it will never be finished. I'll call it a huge improvement when I have a sink in my kitchen again!
DeleteOh, Magali! You should write books! You are so good at leaving your readers with a "tease"!! I cannot wait to see what you decided for your floor. These posts are so much fun - keep them coming!!
ReplyDeleteLjusa golv av sten är sååå vackra tycker jag rummet blir så ljust av det. Hoppas du finner rätt golv spännande att se hur det blir.
ReplyDeleteHa en fin vecka utan regn. Här regnar det
Kram Meta
si c'était moi....j'aurais tapé du pied !!! je suis very impatient ! mais je pense que tu as suivi le plan c, je me trompe ??
ReplyDeleteet la jolie tasse aux roses en china bone...I got it ! the same one and I love it very much , Have a nice evening.
I'm singing in the rain for the moment!et je vote pour la photo 3, la cuisine, le chien, l'ilot central et la chaise d'enfants....
Marry Poppins
Magali, thank you for stopping by today and visiting my little corner of the world. Ok, I am a huge flooring person because it can really make or break a room. No. 6 is my favorite and I love the lovely color. I hope you can find an alternative to what you like that comes close. Look forward to seeing your renovation!
ReplyDeleteHello Magali I too would LOVE the stone - it does have the 'wow' factor - your inspirational pictures are gorgeous! Can't wait to see what you end up putting in - I am always Delighted when you join Home and Garden Thursday,
ReplyDeleteI appreciate you,
Oh it's going to be the coziest cottage when you get through with it my friend. Love how light the stone flooring is too. I know you will come up with a clever alternative. Sometimes a girl has to compromise. I really wanted a light countertop in our basement kitchen. Everything light was marble and extra money. I did not want to spend the extra cost on a basement. I compromised and went with the lightest granite I could find. It looks great and I am happy. Soon you will be doing the happy dance too. Thanks for sharing with SYC.