Humidity in Old Houses - part 6
The summer I turned my house from this
was one where all my plans for my house changed.
L'été des grands travaux où la dalle de la maison a été refaite a changé beaucoup de choses dans mes projets pour la maison. Voici quelques unes des conséquences.
Here are some of the consequences:
1. The draining system is effective (yeah!), so I was able to keep the stone wall showing.
Le drainage installé fonctionne plutôt bien, je peux donc garder mon mur en pierres apparentes.
2. Because all the downstairs walls had to go down to do the new slab, I got the chance to slightly change the floor plan, which was not something I had thought I would do. More on that later.
Parce que toutes les cloisons du rez-de-chaussé ont dû tomber, j'ai pu les modifier un peu, je vous montrerai ça plus tard.
3. I don't have as much money anymore as I thought I would have for the kitchen. So I'll need to re-think my whole idea of what my kitchen will be. I must confess that I'm stealing ideas from many blogs, so that I'll still be able to have a kitchen. Hopefully this will be the 2014 project. As some of you noticed, I'm patient.
As for now, this is what I cook on and believe it or not, I cook each and every one of my meals.
Payer la nouvelle dalle a mangé le budget prévu pour la cuisine de luxe qui était mon rêve. Je vais donc devoir faire preuve d'imagination pour pouvoir avoir une cuisine... Et en attendant, je fais toutes mes recettes sur ces petites plaques d'étudiante: ça me rajeunit (il faut toujours voir le verre à moitié plein).
4. I don't have money for all the beautiful furniture I had envisioned when I bought the house. So I began surfing the Internet and the French site Le Bon Coin for second-hand furniture. That's where the side table above (we call it a violin table) or the china cabinet in the dining-room come from. I love the search for beautiful pieces! I will keep you updated with what I can find.
Je n'ai plus les moyens d'acheter les meubles que j'avais en tête en visitant la maison. Mais je cherche de quoi meubler la maison sur Le Bon Coin et j'adore cette quête du meuble qui sera parfait dans mon cottage!
5. I've also decided to keep most of the furniture I had from my previous appartments, sometimes from my very first student one-room apartment. I think I'm going to make some of them more coherent with the stone cottage by repainting some of them... I'm just a beginner and I hope you won't laugh at my mistakes (sometimes it is laughable) and you'll feel free to enlighten me with your knowledge and experience!
Sneak Peek of what I've been working lately! |
6. I even learnt to sew in order to save some money. Ok sewing is a big word, heming would be closer to reality. But it's not easy for me; so don't be surprised if I untitle a post "big reveal" when I just shortened a curtain.
Je me suis même mise à la couture pour avoir des rideaux moins chers que ceux faits sur mesure... Là encore, je débute et je ne suis pas douée... Ne vous étonnez pas si je présente donc comme un exploit tout ourlet plus ou moins droit!
Thank you to all of you who read the series and gave your advice in the comments or by email. I have been very surprised at the response to these posts and very happy that it helped me making new friends in blogland. I hope you'll follow the next adventures (and maybe misadventures) of my old cottage, as I go on the untaken-for-me-yet roads of DIY.
Merci à tous ceux qui ont suivi cette série. et m'ont donné des conseils aussi bien dans les commentaires que par mail. J'ai été surprise du nombre de lecteurs sur ces articles parfois un peu techniques et pas très déco et j'espère que vous suivrez les prochaines aventures et mésaventures du cottage.
Thanks for stopping by,
See you soon,
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Quand je vois tout ce que tu arrives à cuisiner avec tes 2 plaques électriques et ton petit four, je te dis bravo ! Bravo aussi pour tes essais en couture, en déco...
I really enjoyed this post Magali and I love what you've done with your house! The stone wall is beautiful and what a blessing you were able to keep it! I cooked on one of those two burner things for several months last year until I was able to get a new stove. I can't wait to see what you do next!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Vicky
Life On Willie Mae Lane
You do not know a carpenter or so? They tear out so many functioning stoves every week, if you want to upgrade a little bit =) we did a little student kitchen for less than 300euro with ikea udden and some renovation casualties
I think a cheap kitchen can be ever so fantastic as an expensive one. Not the same, and with more time, but equally superb.
Oh but look what you have already done to your beautiful home; the stone wall is so gorgeous; I love your dining area. You are very talented and resourceful---I can't wait to see what you've done next. Love your spaces--my kind of living! Blessings and have a great weekend! Patty
ReplyDeleteI just love your cottage and watching it take shape into what you are transforming it into. I'm living thru you. My husband would never go for an old house. It's my dream to have one and remodel it. Although I know what a pain it could be and how much it would cost, it's still a dream. (Maybe I need to start play the lottery. Then I could afford to do it for a vacation home.)
ReplyDeleteI'm not a sewer at all, so even a hemming would impress me.
That's a neat little stove. I can't say that in the past year I was as good as you in regards to cooking! When my spouse was home he would barbecue, but cold food and the microwave were used a lot, so much microwaving that I didn't put one in my kitchen! We were given a toaster oven and its marvelous.
ReplyDeleteIt's so pretty!!! What's blogging for, but to get some ideas and make them your own!
I have Pinterest boards with lots of cute ideas, and probably inexpensive, because achievable was why I pinned them under Colorful Kitchens, Rustic Kitchens, Cottage Kitchens, and Fun Kitchens.
Good for you on the sewing! My daughter decided to take some of her piano win and buy a sewing machine to teach herself. She's doing great with the hemming and has made a couple of pillows for gifts. It's a handy skill to have.
So many of us have done slow renovations and we keep tweaking them! Your first floor is such a dramatic presentation -- well done! Yes, sewing makes for some terrific posts and we'll look forward to more. Thanks for stopping by Atticmag. Jane
ReplyDeleteIt sometimes takes perseverance to get through a renovation, but you are off to a wonderful start. And an added plus is your patience! I love to read about cozy, little homes like yours. They always draw me in!
ReplyDeleteAfter 45 years of marriage (I am 64) we are beginning to start of painting our old dark furniture. My hubby stayed home today to work more on the piece we started earlier in the week but only had evenings to do. I can already say - I AM LOVING IT! Of course - as you are familiar with in your projects - the house is a MESS right now. We are using Cece Caldwell chalk paint for the buffet but some pieces we just plan to paint white or pink.
It isn't always about MONEY anyway - to some degree it is our ability to envision something and be successful at creating.
I am amazed at all you've done and your home is unreal. You had such a vision. Love it. Hugs, Marty
ReplyDeleteNow that is some makeover. Love, love it! So happy that you were able to keep the stone wall. Think of all the history behind it. If I laugh, we will be laughing together, not at you! Best of luck. Can't wait to follow the adventure!
Magali, you are an inspiration, you are sensible and patient. I really like what you have done so far in renovating your cottage. I don't have experience in renovating BUT I know when we built our house, it was made by hand by a local carpenter, so I was thinking that if you could locate or interview some, you might find a generous person who can put together a kitchen for you. It is amazing what a lovely paint colour can do and also a carpenter might know others in the building trade where there are left over materials. It is just a thought, even for shelves etc. All the best and it is nice following your journey. Ann
ReplyDeleteI am so impressed with what you have done and finding furniture second hand is the best.
Hi Maghali, I’m in, I will be watching your every move. You are living my dream, to renovate and decorate a cottage in France! I’m so happy you were able to keep that beautiful stone wall and your dining room looks fabulous. How lucky to be shopping all the fleas for your furnishings. I look forward to you sharing your cottage adventure.
The French Hutch
It's so impressive to see the transformation already Magali - I can't see that stone wall often enough!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd even us " seasoned " furniture make very laughable mistakes - trust me on that one - I just messed up
a piece so badly that's it's even uglier than when I bought it lol
Keep doing what you're doing ( and I'm very jealous that you're now sewing too )
I enjoy "big reveals" even if they are simple things.
ReplyDeleteSecond hand furniture is sometimes far better than what you can purchase today.
I will back to see what else you are doing with your little white house on the seaside.
Je découvre ton magnifique blog, ça me laisse rêveuse !
ReplyDeleteBravo pour cet ourlet, moi qui suis débutante également en couture, je suis toujours fière des miens aussi !
je vois que ton jardin est déjà bien fleuri, nous à part les crocus et les perce-neige !
bonne continuation et à bientôt
Merci de cette visite... d'un coin plus froid que la Bretagne apparemment! A bientôt!
DeleteSlow and steady is the way to go for sure! My renovations are all moving at glacial pace. When you are working on a very very very tiny budget, sometimes that's the only way you can go! I like it, though, it gives me time to be thoughtful about things and think through things before I make big commitments. I love what you're doing and I look forward to seeing more! ~Angela~
ReplyDeleteI like what you did to your house. And I can't wait to see what you'll do to your kitchen! I cooked for one whole summer with a corn popper and an electric skillet! We were fed!
ReplyDeleteLove that stone wall! So glad you could keep it! Thank you for linking this up with Rustic Restorations Weekend!