Saturday, July 13, 2013

Muse Meets Life

The Mystery July Series - part 1

So, just like everyone says about blogging, I  had it all planned in my  head. A great series for July that would explain you piece by piece what my  project was for this month.

Comme le recommandent tous les blogueurs, j'avais tout plannifié dans ma tête pour vous écrire une série haletante sur mon projet du mois de juillet.

As  holidays  began on July 6th here in France, I was to have plenty of time to write everything my Muse had whispered to me when I was lying in bed supposed to sleep.

Les vacances commençaient pour moi le 6 juillet et je pensais donc avoir tout le temps de travailler sur cette série que ma Muse murmurait doucement à mon oreille.

Unless, Life became jealous of my Muse, they fought and Muse lost.

Sauf que la vie était un peu jalouse de toute l'attention que j'accordais à ma Muse. Elle a décidé de se battre et elle a gagné!

It all began after a perfect first Sunday of holidays: sun, long morning of thrifting in "empty-your-attic" sales (our yard sales) in little villages on the seaside (on the pictures), where I found among other things a darling teapot,  and even an ice-cream. Yes, it was ice-cream hot, which is really rare in Brittany.

Tout a commencé un dimanche parfait: vide-greniers dans des petits villages en bord de mer, une superbe théière dénichée sur un stand et même une glace au soleil.

I  thought it would be nice to end the day with a nice summer salad. I  added anchovies, as it is traditional in my  family. I began eating and felt a sudden pain in my  throat. Like a fishbone stuck. A fishbone, in a salad? Let me laugh... Wait! The anchovies!

Le soir, j'ai pensé qu'une petite salade estivale serait parfaite pour terminer cette journée. J'y ai ajouté quelques anchois comme on a l'habitude de le faire dans ma famille. Et là, à la deuxième bouchée, douleur intense comme si une arrête se coinçait dans la gorge. Une arrête dans la salade? Ne me faites pas rire..... ARGGH! Les anchois!

I'm an optimist, so I thought I'd go to bed and I'd feel better in the morning. Not! Long story short, I went to the doctor, who said I had to go the next day to a otolaryngologist. And so, the next day, a tiny camera went down my throat and there is was! The fishbone, about half an inch. I  asked: "What can we do?" "Get it," said the doctor with extra long tweezers in his hand.

Toujours optimiste, je suis allée me coucher en pensant que le lendemain je n'aurais plus mal. Eh, ben, le lendemain, j'étais chez le médecin et le surlendemain chez l'ORL qui était tout content de voir avec sa super caméra l'arrête bien plantée derrière l'amygdale.

Not the best moment of my life, but not the worse either. I  thought the holidays could really begin then.

Naïvement, je lui demande: "Qu'est-ce qu'on fait?" - "On va la chercher!" m'affirme-t-il, avec une immense pince à épiler dans la main. Pas le meilleur moment de ma vie, pas le pire non plus. Et au moins, après, les vacances pouvaient commencer!

That was until I  went to the car park to get my  car and saw a paw hanging from a car... A cat was stuck in there.
Of course, I  couldn't just walk away. So, guess who has a cat waiting for his owners in her garage???

Ou non! En retournant à ma voiture, que vois-je dépasser d'une voiture garée à côté de la mienne? Une patte de chat! Il était coincé sur la petite plate-forme du pare-choc, dans un état assez pitoyable. Du coup, devinez qui a un chat qui attend ses maîtres dans son garage?

I just spent two days looking for the owners of that cat... with no luck. Sorry about the great number of pictures, I'm just hoping somebody in Brittany reads my blog and knows the cat!

Si vous êtes bretons et que vous connaissez ce chat, vous pouvez me contacter. Si vous êtes bretons et que vous voulez lui servir de famille d'accueil, merci aussi de me contacter. Si vous voulez juste offrir des croquettes, je ne dis pas non!

So the July project? It's a bit on the late side!!! But you first clue is in the boxes in my garage behind the cat and the many boxes I put in the dining-room just so the cat would have some space to move in the garage. Any ideas?

Alors, ce projet du mois de juillet? C'est à vous de deviner ce que c'est! Un indice: cela a un rapport avec les multiples cartons qui sont dans le garage derrière le chat et avec ceux que j'ai transporté au milieu de ma salle-à-manger pour laisser un peu d'espace au chat. Des idées?

Shadow would love to show you what's inside the buffet,  but I say it's too early!

More clues to help you solve the mystery in the next post!

D'autres indices dans l'article suivant!

A bientôt,

See you soon,


I'm joining:

   I would love to have you join me for my link party, Share Your Cup!                           


  1. He's a pretty cat. I love his eyes.

  2. wow! gorgeous scenery. the cat is beautiful & so unusual.
    look forward to the next clue ;)
    thanks so much for sharing my giveaway.

  3. Reading your blog is definitely like reading a great mystery! Glad the bone is OUT and please have some R & R this weekend!

  4. I think you have a cat now, he looks very content.

  5. Oh my goodness! You have had more than your share of adventure these past few months. I hope your throat wasn't too sore for long.

    What a gorgeous kitty. Gorgeous. Even if no one claims, he was lucky to find you in this universe.

  6. Oh my goodness, what an amazing post. First of all I am so glad the fishbone is removed and I hope you are okay Magali. Your photos are so nice, what a stunning location and nice to enjoy an ice-cream. The cat looks very much at home now! I really enjoy reading your blog, it is my favourite! Ann

    1. I forgot to add the teapot is simply gorgeous.

  7. Your photos are gorgeous, and I love how you tell a story! Happy that your fish bone is out…

    1. Thanks a lot for that sweet comment. It's making my evening, since I had a rough day!

  8. Que d'aventures , j'espère que ta gorge n'est pas douloureuse .
    Ce chat de hasard t'était destiné , j'en suis sûre , alors pourquoi t'en débarrasser , ça s'est passé un peu comme ça chez moi & cinq chats sont arrivés & sont restés de peur de les confier à des gens que je ne connaissais pas vraiment .
    Quel est donc ce projet de juillet ...............j'sais pas , il n'y a rien qui dépasse , mais je suis l'affaire avec intérêt .
    Bises . Babette

    1. Je pense que je vais être sage et ne pas garder ce petit nouveau, qui est jeune et peut donc trouver une famille. Je garde les vieux. Par contre, je vais charger une association de lui trouver une nouvelle famille, de façon à ce que ce soit sérieux.

  9. Quoique , peut-être veux-tu faire un coin bar avec un pan de mur recouvert avec des couvercles de caisses de vin & leurs jolis noms de chateaux???
    Bises . Babette

  10. Wow, what a month (so far!) Glad you got that fishbone out as that sounds like it would be painful and uncomfortable.

    I also hope the cat finds it's owners beautiful! I grew up with cats, but have a dog now. Sometimes I miss the cats...not as needy :)

    Mystery...I saw wood? Maybe to plank a floor or ceiling? Hmmmmm.....

  11. Bon, après l'arête et le chat... il y a maintenant la panne de voiture... mais j'espère bien que c'est ta dernière tuile !!! Courage, il fait beau !

  12. déménagement?
    installation d'un super atelier???

  13. Magali - I have been away from blogging part of the summer, but just caught up with your tour of Paris. Oh, how I wish that I could spend a day there this summer! I am not sure, when I will return - maybe, next year. I am so happy that you received a good report from the doctor. I have the same issues and have to be checked constantly! Your new cat has pretty blue eye - hope you find the owner! P. S. Happy Bastille Day!

  14. The Adventures of Magali - this is what your blog should be called my friend! It is too funny all the things that happen to you! Go happy the fishbone is removed. I had that happen with a chowder, only I didn't get the bone removed and it hurt my throat for over a week. Of course you could not leave a kitty in need, especially one so sweet and beautiful. Perhaps there is a rescue organization that can help you get out the word that you have him. In the meantime I hope you can keep him so that he doesnt have to go to a shelter. Wishing you and your new friend a happy week, I do hope you find his people and enjoy your summer holiday time. Patty/BC

    1. Given how this new week is beginning, I'm seriously considering changing the blog's name with your suggestion!!!

  15. Wow, you do have some adventures, glad the fish bone is out, it sounds painful. The cat is so cute, I hope you find his owner, and I love your teapot.
    Are you building shelves for your china collection ?

  16. Glad that the fish bone was removed--not a fun way to start a summer holiday :) That cat is gorgeous!

  17. New shelves? I love that cat...he's gorgeous!!!


  18. Oh my! I'm so glad you got the bone out of your throat -- hopefully things will settle down a bit now! The cat is charming -- if you can't find the owner will you keep him? ~Angela~

  19. I am so excited that I found your blog! Since visiting France last year I have fallen in love with all things French and I love Home renovations so this blog is perfect! I love that you write both in English and French so I can try to learn the language. The cat is beautiful and you are so kind to give it shelter! I just joined the blogging world so would love it if you would visit my blog and follow it if it's to your liking. Even if you chose not to I will still continue to follow your adventures!
    -Khammany H @

  20. That is rough about the fish bone. Wow! But the cat is GORGEOUS! Surely someone is missing it and will find it soon.

  21. I have been experiencing days like this - have many, many plans and get very little accomplished! Sorry about that fish bone - so glad they were able to locate it and to remove it! The cat is sweet - hope you can find the owner! Maybe :) Can't wait to see what is in all those boxes! Not great at guessing. I am so late - so sorry - like I said - my days have not gone according to plan - I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,

  22. what a cutie thanks so much for linking him up and displaying my button means the world to me did you find his parents?? are you keeping him??

  23. Oh you big tease! Wish that cute kitty would have lifted his paw right up and opened the box for us to take a little peek. That fish bone story is awful! Can't believe you slept with it in all night. So glad you got it out. Love the teapot! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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